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Valighetti Veneno

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Posts posted by Valighetti Veneno

  1. Thank you all for your voices for our F2 profil pictures like in Korea.

    I know its a lot effort to login Forum and Veryfy and share your thoughts 
    without any NC Soft response. 

    What else we can do is sending them F2 tickets so they can not close their eyes and ignore their own Playerbase.
    We wont give up our creative freedom and individuality. You all did great posts and showed your opinion for F2.

    Love vvv Valighetti Veneno




  2. @GM Rownen I am sure you are very busy with all your projects and the Bns Neo Classic trailers and Announcements but it would be very appreciated if you talk with us and show us your opinion. Thank You a lot!
    We love BnS Classic =^.^= and thanks for all your effort. Now that Green Storm is gone back to Guildwars we have to count on you and we are very interested in a better communication with NC Soft and You.

    Merry Christmas GM Rownen

    Best regards 

    Valighetti Veneno 

  3. Subject: Reintroduction of "F2" in 8MFMFqj.png
    "MAKE A WISH COME TRUE" bnYxwcv.gif

    Dear NCSoft Staff,

    my Community and I am writing you this today to advocate for the reintroduction of our 8MFMFqj.png F2 pictures for EU.
    The Playerbase is very unhappy about the sudden removal of their individual F2 by the Publisher and we are urging them,
    to respect our personal creative freedom by reinstating our F2.
    We are sharing Screenshots about our Avatars and personal stories behind it, to emphasize our identity with the 8MFMFqj.png game.

    The F2 feature has contributed to a very positive gaming experience for all of us. I wanna make a wish bnYxwcv.gif  to get it back or please add an account picture like KR has. 


    1.) Personal Identification and Sense of Community:
    Our individual and unique F2 allow players to better identify through their iconic pics with their chars or playstyles.
    This builds a stronger sense of community, because we start to know each other on a more personal level.
    We recognize player easy about their F2. We have feelings, dreams and wishes. 
    I would like to ask you today to make our wish come true, to get our F2 feature back and stand up for " 8MFMFqj.png EU."
    Please allow us custom F2 pics once again!
    Behind our F2 are feelings, dreams  bnYxwcv.gif and stories.
    There are big wishes, we can`t change, like bring the PvP or Raids back. We have to accept that sadly.
    But the F2 is a very little wish and easy to fulfill.

    2.) Creative Expression:
    The ability to upload our pics provides players with creative outlets. So we can express our personality
    through our unique image, promoting diversity within the community and making the game more engaging and motivating.
    The F2 feels so bland and all the same nowadays.I cant feel much identity to my character anymore.
     I wanted to dream away and chill into my 8MFMFqj.png char, after a long hard real life day. 
    Becomming my bard under a lovely cherry blossom tree. 🌸🌸🌸

    3.) Community Engagement Incentive:
    The  F2 can motivate us to participate more actively in this community. Sharing pictures can lead to more social interactions and friendships.
    We want to play it with our friends with F2. It is good for forming groups within the game and strengthening the player engagement.


    4.) Brand Loyality and Marketing:
    Individual F2 pics also offer an oppurtunity to brand loyality. We love  to share our F2 pics and the cute 8MFMFqj.png costumes also in social media and we are reaching a lot of publicity  for the game, using our community pics, jokes and memes.  We are talking, discussing and posting  them. This will spread out to more people and gets us new Player to try and start 8MFMFqj.png. Especially a lot of known Artists have been interested in drawing  F2 costumes & cosplays and  posting them on their social media accounts. Very cute  F2 Paintings and an amazing art.bnYxwcv.gif For Blade & Soul ❤️


    5.) Moderation Control: 
    Active Moderation could controll the Quality of F2 preventing problems. Also you can use a temporary and permanent taking the F2 away for special player .
    Overall, I am convinced that the F2 will have a positive impact on the game. This feature promotes identification, creativity,
    community engagement, and can even provide marketing advantages.

