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An update about the Community’s Feedback

Green Storm

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19 hours ago, Gengar said:

This makes absolutely no sense and the worst part is that this is INTENTIONAL. Someone has to sit down and program this in for our region when they do the patches. There is no way whoever makes these decisions sits down and goes "Yeah, gutting everything is a good idea for them." They gut everything knowing it's bad and for what? Reasons that we will never get an answer for. There is no way in hell the Korean developers are this incompetent. This is deliberate because they are the ones gutting everything manually. Even if you do not play the game, there is no way in hell all these changes when they are put on paper sound good to ANYONE.


This is what makes 0 sense to me too, if they weren't caring about the game or they were lazy, they wouldn't go out of their way to remove stuff, because even nerfing some rewards by only changing numbers takes slightly more effort than just copy pasting the patches KR got. Someone intentionally making changes to the patches to make them worse and spend time on it, and i cant think of any reason for them to do it, why would someone intentionally put effort into changing patches to make it worse instead of just copy paste them which would take less effort for them? It makes no sense. Player amount decrease, income from BnS decrease, one has to be insane to see these numbers and still think that they should continue doing exact same thing, and think that they should nerf or remove stuff even more. A lot of people claim that they want to shut down the servers too, but there is nothing stopping them from doing it right now anyways, so it cant be their purpose, then what is their purpose? What is nc aiming for with these changes? Do they even know what they are doing? I cant understand why and how the problems this region is having exist.

Edited by EnithD
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It's the Korean boomer developer mentality. They were taught wrong things at school and are completely out of touch with gamers nowadays.


Bns is not the only Korean-ported game who makes it way worse for the western version. They were taught this bs that westerners are "more competitive" but they got it wrong in the sense that, they want endless gear gap and NOBODY should reach the top, so the "competition" is about who gears up more instead of actual skill.


That's also why, since the beginning of BnS, we need more exp for our HM levels than kr.


In reality this is the exact opposite of what gamers actually want. Maybe some day they wake up

Edited by Shiro
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15 hours ago, Rhiakath said:

Oh my bad... I thought I liked getting rewarded for doing things, and getting challenges that are mathematically possible.


We are here not to think, we are here to empty our wallets /giggle

Are you ready for trove?

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Hi! Here's a quick update about Soul Boost. Since the issues surrounding Soul Boost require additional time to resolve, we will be implementing the following changes starting tomorrow:

  • Soul Boost season 1 will be extended.
    • Instead of concluding on June 8, Season 1 will now end on July 6.
    • The redemption period will also be extended from July 6 to August 10.
  • Soul Boost season 2 will start on July 6 and should not interfere with season 1.
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What is the purpose of delaying soulboost ?I can’t do 7 dailies I can’t finish it I can’t get points or enough points.

please add 1-2more easy daily challenge so I can do my 7dailies and hope I get some points .

thank you

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On 5/28/2022 at 1:46 AM, Green Storm said:

The name of this item will be changed to “Sterling Crystal” in June to avoid this confusion. In the July release and beyond, we will include this item in Event rewards and add them to the reward exchange in the Dragon Express.


Hello, I must say that this is trading one confusing thing for another confusing thing.

As you may know, we already have skystealer crystals, which are one category of crystal that are used of upgrading skystealer accessories, and then we have sacred crystal, elysian crystal, soulstone crystal and moonstone crystal. If you name this sterling crystal, that might imply that this item is somehow related to accessory upgrades. I urge you to rethink this decision and name it something less confusing and more unique, or in line with what the upgrade is for. Since it replaces sacred vials, maybe name it sterling glass bottle or sterling pitcher.


On behalf of thoroughly confused community,


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The Soul Boost extension does NOT address the fact that with only 9 possibilities for Daily Challenge, and two of those being dead content (PVP) and one relying on Hard Mode clears (unlikely for someone trying to complete Soul Boost), it is basically impossible to complete and should be ended with the update. I'm impressed we're getting a second round of Soul Boost at all, though.


Also there is a failure to address the incorrect statements made in the original post of the thread. There is no stages for Aerodrome and Substratum anymore, and there is enough runs by multiple people to disprove that Sterling Scales (soon to be Sterling Crystals) even drop from Forest of Echoes. 1000+ is more then enough of a sample size across dozens of people at this point, proving either the lack of a drop or a drop chance so small that it might as well be 0%.

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Just now, Gman said:

And doing CSC with a soulboosted characted from stage 3 is impossible. There are realy no parties and the gear is too low to even get a chance to kill poha.

I disagree about a character with that gear being incapable, but do agree that most parties would not take such a person. It's all about the massive opening burst in the first 10 seconds and people want fast runs.

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Just now, DenialOfTruth said:

I disagree about a character with that gear being incapable, but do agree that most parties would not take such a person. It's all about the massive opening burst in the first 10 seconds and people want fast runs.

Keep in mind that the gear of many characters is just story line gear, bc getting points in the current soulboost event is messed up. Getting to the level to get the silversteel weapon is nearly impossible. So late starters on the soulboost event are screwed.

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Just now, Gman said:

Keep in mind that the gear of many characters is just story line gear, bc getting points in the current soulboost event is messed up. Getting to the level to get the silversteel weapon is nearly impossible. So late starters on the soulboost event are screwed.

