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Posts posted by Swordbreaker

  1. 22 hours ago, dEEkAy2k9 said:


    i don't understand why people are so upset about costumes being per-char only. there are a lot games out there that sell skins, outfits etcpp and they are too characterbound on almost every game.

    Cant speak for most MMO's, as i'm very choosy when it comes to what MMO's i play, but i know Guild Wars doesnt restrict costumes and skins to a single character. Plus all character share a single gold pool, so it's MUCH more convenient to play multiple characters. It almost seems like these guys dont want us to play multiple characters in BnS

  2. 14 hours ago, vidgod said:

    Tradeable items can be mailed to your Main/Alt, As for items that cant be sent but can be traded find someone you trust a lot and get it done. the Regium Corvus doesn't get sent too your current character it gets left in the chest in the bottom right of your screen which is shared across all characters on your account Claim it on whoever you want just make sure your on the character you want it on before claiming from the chest..

    Sadly i dont have any friends that play BnS. I simply dont understand why tradable items arent allowed to be sent via mail, I've already started selling everything, then i'm just gonna send all the money to my main character. As for the Regium Corvus, that's what i mean. Once you claim it, it's only available to one of your characters, and cant be swapped to another character. Same for the Hongmoon Store items. If i pay for it, it should be available to as many characters on the account as i want. Oh well, hopefully there will be enough community outcry to make them add account-wide storage.

  3. Why is it so hard to transfer stuff between characters on the same account?! This is a standard feature in almost every MMO, yet it's completely absent from BnS. Buy an outfit on the store? Can only use it on one character. Have a weapon you've been trying to get but found it on the wrong character? You're screwed.


    I have a bunch of stuff i wanna send to my main character before i delete my alt, but it's impossible because most of it cant be sent even though it CAN be traded. So i'm stuck selling it all and just sending the money to my main character... Not only that, but i'm about to get the Regium Corvus outfit from the wheel, but i dont like how it looks on females. I wanna store it until i can buy another character slot and create a male character for it, but if i claim it on one of my current females, it's stuck there. For that reason, i'm having to delete my alt to make space for a male character to give it to. This is just ridiculous, it's NEVER this hard in any other game. Why are there multiple tabs to the vault (only the primary of which can hold outfits), if there's no account-wide storage? This just doesnt make any sense.


    So, is there a better way or something that i'm just missing? Or did these guys really screw this up this badly?

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