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Not getting credit for killing bounties


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10 hours ago, Rhiakath said:

I've seen speculation that you need the last hit for them to count, or at least be in party with last hit. Needs more testing.

I think this is fairly correct.


Killed a specific rare Or "Bounty" as they are called in BnS several times, But it was not until i actually soloed it that i got an achivement pop up for killing it.


Also the Bounty collections only goes up if you are the last hit or at least if noone else is hitting it.

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Yep  last person to hit field boss dead gets the credit along with anyone that was in his party.    Gyojon and Taruga I think no party is required as long as you did some damage.    Byrock maybe same deal but  have not encountered that one yet.  


But yeah it is frustrating when you are out soloing bounties and some one comes along and gives the boss a whack and cancels the credit you were working towards.

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