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Posts posted by EvolMax

  1. 3 hours ago, Avatamsa said:

    Yes, we get it, players with decent gear can have a pretty decent money farm. Now let's focus on the real problem here, games bleeding players is nothing new. The problem with BnS is that it's losing players more than it's generating....why? Well there's just a plethora of problems:

    1) Lack of a proper tutorial, this wouldn't be a problem if the game just didn't lack any shape or form of skill check until way in. Of course it's easy to blame the braindead players, when the game tutorial on mechs is literally BT because no other dungeon has soft-mech to teach players how to actually play. Nevermind the fact that good luck with your rotation being severely butchered by the lack of badges and such.

    2) The grind, while necessary, it hits so suddenly, one minute you are killing story bosses, the next minute the game basically says "farm this everyday for 3 months straight and maybe you will see content like static VT", we are not talking about people with geared friends, we are talking about fresh people that know nothing about the game and that possibly come in group between 2-4 players, that are turned off immediatly by how suddenly the difficulty spikes. Imagine a new player wanting to try sogun's lament. TLDR the grind has to be smoothened, it scales too hard for too little gain.

    3) Hardcore elitism, we get it that people want fast runs but holy ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤, I've seen in faction new people with raven stage 6 actually getting refused from BT raids because their DPS was too low, W H A T? And this extends to half of the lobbies requiring insane gear for the lowest dungeons, 1400+ AP for avalanche den mmk. "Just create yer own lobby ya dummyboi" yeah I'm pretty sure that many people want to run Naryu Sanctum at any time of the day as I'm sure that a party full of newbies will be able to complete it with them having next to 0 coordination and knowledge about it. This is again the lack of tutorial's fault, newbies need to be carried, if they are carried they become braindead, by becoming braindead they are never able to do semi-serious content, by never doing it they get discouraged and quit, if you don't help them it becomes a trial by fire which not many survive.

    4) Variety, this goes from the start to the end, I get it, it's a fighting game, grinding is the core, alright, but farming the same ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ literally for hours to no end, no variables, absolutely no change in the boss rotation, most games are smart enough to implement some sort of rotation in that to get rid of the monotony, bns has none of that, beside spamming the same 3 dungeons. At least they are trying to fix it by adding fishing or whatever, but the game needs some variety, you can't keep it alive on so few dungeons for so long. Besides endgame players literally just log in once a week for raids and that's it.

    5) Optimization, I might not have a NASA PC but sure as hell I got a decent one, there's no way a game with such mediocre graphics (in 2019) is running so ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ poorly. I can run modern games easily with stable 60fps with high graphics and yet in BnS I'm forced to go CTRL+F in raids on lowest settings just to get a stable 30, are you memeing me? Now imagine a new player in the same situation as me, or even worse and I'm pretty sure there is a fair amount of those. They'll just be like "20 fps on random fog effect at asuras? welp guess I'll play something else". UE4 is supposed to come? Well it better hurry the f up because other MMO are gonna be released this year and it will steal a good chunk of the population.

    6) Team dependence, now I'm pretty sure this is mostly a personal issue, but BnS in the first year and half was a game that was enjoyable as a solo player, sure you had to have a party for each dungeon, but if something rubbed you wrong, you could have just left, never to see those people again. Fast forward to today, you have to literally chain yourself to 11 more people to do raid content behind which is locked half of the relevant gear progression, are you kidding me? This completely kills the solo player and don't say "just buy a raid run lmao" because it's not a solution, you're just giving your hard earned gold to some guys you wanted to have nothing to do with to begin. An MMO can be an MMO without rubbing in your face "be in a clan and force yourself to be social". Look at Elsword, look at Soulworker (altho bad management killed it RIP)


    TLDR: this game offers literally nothing but the combat system, of which it's severely dumbed down to the point of not being enjoyable anymore. I remember having to actually mantain a rotation in between bosses attack instead of spamming every single dps skill as soon as it's off cooldown. The lack of in-game tutorials, elitisim and optimization are completely decimating the new players that were bound to come due to the game popularity. Variety and team dependence ultimately kills the fun in the game as you are forced to go through extremely repetitive content while also having to rely extremely hard on other people own skill level on harder content with no way to get it later without being severely delayed in gear progression. Remember avalanche den? The entire party would wipe but as long as you were the pro at timing 8 iframes you could single handely carry it.


    This without mentioning the blatant advantages paying players have, there are plenty of ways to incite players to pay without straight out giving them 20k gold worth of items in a Trove, at the moment is several times more efficient to actually go to work and pay with your wage than to play. Imagine that, everyone one day would just log in to swipe to get max gear and then log out. Game would be empty like that, it would be a money-making game yes, but would you consider it alive?


