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LFP in Dungeon Lobby


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The LFP function in Dungeon Lobby should be fixed, we should be able to still leave an party while searching for players. 

It's so annoying when game keep looking for players for a long time and you cannot leave the party becuase your "leader" is afk, or just doesn't want to stop LFP, we're forced to turn off the game and then turn it on again. @Hime

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4 hours ago, Uldrum said:

To get around that, i always click enter dungeon then clicking the recruit button while i'm inside already

Thats not a solution. Many people including me just want to press LFP and have a group. What @ßIÖHÄZÄRD sugested was asked for in 2016 already and we needed it early. Now its to late. Way to much people stoped using LFP cause if there is a leader with like hm 12 for dungeons that need people with hm 20 the only solution as described it restarting game making LFP a  hassle to use.


Now LFP is dead and atleast for me this game is no longer enjoyable in PVE cause of that. I dont want to search manually for like 30 minutes if i am unlucky. I dont want a specific time where i have to run my stuff i want to play when i feel like it and not when i have to.............


So am sorry in my oppinion we need even more to make LFP usable again.

1. Remove the ability to join dungeons without LFP

2. Remove the ability to search for Normal/Easymode Dungeons in a full group max 2 people so LFP has to be used.

3. Of course make it possible to leave the group unless the dungeon countdown started.


Since its no issue for high end gear people and addicted people this wont see any changes sadly.

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33 minutes ago, PervertedLyn said:

Many people including me just want to press LFP and have a group

You get that with my suggestion tho? There is no difference between clicking LFP in lobby and clicking it while already inside.


The benefit with clicking it while already inside is so you can start clearing trash and actually move around.



I dont want a specific time where i have to run my stuff i want to play when i feel like it and not when i have to.............

Sadly an MMORPG needs other people in order to play, Maybe a single player game is more your style if you just want to play whenever.



I personally don't have any problems finding groups for easy mode through the lfp (using the method above ofc, i would never click LFP in lobby, it's too much of a trap) tho you have to know when to queue, if you do it too late in the evening you will not find any one.

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3 hours ago, Uldrum said:

The benefit with clicking it while already inside is so you can start clearing trash and actually move around.

Oh forgot to mention and this might be specifically me but i dont search for 1 dungeon only i search for 3 at a time which is not possible with your suggestion but even with ur suggestion working, the problem is still either i wait for hours before first boss for people or i wait in lobby and to my exp its faster in lobby cause people assume you fail the boss even tho you didnt even start it yet.


Sadly an MMORPG needs other people in order to play, Maybe a single player game is more your style if you just want to play whenever.

I dont get your suggestion. We have this feature in this game for that exact reason to not be forced to play at a exact time so we can just press 1 button and have a group. Sadly NCsoft ignored everything again and another feature which is needed for playability is destroyed.


Imagine having to manually search in call of duty. This game wouldnt sell if you had to. LFP worked for a long time but them neglecting LFP brought us to this.


I personally don't have any problems finding groups for easy mode through the lfp

Yeah easymode is kinda okish with the que time sometimes it takes ages but most of the time its pretty fast. I am more talking about Normal mode. You need the accesories from there but unless you have premade groups its near impossible to farm them.


Thats the whole reason i think NC should force people to use LFP instead of manual.


tho you have to know when to queue, if you do it too late in the evening you will not find any one.

~18:00 german time sounds like a good time to me.

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43 minutes ago, PervertedLyn said:

I am more talking about Normal mode.

Why would you EVER LFP Normal mode lol?


That sounds like an incredibly bad idea.


Are you not afraid to get very low geared people and the runs taking forever?



Thats the whole reason i think NC should force people to use LFP instead of manual.

Nothing should be "Forced" it is a game meant for enjoyment.



magine having to manually search in call of duty

Can't really compare an MMORPG and an FPS tho, 2 very different games.


Also CoD has like what.. 20 million players? while i think Blade and soul probably at most reaches 5000 daily logins.



~18:00 german time sounds like a good time to me.

Well, i assumed you meant easy mode ofc, Normal mode is just not possible in LFP mode.

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