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Reverse Starcross accessories


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@Green StormThe guys at support are telling us they don't have the tools to revert starcross to Skystealer, so we can't take any advantage of the cost reduction. This is happening to everyone who already upgraded. Any solution for the problem so we can get back a part of what we sinked for nothing? As previously stated on the official post the situation is unfair to everyone, both players that played activelly the game and upgraded their accs as to players who didnt contribute or play at all and now will be able to upgrade with much less efford. Giving the choice to revert our accessories is the only viable solution

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Totally sharing the opinion, I have the same problem:

While we understand that you have still  Restoration Tokens, unfortunately, we can't still grant your request due to the reason that GM T***** mentioned to you earlier.
We are hoping for your kind understanding and if you have any other concerns, please contact us again.


Senior GM F******
N***** Support Team"

@Green Storm this must be a joke, right?


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the game works with an RNG system as you think you can calculate the cost that each of you made with this system so that you can return the gold to each one and the materials I think the game system does not have to make such a calculation, apart doing it for each one of us the same way I think it's too much work even if it seems unfair they won't be able to recover the gold invested I also spent a lot of gold even though I think not as much as some.


psd: cry in silence and accept the change even if it seems unfair because ncsoft I don't think they will do anything about it, even though it would be nice if they at least gave a bonus of gold and materials even though I don't think it will happen hahahahaha

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On 7/5/2022 at 1:31 PM, chilegamerz said:

the game works with an RNG system as you think you can calculate the cost that each of you made with this system so that you can return the gold to each one and the materials I think the game system does not have to make such a calculation, apart doing it for each one of us the same way I think it's too much work even if it seems unfair they won't be able to recover the gold invested I also spent a lot of gold even though I think not as much as some.


psd: cry in silence and accept the change even if it seems unfair because ncsoft I don't think they will do anything about it, even though it would be nice if they at least gave a bonus of gold and materials even though I don't think it will happen hahahahaha

No, but mathematically means by having such rng, devs know perfectly that you are in average going to try 10 times to go for example stage5 to stage6 and you will fail 15 times from 6 to 7 and 20 times from 7 to 8 and so on, so they could just do an average and if you had for example +13 accs or +14 instead of being FORCED to go +15 so you can safely get StarCross at +11 just return an average on what we invested, no? Logics.


Instead they make fixed costs when 99% of the playerbase that is interested already WASTED gold and materials. Feels like a middlefinger as usual.

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I hear you, but I sill believe this is a good thing due to being stuck at +8 on a accessory with a good psyche that takes a long time, then being unable to progress at all without losing it and having to sink even more gold into starcross is worse than voluntarily going to +14 when you don't need it. RNG is something that NEVER should have existed, especially in "you will NEVER progress" format, and you should be celebrating that it's partially removed and advocating for its entire removal from other systems too (starcross, weapon, soul and pet)

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