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When is NC-Soft going to sell BNS to a company that cares about thier custumers?


With AION it worked out fine.


Current state with a non communication with player base, bugs to mars and completely incomplete patch notes its time for a change

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As Kicsiduda said, Gameforge is beyond awful. The 1st thing they would do is lock you bank/warehouse like they did in aion. Oh BOHOO you want to put/take items from your bank /pay up or gtfo. Or another example they would nerf the drop rates......and sell you a charm to revert their nerf so you can have they normal drop rates.............just like they did in Aion. Gameforge (commonly know as shietforge to all that have played their games) would make the game FAR more aggresive p2w, Also if you think they would fix any bugs or rankings.........HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.Trust me dude  if you thnik NC is bad, stay the hell away from shietforge.

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22 hours ago, Gman said:

Anything better then nc right?

If you think Gameforge is better then NCsoft, then you have no idea what you are talking about, there is nothing worse then Gameforge, if Gameforge would over take Blade and Soul, you will literally be able to buy everything, EVERYTHING in cash shop. People think NCsoft is Pay 2 Win? hah, they haven't seen GameForge then.

Edited by SayhaSeer
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