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saved images hve corruption in them


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Here's an example image (sorry for delay, had to sign up on imgur and play some more in game:





Notice the lower left corner is hidden and is a distorted duplicate of the upper right portion of the screen.


While I can work around it using 3rd party image/screen capture programs, its certainly not very convenient.

Not sure when the problem appeared, as I took a long break and just noticed it when I came back in late Dec.


My screen is 2560x1440.  Same HW as ages ago, still running Win7SP1, so its not a newer Win10/Win11 problem.





Edited by Nicolee
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3 hours ago, Nicolee said:

Here's an example image (sorry for delay, had to sign up on imgur and play some more in game

use discord free space(?) embedding img from there like forever and still works.


unless any other screen capture software is running, I am dazzled. Is this exclusive to darkweald? Haven't taken a screenie in there yet nor cba to go check this atm. My latest screens do not feature any distort.


since print is default on windows aswell this might be conflicting. w7s1 doesn't get updates anymore so it might contradict with something here aswell [not saying to upgrade to 10/11, but still using win7 is a statement].


as for your monitor...well, clearly not one I would roll with but it would only display whats happening on your hardware. maybe some faulty software, try updating drivers? might even be a combination of new drivers you need but cant use on win7.


lastly, window or windowed fullscreen - never try  fullscreen. idk why but BnS is a special snowflake here. also FHD will be sufficient.

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Have tried it with and without other screen caps as other screen caps work w/no problem.  Been using BnS since 2018, and never seen this problem until this last January.


Not sure what you would mean about not rolling with a 34" monitor.  Haven't needed new drivers -- no new hardware.  Same graphix card.  What do you mean FHD? (is sufficient)?  I haven't tried windowed fullscreen + picture, I usually just use fullscreen.


As for using Win7, I just wanted to keep a desktop -- Win10/11 also have been less stable than Win7 as they are constantly rolling out new versions -- some of the Win10 series that didn't work with BnS for a period.


BnS has worked since day 1 on Win7, never had problems (except this year in screen shots).



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keep a desktop? Okay...I am uncertain what to make out of this. anyhow, I am at my wits end of ideas here. some win11 also didnt work but even thats stable now.

since some applications start malfunctioning when time shifts I wouldnt be surprised if some happened aswell. even if some faulty driven happened to install incorrectly.

about FHD/windowedFS....well, BnS has its fair share of issues with upscaling. giving that this is just a fancy version to a mobile game now, Id assume smaller screens do benefit here (even I "perform" better on a 1080p window than on 2k/4k) why that is....have no clue. but this is all gameplay related and not screen shots problems. I hope this resolves, I have no further ideas as of now.

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