    Thank you for your attention and i hope you will make this little wish of me come true, for all of us, for 8MFMFqj.png EU!
    We have to stand up for our dreams and make our wishes come true someday.

    Best regards 

    Valighetti Veneno 🌸

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  4. Lunaheute um 09:23 Uhr
    The old sleeping beauty  "Luckyshot" level 15 with Clanoutfit is back and reviving the Clan. 

    We are searching for "fresh blood" to be lucky and happy with us. 

    We have a free Clanoutfit for all our ladies, shemales and rats ;-D

    Also we got few Lyn rats and Lolis to roast, for our midnight barbecues,

     while "The legendary Cannabinator" will sing songs on his guitar in voice.

    So we have a bondfire while Playing BNS.

    We offer you an active "fun discord community" where the spam messages light you up 

    while work and will make you always smile.

    We are helping you to gear up , farming together and collecting a lot of points in our CLAN BGs

     for your moonstones and materials.

    got a weekly VT Raid and ET Raid and its possible to get integrated in this, when we need replacements

     and usually the replacements can stay as full members after time and knowing we can rely on You.

    Maybe your our personal "Luckyshot" to enjoy this game even more and relax after work and reallife to dream away with friends, egirls and cute rats, and also our mechslaves.

    For questions contact: Bailuna, CarySe & Katarina Gerbholdt and The Cannabinator

  5. Der Clan "Luckyshot" Level 15 sucht neue Spieler und alte Rückkehrer zum zusammen Lachen, Spaß haben und Raiden.

    Wir sind nach einer längeren Spielpause zurück "gefühlte 100 Jahre im Dornröschenschlaf" und endlich wieder mit dem awakend patch erwacht.
    Wir bieten ein wunderschönes Clanoutfit kostenlos für alle girls, rats and shemales <3
    Ein Fundiscord mit allen wichtigen Informationen gerade vor allem für Wiederkehrer und Untote mit panda eyes :-o
    Wir bieten nude swimming in drowning deeps^^ und das allerwichtigste COLDSTORAGE mit MOYL (Myorbyourloot) mit dem Wunderhändler Jonathan und seinen
    " lucky shot" GOLDKISTEN. Wichtigste Spielinstanz ;-D 
    Wir möchten nach einem stressigen Tag einfach im Game mit Freunden chillen und nehmen vieles lockerer seit der Pause. 
    Dennoch möchten wir ganz neu wieder alles aufbauen und sich entwickeln lassen, denn der Prozess und die schöne Zeit zusammen ist wertvoll und so sollen sich natürlich auch unsere Raids füllen und entwickeln.
    Anforderungen: Send a nude (Spaß, wir haben "NOCH" keine) Wir schauen jedoch ob die Chemie und das Klassenverhältnis stimmt und ob DU unser Glückstreffer bist.
    Gear ist uns nicht so wichtig und wir nehmen auch lustige Twinks, falls Dein Main hardcore progresst und Du einen Ausgleich brauchst um abzuschalten.
    Dann nehmen wir erst einmal den Twink bis wir Deine Seele erfolgreich stehlen konnten.^^
    Uns ist wichtig dass Du tolerant bist und unsere "Wikinger", "Ladies", "Shemales" und "korean bois" auch akzeptierst und die Österreicher^^ 

    Wir sind nun erst ein paar Tage alt und freuen uns auch auf kreative Mitaufbauer und interessante Ideen zum Mitgestalten.
    Es gibt sowohl Leute mit TT-Gear als auch Leute mit BT- Gear. 

    Wir möchten keine ungeduldigen nur progressorientierten Spieler (Lootgeier) und wir sind auch keine Babysitter. Ein wenig Selbständigkeit und Kommunikation als Schlüsselqualifikation wünschen wir uns.

    Euch erwartet ein komplett neuer lustiger Haufen, dem ihr wichtig seid und ein familärer Klan mit einer hohen qualitativen Entwicklungsprognose.

    Ansprechpartner im game: Salviana (kfm), Bailuna (fm), Caitlyn (bm)
    Liebe Grüße 


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