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So you are telling us to leave the game?


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i'm not mentioning about gem stats, some players already leaved sort of sh*t bugs. You make emergency maint for mess everything and nothing for actual fix.

We thought the Adventure Pot are piece of the event,(it didnt mention on event page so thought they forgot(as always happening) to add on there) so we bidded them 50-100-200 even 500Gold. thought it added for helping new/returning players. and now its deleted for *mistakenly added*. even wtf is exchanging them for 2x Festival Coins even we dont exchange this sh*t coins.


So we have nothing in our hands and we wasted sort of golds without getting warning. (dont tell me that warning is just made 25 min earlier so everyone dont let it use. its more like purposed to waste our golds and much times.)

also messing with todays maint is tells like *leave the game and delete it*

is it also purposed to Remove Call to Arms Remnant Stuff from express????

is it also purposed to Angler's Pearl exchanged for Polishing Cloth??? even it says available on event page.

is it also purposed to Remove Iron Conqueror Event Capsules from express????

WTF actually happening on this game, even hamsters can do better than you.

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I'm surprised that there is still a button for Dragon Express 😅. They should have removed future drops of Adventure Pot since there is no chance they can solve a complicated problem like finding the cause of shared timers on items. And fix the camera bug on red dragon pulse in the event dungeon. But deleting half of Dragon Express also works I guess 😂.


RIP my 600+ remnants.

Edited by TheDeathDeity
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1 hour ago, LynMasterRace said:

If the ability to spend remnants is not restored in 24 hours, then we will consider it false advertisement on the part of NCSoft.

The only thing you should take into consideration is the title of this post. This publisher with their mistakes ... well if i say anything else i will break the CoC, and everyone knows how good the mods and admins are doing their job on this forum.

Edited by Huayra
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