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Posts posted by ayanekaoru

  1. Just looked and double checked the google sheet you guys posted. Transformation stones for raven stages increased rather than decrease and legendary jewels amount r still the same. And all the stuff from shadow/sky forge weapons upgrading to next tier or grand celestial is not cost reduction at all

  2. Hi, 

          After the zen archer update on September 18th, all dungeons including DST were affected. In DST, the mech phase changed from 80% pre patch to 90% post patch. Now in f8, u got parties that are asking for burst and no mech. I've been doing some runs in DST with 50/50 mixed success. If the party is whale, then it can burst and not do mech. If the party can't burst, then we have to do mech and my exp from doing mech on this boss is rarely successful. I came back when WC was the highest dungeon with DST and TSM being nerfed to being brain dead dps dungeon. Now, parties try to do mech but almost always fail which results in frustration and people having to leave the party and start over with another group. In the future, will there be adjustments to this dungeon to fix the mech phase back to 80 and also change from a insta kill to doing damage if mech is not done? TSM is getting some adjustments and WC and even CC has their mech in easy mode changed to where failure to complete mech results in damage instead of insta kill, so shouldn't DST, which is older than CC and WC, also get an adjustment?

  3. Just gonna be honest. While this is the correct move to fix the mistakes that have occurred, this stuff should've happened during the release of zen archer on Sept 18th and not 2 weeks later. With all the shenanigans that have happened, u guys at NCWest lost some players permanently from this and probably some who will never spend money on this game ever again. I'm one of those players that use to whale and spend money on this game, but after seeing the direction this game has been heading towards from the past 1.5 years, throwing money into this game is like dumping the money into the ocean. I've haven't spent almost anything on this game now with the exception of $20 for my archer skill voucher set and some dragon pouches. But other than that, I'm not troving with ncoins. I've always notice that whenever there is some whale event (trove or rng boxes) that comes out, some crap happens from your side and we, the player community, are on the receiving end of this crap. Big update patches are never correct on the 1st time, the radiant energy fiasco, etc. If u guys want to keep this game going, which tbh, idk if this game gonna last another 2 years given the direction it's heading, then the devs need to be honest and getting it right the 1st time. No surprises nor fiasco. 

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