    Btw I know you're not going to read this but if you want to reply to this book at least be constructive about it.


    lack of tutorial there is literally a guide for everything including events we are having at the moment in several languages just use that thing called "google" 
    like i said to do NS to TSM which u can find a party without being kicked + doing the solo dungeon which are also clearable with raven weapon will take u maximum of 2-3 hours what heavy grind? heavy grind would be the hard core people on a new raid release that go 7 hour 6 days a week to clear it or other games that all u do is killing mobs over and over and over again solo "farming gear" for hours just so u can go do a raid or with a crafting system that forces u to go gather mats for 3 hours oh please dont start with me compering other mmos lol and yeah some people mostly "FR" the special ones are those with the rooms like "NS 1.4k only" but most people like me and ive seen other end game gear that carry anyone in F8 because its literally 5mins per dungeon for us and obviously people that pay real money have the luxury to skip all that boring "farming and slow gearing up phase" and go straight to 2hours a day quick sm to bc or w/e and maybe some 6v6 and log off compare to KR where there items and features that not even available to f2p players i would say ncwest did a nice job helping out f2p players u can get anything w/o paying just have the time to farm u dont like to farm? fine dont farm dont play no one forcing u go play on korean server and see whats a p2w game looks like but u coming and shiting on a game just cauase you are jelly the whales have it easier well not u specifically but most the of the forum/reddit are full of those cry baby kids that look at the rich kid and go cry to mommy "why they can have it and i cant?" lol and about opt game i agree they could do a better job but it all depends on KR devs 

  2. jewels/Elements are 10 with 10ss crystals and 5sc which u supposed to have enough coz they drop from the 2 boxes u get from each dungeon and even if u go for the 20g per jewels/elements its 2.4k per for 130 of them which u can make that amount of money in 10 days as ive mentioned in previous comment so 10 days to get 130 jewels isnt not good for u? just do 8 dungeon+ solo dungeon+ weeklies get ur 2k+ gold per 10 days or go back to the zoo geez people these days


  3. Just now, RavTH said:

    It's not funny, unless you want this game to die fast then laugh cause that's whats going to happen. People didn't get lazy, it's the game it requires more from a f2p player and even players that play since beginning. MMO is Grind but this is either Grind 2 years or swipe which THAT's funny. That's why people quit, you need to spend mad money to upgrade 1 piece of gear like soul or pet.

    mad money? lol you clearly dont know how to bns just by doing 9 dungeons+solo dungeons which takes what? 2 hours u make 160+ gold perday not including weeklies/raids bt/vt which are farmable now so lets say u make 2k gold per 10 days wait for trove evo stones go down in price u buy and craft oils holy sh*t im a genius is not hard to farm gold or if u more into 6v6 and have somewhat decent gear which not hard to upgrade after they fused all mats basically gave u bunch for free u can farm MS and sell them heard they are 6gold each heard if u farm for some hours a day u can make up to 600 gold per day wow you are welcome for the free gold farm guide btw

  4. whats so funny? its mmorpg its supposed to be heavy farm game that takes years of playing and maybe u get max geared and always has been like this everygame but people got lazy recently and just want everything within few months and then what? move on to another game? yeah sure whales have an easier time gearing up becuase they are spending money you except to get the same for free you dont go to the same store with 100$ and comlain about another guy that bought with 1k$ right? same here so stop with the "you only care about whales" bs thats life kappa now go farm and cya in 2 years when u get max tt gear rofl

  5. wait so you expect from a new player to get max gear in 2 months? you do know that mmorpgs are all about the grind and some take years to get max geared if thats your problem mmorpgs aint for you go play league of legends where both teams start lvl 1 and its all about skill no money no farm needed to win matches rofl and about the new gear/content every few months of course they gonna release that because people that play the game already sitting on max gear and waiting for new stuff to do "lets deley the updates by 2 years to let everyone the chance to catch up" right? lol dude you are delusional so yeah with your mind set you should really go and find a different game no one and i mean no one forcing you or anyone else to play this game leave us with your toxicity and let people get back to grinding im done here cya 

  6. 45 minutes ago, RavTH said:

    White Knights everywhere.
    "I have already alt wit TT gear max" "Lol ez clear just 450k dps TT done. ezklap"
    The amount of White Knights in this thread is the amount of whales you will see here.

    Where is the fixed ToI as promised? So we can farm venture tokens again and not top 5mill burst whales.

    lol what? white knights huh? dude if people cant use their brain to read simple mechs and actually clear an outdated raid with 3 nerfs aleardy maybe the problem with them and not "the whales" or ncwest lol

  7. Just now, Xaisa said:

    What kind of absolute bulls**t is that? Only Stage 10+? What about people who cant find a raid or afford to max their accessories? We will be stuck in a weakened trash spec cause your dev team only thinks of whales? Did anyone even say in the meeting that that move was dumb? if there was even a meeting to discuss something as important as this..

    Ill just go ahead and play something else cause this is garbage. Not even Unrefined accs cant be switched? thats absolutely Sh*t and dissapointing~ Considering the communication is improved this was the best you could do?

    what whaling has to do with raid gear tho? lo lu can clear tt with 450k dps and thats without the 3 nerfs that tt has alrdy received so dont see any problem with getting tt gear/upgrading now days and u can get lots of wings by doing tt pleb weeklies and from recent events as well 

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