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Posts posted by iCats

  1. 1 hour ago, chilegamerz said:

    And with yesterday's maintenance did they update the system? Why has the BNS team not said anything about this problem? It is very difficult for them to write something in this forum so that they can at least give us an answer about the problem, because they are so irresponsible.

    They don't care, ever since management changed, this game has been going downhill in my opinion.
    I guess they all cannot wait for the game to completely die so they can find other jobs.

  2. The maintenance was 4h 30mins and they didn't fix anything for NA, f5/market still not working and relic page still not working after one week +, and now most likely we have to wait another week for the next maintenance for them to do something about it because they cannot be bothered to make an emergency maintenance to fix stuff unless the issue is related to the cash shop.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 20 hours ago, Li Qingzhao said:

    UI issue. Click on the word "Relic" and a dropdown view will appear. Your relics are stored there.

    Relic tab on Relic management shows 0/180 and when i click on it nothing happens / nothing shows.

  4. Since my last post, this got fixed but two patches ago they messed it up again.
    So F9 has been broken for about 2 patches now, I have sent a ticket for support and they told me that F9 is working as intended ?????? Even though we used to put NCoin price for 20 and higher, now the max is 15.... And this supposedly is working as intended..
    Great way to kill your community.

  5. I opened the Relic Management tab (Shift + U) and tried to add my relic to the page (yes I had slots unlocked for it) but when i clicked on the 'Move' button, my relic disappeared.
    The 'Move' button on the Relic Management tab has the description as 'Move relics from your inventory to the Relic Storage', where is this relic storage tab because my Relic Management tab does not have any relics, so where did my relic move to I cannot find it anywhere (and I did not discard it accidentally).

  6. How do you upgrade a swellstone?
    In description of blank Swellstone item box (via Unity) shows the 'Effect' having 10 Stages.
    I have a Swellstone (orange tier) that says 'Visual Effects' Stage 1: 10 points, is there any way of increasing this? If yes how.

  7. F9 still wont allow you to put more than 30g for sale.
    How can you expect F2P community to participate in Fortunes Favor event without them being able to exchange currency.
    There are a couple of players I know that are pissed about this and are skipping playing until next event (if F9 is fixed by then).
    When will this be fixed?

  8. You guys don't like money?
    Its been over 2 months since there have been any new cosmetics.
    We always had in rotation once every month a few old cosmetics in F10, that hasn't been a thing ever since GM Green Storm moved to GW2 (if i recall correctly).
    Even if only one person swipes for those rotation cosmetics it would still be better income rather than no money at all.
    Will we ever see costumes in rotation again in F10 like we used to?
    Some people like to collect cosmetics in this game, it feels like you clearly don't want their money.

  9. Update
    After close to 400 keys I have got the full Dream Eater costume set (body, wings and mask).
    I have seen the costume for a total of 3 times after all those keys, I have yet to see the body effect even once.
    I have heard others were luckier and finished getting the costume set in less than 100 keys, so not sure if mine and Lyninus' luck are just awful or if this is the norm.. 

  10. I'm sure there are other honorable mentions (such as the northern continent map having french names) but so far those two below bug me the most.
    'Costum' Designer Denim instead of Custom Designer Denim and Starcross Bracelet Chest when the box clearly shows as Oculus and the drop is Oculus as well.
    Not sure if this is a case of dyslexia within the company or what, but its very unprofessional to have obvious mistakes like this.
    I can live with them but would be nice if they would be fixed.

    • Like 1
  11. Its been two months since we last had any news about overall game or patch notes.
    Supposedly we are gonna get a new update on 22MAR (in 3 days) and we have yet to hear anything on forums or on twitter.
    Only February was supposed to be the 'dead' month, even with one person quitting as GM how come no one in this company is competent enough to give at least a sign of life?
    Nothing on forums/website and absolutely not even one random post on bns twitter account, its like you want the game to die already, no one puts any effort anymore in keeping in touch with the community.
    Hire competent people or fire the incompetent staff, either way if you wont do anything then the game will die this year for sure if things keep going the way they have been for the past 2 months.
    No updates or any sign of life from staff in any game will result in diminishing number of players which will then obviously result in the remaining players refusing to spend money in a dead game, money that you need to pay your employees and run the server.
    The vast majority of people I used to play with already quit in this past month due to no updates, cant talk about EU but on NA chat is dead most of the time as well (due to the very small player base we have left now).
    Don't know what else to say, any feedback would be great.

    • Like 5

  12. Would swipe for below (so add them ingame and take my money already)

    • Name: Yura Hairstyle
    • Category: Adornment (Head/Hair)
    • Release Method: F10 direct buy
    • Last Available: 3 years ago (or longer cant remember)
    • Name: Tight Knit
    • Category: Costume (Body)
    • Release Method: I have no idea never seen it
    • Last Available:  Over 2-3 years (Heard from people that its a valentines day costume but for the past 2 years ive been playing and I never seen it for Valentines or Christmas or at all)
  13. 55 minutes ago, ElectricPotato said:

    I think its love doctor and heart surgeon are the female/male versions of the pink nurse uniform, checking ingame right now



    EDIT: Yup, "Heart Surgeon" is a genderbender, male only costume that looks the same as "Love doctor" for the ladies. Rose Specs are also male only. You must have been checking f3 on a female  char.

    Ah thank you so much!

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