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Posts posted by Miraoshu

  1. Hello, 


    I'm in need of help, I've tried to message the support but the support re-directed me towards this forum. I'm trying to complete some skill point achivements, which seem to be impossible to do so at the very moment. I'm talking about the acquisition of those items in the screenshot, I've tried asking people ingame where I can obtain those, some told me they were at the achivement merchant in zaiwei but those items weren't to be found, so I've been asking around more and was told that those items are acquired from the pvp vendo for blood stones, apperently blood stones can not be crafted anymore and apperently PvP also doesn't seem to be very populated as I've tried to Que for it but it never popped, idk what to do, how am I able to acquire the Offals and the Chilling Flame Elixir outside of PvP activities?




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