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Currently the strongest wl is scourge with the oldschool revelation mystic badge (can be aquired from midnight skypetal plains npc or from celestial basin, but msp is much faster). It reduces your wingstorm (v) cooldown every time your helix (4) hits. And because every time your V hits an enemy, you get 3 seconds of cc resist, you can be in cc resist constantly. 
Soul badge can be either eternity (can be bought from kangcha in mushin tower). Every time your helix hits during siphon, you can use helix again. So basicaly helix spam, no need for rmb, only to use leech. You need to be in siphon all the time.
You can use war song / wingrise / zenith soul badges to, they'll do more damage than eternity but you have to spam rmb too.
Burst will be a bit lower than 3rd spec, but after about 20 seconds, scourge will take over. But the revelation mystic badge is a must have! No other mystic badge is worth it atm for scourge!

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