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Posts posted by Shinwai

  1. Prior to the nerf, I was doing lvl 18 on hard diff in shadow of masters.  My numbers were good and darkwield was good. Consistantly played lvl 5 and even a bit more. When the nerf hit, I tried out Shadow of Masters and died at lvl 2.  Tried it again next day died at lvl 3.  Darkwield became unplayable.  At the easiest lvl I die after every 2 or 3 kills. Never died once prior to nerf. I can understand nerfing damage a bit, getting it in line with other builds.  I've adjusted the build for the most defense.  I'm at lvl 20.  I can no longer run missions even at lvl one I constantly die. It's like a joke.  Even running across the floor, I die.  Not like something hit me and my health drops,  It's

    like full health and then instantly dead.  And this is not  in a battle!  I was doing a run with a group of guys I've teamed up with many times, and they amazed at how quickly I died.  I like the character and it's fun to play.  Right now it's basically unplayable.  


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