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Posts posted by TacoWhisperer

  1. Hey there, I found a fix for it. 
    Its rather long and boring one, but hopefully this helps

    Copy paste of what I sent to support team 


    I ran into issue with game re-setting setting on every launch and I found a way to fix it, which is not available on forum or anywhere that I looked. 

    First of all there are three different issues that you might need to fix it
    Issue A) OneDrive or other "online storage" to save your mydocuments folder (disabled it)

    Issue B) Any special letters in user name for the user folder in windows 
    Like "C:\Users\volko" etc but with special symbols, I was lucky not  to have this issue.

    Issue C) the one that caused issue for me, was my sound device name which is "Razen Mano'War" containing ' in it. Causing the game to unable to parse the settings file and resetting them entirely. 
    How did I fix it - used Geforce experience to set optimized settings which changed the sound device in sound settings from
    <option name='audio-device' value='Headset Earphone (Razer ManO'War)'/>

    <option name='voice-chat-output-device' value='Headset Earphone (Razer ManO'Wa'/>
    <option name='voice-chat-input-device' value='Generic Software'/>

    <option name='audio-device' value='DirectSound Default'/>

    <option name='voice-chat-output-device' value='Generic Software'/>
    <option name='voice-chat-input-device' value='Generic Software'/>

    This had fixed the file parser issues, there are other various devices that contain special names in the settings, but this can work as temporary workaround. 

    Feel free to contact me for additional info

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