Absolutely agreed. Even with the extension there's multiple issues to address. Someone skilled at the game and with friends to help they could do so, but someone new to the game, with barely a idea of how things work and a community favoring speed over helping others? It's a big problem...and one that could extend into the NEXT boost, too!


A number of changes need to be made, but giving more options for the 7 Daily Challenges would probably mitigate some of the issuses.

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There's one more update I wanted to share with the community about the Upsurge weapon drop in the Hall of Trials dungeon


We heard your feedback about the difficulty of obtaining the new Upsurge weapon, given that it can drop for a class different from the one that you’re using to complete the new dungeon, Hall of Trials. We’ve updated the dungeon rewards by swapping the weapons with a weapon chest that will allow you to select the weapon for the class you want.


Regarding the incorrect dungeon names, we didn't take the Demonsbane rotation into account when crafting this message. Apologies about that!

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14 minutes ago, Green Storm said:

We’ve updated the dungeon rewards by swapping the weapons with a weapon chest that will allow you to select the weapon for the class you want.


Let me guess what it means: people that have 0 or very few runs can loot a selection chest now while people that have done HUNDREDS of runs (either 300 and are done with the dungeon for good, or even way more than 300) and got several wrong weapons WILL BE LEFT this way.

Edited by Walex
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10 minutes ago, Santa Anna said:

And how about the accesories ? still random or same, class select ? 896113700279300186.png


I'm running a multi right now and accessories all appear to be random, no select. Haven't seen any weapons yet, tho.

If this is true and already live, it's still a huge boost, since weapons drop wayyy way less than accessories.


Also, also, what about people that already dropped like 5 different weapons, but none for their class? Will there be some retroactive exchange implemented?


Edit: and what about the true weapon? Is that a selection box, too?

Edited by Rhiakath
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42 minutes ago, Green Storm said:

There's one more update I wanted to share with the community about the Upsurge weapon drop in the Hall of Trials dungeon


We heard your feedback about the difficulty of obtaining the new Upsurge weapon, given that it can drop for a class different from the one that you’re using to complete the new dungeon, Hall of Trials. We’ve updated the dungeon rewards by swapping the weapons with a weapon chest that will allow you to select the weapon for the class you want.


Regarding the incorrect dungeon names, we didn't take the Demonsbane rotation into account when crafting this message. Apologies about that!

This is amazing to hear! Thank you for the clarity on it!


May i ask for those that still have the Weapon chest from completing stage 8. Will those weapon chest also change so we can finally select the weapon? Ive been keeping it in my vault for this to happen or is it possible to ask support to exchange the weapon chest for the correct class binding weapon?


Thanks in advanced! 😄


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51 minutes ago, Green Storm said:

There's one more update I wanted to share with the community about the Upsurge weapon drop in the Hall of Trials dungeon


We heard your feedback about the difficulty of obtaining the new Upsurge weapon, given that it can drop for a class different from the one that you’re using to complete the new dungeon, Hall of Trials. We’ve updated the dungeon rewards by swapping the weapons with a weapon chest that will allow you to select the weapon for the class you want.


Regarding the incorrect dungeon names, we didn't take the Demonsbane rotation into account when crafting this message. Apologies about that!

 Ok and when do u guys put in the merchatn where we can buy the items? The merchant is there in mushin tower but still empty after 3 weeks? Idk bro i apriciate the effort but ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ we get a new dungeon faster than fix for a merchant xdddddddddddd

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1 hour ago, Green Storm said:

There's one more update I wanted to share with the community about the Upsurge weapon drop in the Hall of Trials dungeon


We heard your feedback about the difficulty of obtaining the new Upsurge weapon, given that it can drop for a class different from the one that you’re using to complete the new dungeon, Hall of Trials. We’ve updated the dungeon rewards by swapping the weapons with a weapon chest that will allow you to select the weapon for the class you want.


Regarding the incorrect dungeon names, we didn't take the Demonsbane rotation into account when crafting this message. Apologies about that!

Does this apply to the stage 8 clear reward and/or to the True Weapon? When is this change going live? Can we contact support and get any existing weapon drop switched to the correct one?


Love the change by the way, thank you!

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3 hours ago, Green Storm said:

There's one more update I wanted to share with the community about the Upsurge weapon drop in the Hall of Trials dungeon


We heard your feedback about the difficulty of obtaining the new Upsurge weapon, given that it can drop for a class different from the one that you’re using to complete the new dungeon, Hall of Trials. We’ve updated the dungeon rewards by swapping the weapons with a weapon chest that will allow you to select the weapon for the class you want.


Regarding the incorrect dungeon names, we didn't take the Demonsbane rotation into account when crafting this message. Apologies about that!

When will this change take place? Dropped 2 Upsurge weapons today, none for my class.

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33 minutes ago, Pickcelle said:

When will this change take place? Dropped 2 Upsurge weapons today, none for my class.


Apologies, the change will happen on June 8 (next week). The chest will drop from both the current dungeon (Hall of Trials) and also the new one (Namdo Shrine).

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1 hour ago, Green Storm said:


Apologies, the change will happen on June 8 (next week). The chest will drop from both the current dungeon (Hall of Trials) and also the new one (Namdo Shrine).

Will our current Upsurge weapon chest also change so we can pick from it? Currently holding one from clearing stage 8!

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