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Posts posted by thewhoracle

  1. WHAT GEAR are you unable to get? what gear is in the high stages that you think you should have but cant get because "advanced" players aren't running with you?

    I told you, do soulboost, then farm easy mode/stage 1 gets you starcross ring, earring, necklace and gloves. Once you make those +6 you can then get oculus ring earring necklace and gloves from level 5 dungeons. Then work on enhancing that gear.


    WHAT GEAR DO YOU WANT THAT YOU CANT GET? Hard Mode of dungeons gives NOTHING extra and isnt even hard to do, its like stage 6 of a dungeon.

  2. Also the levels of demons bane dungeons are there to give people something to do and work towards. ANYONE can make a world chat/faction chat party and do stage 1 after getting some basic soulboost gear.

    You do level 1 and then upgrade that lvl 1 gear to stage +6 then you can do lvl 5 and UPGRADE that gear and eventually you get strong enough to do lvl 8 then 10 and 12+.

    You also need to upgrade your accessories, PLAY THE GAME and put in the EFFORT, its SUPER EASY to gear now, you get 2k gold a day per char, go ahead and make a 2nd lvl 60 and now you get 4k a day gold. Thats 120,000 gold a month with just 2 level 60s. UPGRADE your gear and people will play with you, people will reject you if you are just +0 gear when +11 is SUPER EASY low effort to do.

  3. Don't blame other players who don't want to play with you!!!


    You need to do your soulboost, make a Daily Train party (Daily Train is doing all dungeons on the F8 list) and advertise on World and Faction Chat.

    Then you farm Easy Mode (ANYONE CAN DO THIS) of Hall of Trials and Namdo Shrine, you will get Starcross ring earring neck and gloves from doing this. You can also do Grim and Lab stage 1 to get these accessories (it takes no time at all to farm these, stop being lazy)


    Once you have these accessories you need to level them up to stage 6 and higher and you also need to get poharan soulshields from Chaos level 5 farm. Lots of higher Boss AP players will farm these with noobs because they are running for Pet gems and upgradable gems.


    Once you have that gear to stage 6 you can begin doing stage 5 grim and Lab to get oculus Ring, Earring, neck and gloves and starcross bracelet/belt from the other Demons bane dungeon infinity.

    Then get those to +6 and higher.


    If people don't let you into their parties its because they are doing content you don't belong in, that is reality, no one owes you a carry. 

    Make your own parties. I can do stage 5 of all the dungeons on my characters that have just soulboost gear no problem and I do this to get ranked.


    YOU need to put in the effort to gear up as intended and you need to make parties. You can easily get starcross ring neck gloves and earring from just doing daily dungeons with randoms and most people will accept anyone for this as they are doing easy mode/lvl 1s. You can earn this gear in NO TIME AT ALL, they drop all day long. I have alts which just do 1 lvl 5 demons Bane train a month for ranking who have oculus gear and I do not upgrade any of my alts gear. I just make a world chat advertisement and wait for my party to fill. 


    Also you can earn the best mystic badge in game just doing easy mode daily of shrouded arjanara, do it everyday if you can do 8million DPS, once you can do 35m you do Normal mode and can farm the badge and amulet by repeating runs for hours. Watch tv or a movie and PUT IN THE EFFORT.


    Also Join a clan and be active in their discord voice chat, if you do want carries that how you can get them. 


    If you want gear in BNS you need to farm it, it literally takes no time at all to get the best accessories in the game. Ive earned the best ring, earring, necklace and gloves on day 1 of the dungeons coming out for both Grim and Lab. All the active discord regulars in my voice chat also have them. The drop rates are GOOD. My alts which I 


    POST a screen shot of your character and will tell you what you need to do and what you need to work on.

  4. Skystealer/starcross/oculus crystal bundles in a quantity of 10,000 for skystealer and 5k for starcross and 1k for oculus. Also only like 1500 Ncoin/HMcoin each.


    UNITY Stones, 200 point value splendor stone point value, Stellar ascension stone value ones, these have so far only been accessible to people who do 800 keys for the last 3 years? and its lame that normal players who don't whale cant get them. The 160 and 200 point value unity stones need to be available to players.

    For 2000 Ncoin/HMcoin each


    Gems Octagonal and Penta Pet gems and not RNG boxes that give you garbage pet gems no one wants, theres people who are 10k boss AP with just free pet gems triangles, this is pathetic. On that note restructure the pet gem upgrade costs!


    Psyches: Moontide/Nayuls and Grand psyches from the summer trove that were given out as 300 key rewards



  5. The last event no pet packs, no sacred Vials.

    This event, no pet packs no sacred vials.

    This patch everyone complaining that they spent 100s of pet packs or sacred vials and not NOTHING.

    Let's start off by saying that NO Classes need to be nerfed but here we are.   Several needs buffs to lesser the gap between them, but they got nothing or they got nerfed.

    Unless we are operating on the pure korea build, we are playing a different game than they are, they can't be changing things that wreck gameplay or RNG, then give us absolutely no method of making back the difference.  For example, in korea, True Poharan Ss drop as a selectable box, not in 3 separate boxes of RNG.  That we need to RNG, to get the proper box, then RNG to get the right Soul Shield from the box, then RNG on the stats on the soul shield.  300 runs later, and  I am still staring at my 7 piece SS with crappy stats.

    NCSOFT needs to realize you can't give us half an update.  

    NCsoft needs to stop altering drop rates of important items to make it take longer to get the necessary bis items.


    And when things help the players though not intentionally.  NCSOFT needs to just let it happen.  No one was hurt by the pink and black gem factory, the players that were helped the most were not the whales.  Those guys already have thier dyads.  

    7/7 quests is dumb, when there is no reward, should never have been 7/7

    Why did it take so long to fix den of the ancients and that other one.  Unacceptable.  All characters should have been granted full completion for those dungeons if they made it to a certain point of soul boost where they would be trying to do it everyday.

    This doesnt feel like a Billion dollar company.   At this point, I am considering ignoring that new game NCSOFT comes out with because I don't trust them as a company anymore.  

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