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Posts posted by Velexna

  1. So i understand that the challenge mode dungeons are not something that everyone does, but why is the rankings limited to only the top 70 teams? That is just an absurd number. Why isn't it something like the top 100 teams. If a team is going to be put together and pool together the necessary currency and get the fight done with some points on the board, i feel they should at least get something for efforts and not absolutely nothing. This past week was the end of the first season for the BC challenge mode, so i expected last minute teams to be put together for the venture tokens. but dropping down over 7 ranks in the last few hours just doesn't sit right. If it were increased to top 100 i'd assume their'd probably be a change in tier rewards for the bottom of the boards. Something like increasing the 31-50 rewards and moving the current 31-70 rewards for 51-100. Also with speaking to a GM in a ticket, there's apparently no tool in place to even see where your team ranked in the past seasons, which seems like a huge oversight.

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