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Low gold income on EU/NA Server


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15 hours ago, dannythenut said:

kay gold inflating for what? all the stuff do you need to upgrad is easy to farm/grind.


what do you need to buy? oils and scales? pet pods? fine but weapon and starcross upgrades are super easy to farm/grind. 

When Skystealer was made to be a 100% chance to upgrade, the gold and crystal mat costs increased dramatically, though in theory less then if one tried to +20 a given accessory under the RNG rules. The same likely would happen to Starcross if it gained the same system.


Note that I am not opposed to this, but I do not see NCSoft doing it any time soon.

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and you can easy farm the upgrade crystals. 


also you can upgrade the sttuff to +16 etc, and with the next one you can start at +11 and need less crystals, you need only 100 runs max. for both acc. from a dung. think on tc there was the cap 300 runs to buy it from a merchant. 


and the costs increased with more gold in the  game, so you ask for more gold and expect no costs increase? 


the crystals are easy to farm, so dont say, the costs for this are increased dramatically, you can easy farm this stuff! a friend make now his skystealer braclet from +11 to +20 in 2 weeks and dont buy anything, he farm everything for it.


and the new crystals are much easer to farm. so if you can farm in 2 weeks the stuff for skystealer to upgrade it from 11 to 20, i think thats not that hard. 

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and by the way let's stick to the topic at hand the gold income is too low for all the items that we have to upgrade and we have other systems in the game that uses gold not only Accessories so in the long run we will all start to run out of gold and we will have more ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ that will be added and items to upgrade

we need more gold

Edited by StrongAndPretty
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@Green Storm

Hi, alright, you added some golds around, but it's like giving a single bag of cement to build an entire house..

Community already enough detailed to you the huge gap between gain and cost.

Implement thousands of gold is unrealistic cause would be too much disturbing for economy.
You need to drastically reduce the costs for balance it correctly.

Please consider the situation again, or a big part of community will give up during the first wall..

Edited by Zai
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Why don't you give a solid gold income from arenas and BG, maybe it would save the dead PvP.
I will give an example: for a win in the arena 10G and for a loss 1:2 3G and for a loss 50S, in the case of 3v3 make the rewards triple.
In the case of BG, rewards based on killing opponents.
Player has 0 kills and 0 dmg no reward - AFK.
Player has 0 kills but has dmg - 5G for win/5G for loss (will motivate even newbies to play BG)
Player has 1 - 2 kills - 15/5G
Player has 3 - 4 kills - 30/10G
Player has 4 - 6 kills - 60/20G
Player has 7-10 kills - 90/30G
Player has 11-15 kills - 150/50G
Player has 16 or more kills - 300/100G

Of course, to fix the thing that the player cannot return when disconect in BG and will be penalized for leave/AFK..

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2 hours ago, darthBaal said:

Why don't you give a solid gold income from arenas and BG, maybe it would save the dead PvP.
I will give an example: for a win in the arena 10G and for a loss 1:2 3G and for a loss 50S, in the case of 3v3 make the rewards triple.
In the case of BG, rewards based on killing opponents.
Player has 0 kills and 0 dmg no reward - AFK.
Player has 0 kills but has dmg - 5G for win/5G for loss (will motivate even newbies to play BG)
Player has 1 - 2 kills - 15/5G
Player has 3 - 4 kills - 30/10G
Player has 4 - 6 kills - 60/20G
Player has 7-10 kills - 90/30G
Player has 11-15 kills - 150/50G
Player has 16 or more kills - 300/100G

Of course, to fix the thing that the player cannot return when disconect in BG and will be penalized for leave/AFK..

Too exploitable. People will just try to coordinate and ensure they all get 16+ kills and swap off on winning when possible.

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Unironically suggesting to spend real money as a solution.


And even with 2 battle plagues I ran out of gold, this aint the way chief.


We need lower costs and/or permanent increase of gold income by playing the game,

not buying it with real money.

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1 hour ago, luzt said:

Unironically suggesting to spend real money as a solution.


And even with 2 battle plagues I ran out of gold, this aint the way chief.


We need lower costs and/or permanent increase of gold income by playing the game,

not buying it with real money.

I bought the Battle Pass twice for €60 and it's nice that I got 60,000G easily at first glance, but if I take the price of upgrading individual things and especially the fact that it often fails, it's just a placebo. A few gold for weekly and monthly placement is also ridiculous. If I do weekly and daily, then there is no point in continuing to play at all, because multiruns only pay in CSC, where there is a chance for gems that can be broken and the powder can be sold even if its price has dropped a lot.
In the current state, you would have to increase your gold income from daily and weekly rewards tenfold to at least partially balance it out.
What I wrote would be such an effort to save PvP.

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On 7/30/2022 at 1:59 PM, Amane said:

There is already a solution: The Battle Plague. 

It gives quite nice gold for a little real money cost. Go get it, it's worth it. 

It's an event, a cash shop event moreover, we ask for a lasting solution.

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On 7/30/2022 at 7:59 AM, Amane said:

There is already a solution: The Battle Plague. 

It gives quite nice gold for a little real money cost. Go get it, it's worth it. 

That is not a solution. While I will note that CURRENTLY it is a good deal and currently demolishes not only F9 but also unsanctioned means, requiring players to pay around 30 CAD is not reasonable. The battle pass honestly is too much compared to many other games that have similar systems.


What is needed is either more sources (that cannot be exploited, so darthBaal's idea can't work), or a simple increase in current numbers. I think I've suggested a 1.1x increase to test, and they can keep going from there, monitoring the economy for disruptions. 1.1x is actually bigger then people think.

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On 7/30/2022 at 9:48 PM, luzt said:

Unironically suggesting to spend real money as a solution.


And even with 2 battle plagues I ran out of gold, this aint the way chief.


We need lower costs and/or permanent increase of gold income by playing the game,

not buying it with real money.


On 7/31/2022 at 6:32 PM, Zai said:

It's an event, a cash shop event moreover, we ask for a lasting solution.


14 hours ago, DenialOfTruth said:

That is not a solution. While I will note that CURRENTLY it is a good deal and currently demolishes not only F9 but also unsanctioned means, requiring players to pay around 30 CAD is not reasonable. The battle pass honestly is too much compared to many other games that have similar systems.


What is needed is either more sources (that cannot be exploited, so darthBaal's idea can't work), or a simple increase in current numbers. I think I've suggested a 1.1x increase to test, and they can keep going from there, monitoring the economy for disruptions. 1.1x is actually bigger then people think.


Don't worry guys. I really just gave you the best solution we have right now. 

I know, there's a million better ways to fix this issue without having to spend real life money.... but since you all did play as long as I did... I can sadly only say that I think all these suggestions are very unlikely to ever happen. 


I had no ill intention when I suggested this, it literally IS THE BEST option right now. Otherwise you're stuck grinding for weeks if not months with barely any progression. 

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2 hours ago, Amane said:

Don't worry guys. I really just gave you the best solution we have right now. 

I know, there's a million better ways to fix this issue without having to spend real life money.... but since you all did play as long as I did... I can sadly only say that I think all these suggestions are very unlikely to ever happen. 


I had no ill intention when I suggested this, it literally IS THE BEST option right now. Otherwise you're stuck grinding for weeks if not months with barely any progression. 

Agreed. As is, if one did all dungeons (including those removed from F8 like Sandstorm, Stonescale, ect) they would get 266g (roughly) a day. Or 345g with premium. Numbers are rough because I omit copper from my calculations. The battle pass grants over four months of effective gold gains.

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