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Posts posted by saeshi

  1. I was watching old bns vids and god they where sooo good ppl where actualy trying to improve lean improvise haveing fun, when show ur skills where more important than get some points to get some usless rewards you only cared about that last week. and you can see it and goshhh i want to play it again those old bns moves where soooo technical and fluid was harder  now there is not too much room to actualy improve other than gamesense and thats it it feels slower and everyone just care about get rewards at the end of the season for the endless pve farm so they wintrade.

    more than complain its just a point if you look old vids you can see the energy of trying to be the best, there are some left but they just give up to wintraders but everyone else just left gosh i wanna play angaist virus sanctioned sikks vape gummy cassis and many others again or anyone that want to be at the top no by wintradeing

    but now there is no too much room for that there is all autoblocking, auto dps, auto everything it feels slower less technical and it is slowly trasforming into a SMARTPHONE game.

    i tryed to comeback but cant with this... i just hope someone buy BNS out of ncsoft and give the love he deserves and NA staff could do what they think is best becouse right now and before i kinda feel like bns na wants to do changes and fixes but they dont have a voice.

    i really hope bns gets buyed buy some other company and give love to it becouse thats the only way bns n/a could be fun again... it have the potencial, but that does not seem to be korean ncsoft goal.


  2. uhh i have like 3 destros on tops so i can tell that 
    first why are u even using shadow in pvp was kinda painful to see unless is angainst warlock like vape used to... use earth,  or iron build if you dont wanna go for the ez brroken one
    2 the force master wallbang is intended like always have been here  thats why u always have to lure them to use their grab and iframe it same with BD
    3 bm op aereal combo can be interrput if u know the timing for the roll its hard but it can be done but hey they always have been a hard class to play angainst
    4 BD dmg yes is insane but is not a insta kill,  you will be low hp if he got you but is not the end of the fight  anyways its not impossible but yes is not balanced by a bit is one of the classes   that most of other classes have problems
    5the class that should be complaining is archer and gunner chesse builds those actualy insane
    archer: the 90% aereal build is well known  and is ture no rolls or tab i would like to see a bit more of groundgame the idea is have more dmg and have less defense but no need to make it on aereal dmg 
    and also gunner if is good 1700+ normaly they can win the opening by insta aereal you and if they got u at the start they win it its more like the frist that chesse it wins

    those 2 are the ones i think need something the others ones i dont think so it always have been like that i mean its not a game that they pay attencion to balance on pvp they think more about pve soo cant complain for details like KFM Smite never lands or triple kick but at least fixing some of the dmg...

    honestly they will never nerf , balance or "fix" xD they will prefer just buff a class and make waayyy easyer to play and do dmg without doing too much tech stuff
    oh w8 they arelady are doing it its called "3rd spect"

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