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Elite Stief

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Posts posted by Elite Stief

  1. A lot of cutscenes lost special effects 2 examples the scenne with namsoyoo a person is missing her Head and the scene where you blowup gwon his ship there are no explosion effects animore all this things worked fine with unreal engine 3 with the release of unreal engine 4 they got lost 


    And something else there Are voices Missing as wel in a conversation with some NPC and even worse some arent even changed to english and are in Japanese or Korean i dont know what they are but i cant understand them with unreal engine 3 we did not got these problems please NCsoft fix this it is not funny unreal engine 4 update should be an upgrade but instade it is a downgrade unreal engine 3 worked better onse again please fix this 

  2. the problem with this game is the bad Engine the Game Studios of the East are to lame to upgrade there Unreal engine3 to Unreal Engine4 Unreal engine3 is not optimized for Cpus with more than 2 cores Unreal Engine4 Supports More Cores and more cores means beter gameplay and beter FPS in game and that is a problem now nearly all people have a pc with more than 2 cores so the game runs like garbage bekous the Engine cant run more than 2 cores and today that is bad bekous 2core cpus are not used anymore the market is changing to 6 and 8 cores with the minimum 4cores Unreal Engine3 is garbage Unreal Engine4 is beter now if they dont resolve this problem than the game wil keep losing people this wil change if the game can run beter and does support more cores

  3. i dont go to school i already finished it i already work i have 2 free days i work freeday again not today and tomorrow so whit the free time i have i play some games and i want to play Blade en Soul and want to play the new class

  4. why is the new class not live yet it is already 18 September in Europe do we need to wait until it is Afternoon in America before we can play it bekous the people of Europe should have already acces to the new class making us wait until it is Afternoon in America is unfair the people of America wil get more time to play the new class this day and the people of Europe not bekous when it is afternoon in America it is Evening in Europe please start the content for Europe our day time is not the same give people in europe a chance to have some time to play it this is not how it should be europe needs to get there stuff when it is afternoon for them and not evening

  5. ok why cant we play it yet it is 18 September now and it is 13:13 hour here in Europe dont say that we need to wait until it is afternoon in North America please thats a bit unfair if that is the case than we can play les than the Americans can and that is just complete wrong our day time is not the same as America and we people of Europe should be able to play the game when it is afternoon for us letting us start playing when it is evening here and afternoon in America is unfair

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