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Posts posted by ElfenLara

  1. 17 minutes ago, Snoway said:

    the game wont be exist without the p2p players


    solution for all the mad f2p playes = stfu and buy primum 


    1 minute ago, ZigZack said:

    didn't know this was NCSoft's only game and they're poor and have to got out of their way to make outfit storage paywall.

    what i wanna know is why all you high horsed premium members are afraid of? you're not going to lose wardrobe access...  even after you choose to stop being a member if you choose to do so you'll still have access and some of us even coined idea's on what they could do to replace or give us some space.

    And cmon, the translation actually SUCKS. 

    What's with the "DEFENDED" "BLOCKED" or "whatever do what you want" merchant NPC's voice acting?

    The other regions FULLY translated all the quests (blue ones included) and all we get is some half-arsed main quest voice acting. 


  2. 3 minutes ago, Saneca said:

    The fact of the matter is that costumes (at least the main faction ones) are vital to completing in-game quests and those are stuck in your inventory/vault. While I agree about premiums players complaining about freemium players feeling entitled to services, let's not forget we're only talking about the wardrobe function here. As others have said, the wardrobe was and IS free for the other countries this game came out years ago on. I see nothing wrong with having skins/clothes go where they should go and not be intrusive to gameplay.


    Let's admit it, this game will and have cosmetics as one of the main attractions (I bow to Kim Tae Hyung on his exquisite artistry), but making that wardrobe function free won't detract from the actual benefits a premium subscription would give which is the bonus exp, stamina, windstride gfx, and all that other stuff that actually affect your leveling (and do know that the insignia shop discounts are a big thing). Sure, expanding stash isn't that hard provided you can garner enough pouches and coin but the pouch thing is based on surveys and the Daily Dash at most else the Hongmoon Coin rondo of processes. The time you'll spend sorting out your full inventory as a freemium pondering on which outfit to destroy and which to keep is better off spent actually playing the game and seeing those costumes in action--premiums will out-level you eventually anyway on other fields where they have the advantage.


    Aesthetics is meant to be an attracting factor and not a burden. This is a game that will and will put costumes into your inventory no matter what. Having a little free feature to dump those things while you focus on those RNG drop boxes people apparently farm hundreds of times per area isn't and shouldn't be that big of a deal unless you're too full of yourself with ego exp for feeling entitled as "being a premium". Besides, it's a game meant for a wide variety of audiences and not many parents will go spending hard-earned bucks on a premium service for their unemployed-student children when they already pay for the electricity and the internet (not to mention the pizza and cola they eat while playing). I work myself and I spend most of my money for living expenses god-help me if I have enough for premium for a few days let alone a new costume.


    What I suggest would be to make the wardrobe free, BUT to sate those Premium VS Freemium egos of yours people I suggest making it so that you need to be Premium to store costumes that can only be found/bought on the NCStore. Heck, one costume needs you to have a 9900 NCoin worth of premium to get. After your premium ends and you lose your interest in that thing it would just be junk too-an expensive one at that. Character slots can stay as they are albeit the other countries this game came out on had more slots available on launch since it's one class only per character (I just hope they add one free slot if they insert new classes eventually but otherwise, I'd buy a ticket). Server transfer should be a one-time free thing since we're in the middle of a rocky launch (despite considering this game has been out for years), else you need to pay for it. Storage and inventory can stay as-is especially if the costume issues with wardrobe are settled nicely. Outfits need to have a balance in both categories, some are bought and some can be earned in-game through quests (not pvp for god's sake as not every player can be good at it and there will be complaints). They don't even give compensation for all the people inconvenienced by this problematic launch we had.


    We can't please everyone, but we can compromise if we use our heads and bear humility as well as kindness.

    As the Earthseers say, "There should be balance in everything.". Let's get along and have peace.




    We should all send this to NCSoft support. Maybe then they will listen.  Kudos for a great post.

  3. The Wardrobe thing should be open for all players. 

    Why does the launch screen says something like "Totally free" when it 's "Totally p2w, cuz ur gonna have no space for ur items in no time"? 

    This is ridiculous, some asian servers give it for free for all players. 

    NCSóft, you really do like milking other people for money.


    The gold-spammer level ban was a start. Could you please at least extend the wardrobe for mere humans in the next update? 


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