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New chars are impossibly behind in outfits


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It's very hard to start a new character -- at the very least, they are missing 7 years of outfits.  I'm serious.  Starting a new char, I can't borrow anything from even one of my own characters -- many outfits were tied to events that will never happen again -- achievements and accomplishments take forever to accumulate -- fine if you a char that's been around for 4+ years, but starting a new character -- many you can never catch-up on.


This makes it impossible to interest new players -- not to mention elimination of all the blue-story/ back-story quests in Viridian and Cinderlands.  Seems like producers have been trying to kill off new player interest for nearly 50% of the time the game has been out.  What's up with that?


One of the easier ways to help new chars on same accounts would be to allow sharing any/all cosmetic items.  But that would only help new chars on a same account -- really need to open up old stories and outfits to have a chance of attracting new players -- which I think NC has given up on -- in which case, this plea will fall on deaf ears. 


I just realized in trying a new class how many outfits I'm missing and will never have, and it's depressing...


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Not sure what the issue is...I mean With event outfits its the same in any other game aswel. You get them if you participate in the event. If you miss out, then tough luck you will have to wait for the event to happen again.


All outfits, with exception of a few can be emailed across characters by using 6 outfit stamps which are cheap, plus you get 20 free each month if you are premium member. (Some are female/male specific so those depend on gender in addition).

Weapon skins would only be transferrable through support.


Any other outfits, you are dependant on the store rotation / rng/ trove, similar as in other games. While it might not be ideal or lackluster, it is what it is, it was something complained about since launch, and has not changed, so i doubt it will.

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On 4/17/2023 at 6:31 AM, Grimoir said:

Not sure what the issue is...I mean With event outfits its the same in any other game aswel. You get them if you participate in the event. If you miss out, then tough luck you will have to wait for the event to happen again.

How many games have as many outfits as BnS?  I've never played any other game where so many outfits were gone "for good" -- many might have to catch up, but it was doable in a finite time.  Can you cite any other games where 100's of outfits are out of reach for years?


On 4/17/2023 at 6:31 AM, Grimoir said:


All outfits, with exception of a few.

Only outfits in the Hong Moon Store section are tradeable that way.  The other outfits are number around 500 -- you call that a "few".  Are you deliberately attempting to deceive?


On 4/17/2023 at 6:31 AM, Grimoir said:


Any other outfits, you are dependant on the store rotation / rng/ trove, similar as in other games. While it might not be ideal or lackluster, it is what it is, it was something complained about since launch, and has not changed, so i doubt it will.

So if something was broken at launch, then that is some sort of justification for it being broken forever?  Are you saying bugs are never fixed in BnS?


There's also the idea that something that is a small problem with only a few items available, can become a large problem with 1000+ items/costumes available.  Imagine if comments were outfits.  You stand on 6.4k outfits, which is significantly more than the average.  You can hardly be expected to have views that are remotely likely anyone else's.  You are in a class all on your own, especially since many of your comments contain incorrect and/or misleading information, (example: few=500?).   Why do you post more than anyone else when your information is often, highly suspect?

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I just returned. I think making "Designer Thread" obtainable is some form would help get a few more outfits to new/returning players.  Tons of great outfits that are not obtainable currently.  It would be great to put out a few of those instead of the same old reruns.

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I mean, I kind of get it with outfits at the time the event happened (one time only) wasn't even obtainable since we couldn't clear the dungeon because it had bugs and flaws. then people with potatoes showed up and traded in for said outfit, still the point is valid

[and yeah we have had a megathread once - which died with Green]


how we (new) players could obtain some outfits for archievements which are locked away in ue3?

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