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Elder Scales Scarcity


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Anyone knows where to farm this tokens?


Beside old soulboost dungeon/Dailies... 




Please include the daily reward on the old soulboost dungeon onto the new daily dungeons.

or at least make an option for players to choose between starcross or skysteeler crystals / include Scale fragment support chest..

Not everyone is on the endgame content, plenty of people stop progressing due to this limitation...

Maybe make lower end dungeon ores/scales craftable or bound to account...


Also i notice the elder scale on trove cost more than they should, is this a troll?? and the scarsity of it as well, stop with the fragment crap on the next trove please, gives us whole bundles...


Edited by Ishtar
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4 hours ago, Ishtar said:

d the scarsity of it as well, stop with the fragment crap on the next trove please, gives us whole bundles...

The fragment thing was one of the worst things they ever introduced into the game imo.


Also as for a way to farm Elder scales.


The Outlaw island Daily quest gives you 1 Elder scale per day (You can trade the mewteener token for a pouch that gives 1 elder scale at the vendor)

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Quite a simple fix:


Wait until Soul Boost offers you upgrades.  

The way how this game operates is 1 by 1 with Korea, where most people don't even need these things anymore. Nobody complains there about the lack of Elder scales. It's just how it is, people need to deal with it. 

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2 hours ago, Ishtar said:

they offer you limited quantity in game, in order to force you to swipe....

I'm pretty sure you don't need scales for any thing any more tho?


and If you do then it's a good old "You snooze, You lose" Kind of scenario.


If you start late or don't farm enough when things are available, then you will be treated harshly like this by the game, But that has been happening for years and should be expected by this point.


They will sometimes just randomly stop giving materials that people trying to catch up might need, But that are not needed for those that are already caught up

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34 minutes ago, Uldrum said:

I'm pretty sure you don't need scales for any thing any more tho?


and If you do then it's a good old "You snooze, You lose" Kind of scenario.


If you start late or don't farm enough when things are available, then you will be treated harshly like this by the game, But that has been happening for years and should be expected by this point.


They will sometimes just randomly stop giving materials that people trying to catch up might need, But that are not needed for those that are already caught up

Soul, Heart (good luck but still), Pet Aura and Talisman still need Scales of varying types until they're ready to be upgraded to Mythical Tier (True Netherspark to Manifest and Unleashed Supernatural to Uproar, pretty good odds we'll have Heart and Talisman's Mythical Tier next patch). Weapon still needs scales if you're intending to go Shadow Fury 9 to transfer Psyches and Mythical Enchantment status to Upsurge. This has not changed as of this post in KR and is unlikely to change any time soon. Depending on where Soul Boost puts you, you might still need a few Elder Scales and next Soul Boost might not be any different then the current one so waiting it out for upgrades may not be viable.


I must question if you play the game. Your posts also seem to almost defend NCSoft's actions or blame the player for 'starting late'.

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8 minutes ago, DenialOfTruth said:

I must question if you play the game

I Usually have max stage of things within maybe 2-3 week of them releasing the stuff.


No i don't mean +20 on the things, But i mean like in the past when they released a tier for soul or pet it was only a few days until it was on the next "True" stage.


I don't defend any thing btw, But this is how it's always been, Ofc it would be nice if they made the game more new/returning/casual friendly, But do you honestly think they would ever make the game "Good" in any sense?


Thus why you always need to prepare and upgrade these things as soon as you can, Since you don't know when NCsoft will make their next dumb decision.


If you start late.. Well, It would be nice if the devs cared about the New/returning/casual players, Like at all. But i just don't think they ever will, Always removing or changing things that makes the game worse for them.


The oddest thing is that, They never even give any Credit card way for these players to catch up, So these inconveniences just don't make sense in any way, no matter how you look at it.


If you think "Trove" is a credit card way for returning players to catch up, then you are delusional as well, Trove is crap for any one trying to actually advance in the game.


Edited by Uldrum
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