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The Great Merge


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5 hours ago, pikapikapika said:

I hate to say this NCW, but it is time to merge NA and EU servers.  At the currently rate, this game cannot be called a mmorpg.

I have zero difficulty finding groups on both NA and EU for a majority of content and that would absolutely kill the ping for one half of the playerbase. It won't happen.

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1. All the content that's left in the game are dungeons which require 4 players only, it's not an MMORPG for a long time...

2. Ping will make most of the players of one server quit immidiately...


6 hours ago, DenialOfTruth said:

I have zero difficulty finding groups on both NA and EU for a majority of content


3. Lucky to be you, I am "happy" if I can run multi once per week... so many hours wasted online for nothing.

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This is NC we're talking about they moved the server before in NA disregarding peoples' wishes of a more centralized location as it was vs flat out on one coast and yea either people put up with increased ping or quit the game. Likely will just be their strategy to close down eventually. The game itself barely makes them a smidge in comparison to their other titles like mobile and is far behind compared to other older pc titles, and the west is even a more insignificant amount of revenue than worldwide. At this point im surprised they aren't dedicating the few people running the bns west show onto some new mobile title that'll make them hundreds of times more revenue. Just say we're lucky we still have a game to log onto at this point in the west. Q2 and beyond will be interesting but those numbers will be primarily made up from other non western regions making the bulk of the revenue for bns. They probably lucky if they get a million dollars from west at this point per quarter since last quarter worldwide was at like 5.5m lol which is gonna mostly be CN/TW/RU/KR. Its something but pales in comparison to the 300m per quarter making titles they got on mobile. BnS in the west is just a fanservice for them at this point until they get bored and want something fresh that'll make them more money. That's why they don't spend much on design and development whole reason of the buff old dungeon reuse old content recycle they aren't gonna pay artists and designers to make new assets if they can just reuse reskin recolor with the exception of some new cosmetics and classes but they won't be going out of their way to make elaborite new areas to explore and if they do it's definitely not on bns earnings. BnS NA for sure isn't gonna be around in a year or two from now.

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7 hours ago, Walex said:

Lucky to be you, I am "happy" if I can run multi once per week... so many hours wasted online for nothing.

But you are a massive troll and every one knows that Walex is a meme.


So i just assume people avoid you by default.


There's so much multi's running every day, I see at least 4-6 groups recruiting for multi in the evenings.

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On 6/19/2022 at 1:31 AM, Walex said:

Yeah, and they are either too low for me to even bother, or too high to be able to join.

If parties are being formed and you're not joining them, that's on you. But you are known as one of the most toxic, trolling players, so I imagine most parties would actually refuse to party with you. It's a wonder you're still permitted in Academy.

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