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Cheaters in Great Windwalk Race


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I noticed that there are a lot of cheaters still on the leaderboard for the Race.

Is this going to be addressed? Or will this stay as an example that cheaters won't be punished?

There is no way you can possibly get 1:40 in the race legitimately. Quickest way I've seen livestreamed was around 1:49 and even that was a flawless run.


[Picture removed due to name shaming -Leto]

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Last time they banned people for doing this, since it's objective proof of cheating with a permanent record. I am curious to see if there's anyone left who cares enough to clean up, or whether you're more likely to get the topic deleted for "naming and shaming".

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And I had to listen a guy saying he did 1:40 legit xD Last time, doing everything right and without glitching, I did 1:58 or 1:59. Now I don't even bother... This event is boring anyway. 
Either way, I hope they do something about it like the last time.

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@VeristrA In the Code of Conduct you ALL agreed to bullet point #1 states:


"While playing Blade & Soul , you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players."


Should you feel unsure about how to compose yourself in these forums, I recommend rereading the Code of Conduct again.

I didn't give you a warning this time, so please act accordingly.


The forums are not the place where these kinds of allegations can be looked into nor be punished. However, I will forward your concerns.



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