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Daily Dash reward confusion?


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Hey, pardon if this is the wrong place to ask this. 


When I got 2 to hit the premium box, the icon and tooltip states it's two Daily Challenge Treasure Chests that I was supposed to get. The ones that give only mats. I got two Deluxe Daily Challenge Treasure Chests instead. The ones that have the Solar Orbs in it. I ended up getting complete one round, and got another two Deluxe Chests instead of what is actually listed on Dash.


My question is-- This was the prize for the last dash, and we would get 2 of them for the complete. Having only gotten one, and still getting what the prize for last dash: I'm wondering, is this just a visual bug? Am I okay to take it, or should I report it in a ticket or something? (Because I mean, orbs are orbs)


Thanks for the help!

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39 minutes ago, DenialOfTruth said:

None of the spots have Daily Challenge Treasure Chests, just the Deluxe ones. Can you provide a screenshot because I'm not sure what you're refering to.




On the premie spot is this. The Deluxe one is above it, not a premie, but is what I received after my complete-one-round. I went and double checked with a friend, and they also see this as what is in the spot, too. The Deluxes were the premie spot for the last one as I far as I remember. Sorry for the confusion!


Edit: Had another friend have this happen too, here's their cap!



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So what's weird now is that my alt acct (which I hope is okay to have lmao) shows the normal thing, while if I go to my main, I see the treasure chest. Either way, I receive the DC chest from it, but oddly one acct shows something different.


I file repair every patch, so its not an update issue. These accounts use the same files, so I can't imagine it's related to the files themselves. I also have friends who have it bugged still after file repair. So it just is a bit weird, and feels like a visual bug, but I can't be sure.

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16 hours ago, Ootakemaru said:

So what's weird now is that my alt acct (which I hope is okay to have lmao) shows the normal thing, while if I go to my main, I see the treasure chest. Either way, I receive the DC chest from it, but oddly one acct shows something different.


I file repair every patch, so its not an update issue. These accounts use the same files, so I can't imagine it's related to the files themselves. I also have friends who have it bugged still after file repair. So it just is a bit weird, and feels like a visual bug, but I can't be sure.




Have you contacted Support about this issue ? Please do not hesitate to do so: https://support.bladeandsoul.com/hc/en-us

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I had the same thing yesterday, it was showing me the old red daily challenge chest but received the deluxe chest instead, it's weird that it shows incorrect to some but to others it shows the correct chest whilst using the exact same client.

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