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Posts posted by nectrone

  1. For those who just want to know which is better for bns between ryzen and intel and don't want to read the whole thing, I'm digging this thread up to give a clear conclusion.


    Ryzen is multithreading oriented, bns runs on one or 2 threads. Ryzen's single core performance is 25-30% behind intel's 7700k and 8700k. If you run bns even with a 1080 1080ti or 2080ti and a ryzen cpu, you're going to have 30% less fps as well as 30% harder fps drops.

    Intel is said to be better for gaming because most games use 1 or 2 or 4 threads. New games are starting to use 8+ cores, but many are still monolithic (single core). You just have to know if you're going to play newer games or games like bns

    The only thing you can do that will drastically improve your fps on ryzen, is disabling physx effects (i get 90 fps with it disabled instead of 60-70). It'll only make a big difference where there are many moving objects/mobs. Physx effects in bns aren't coded for ryzen as ryzen didn't even exist.


    Because of how bns was coded, the cpu will always be the bottleneck, meaning the graphics card can be as powerful as you want, if the cpu can't follow, your fps won't be better. So prioritize buying a new cpu. The switch to unreal engine 4 won't really change anything.


    Also consider installing the game on an ssd. It heavily reduces the loading screen times between each map, often actually being so fast that you don't even have a loading screen. Plus launching the game on a hard drive can take 2-5 minutes, whereas an ssd takes 40 seconds. If you launch the game everyday, 5 minutes is a lot.

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