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FM is dead, long live FM


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Imagine crushing a class because it was too strong in pvp, which is dead anyway.  The changes to FM make no sense, and switching from light to fire for a little extra dps is just maddening. I am supposed to re-grind fury shields and amulets already?  I have people a grade of gear below me at half my level badges and 4 levels lower out-dpsing me now.  I can live just fine without sheath, but it kinda was the cornerstone of the class.  WTF?  There are times where every class need a split second protect, and without sheath and needing three orbs for strobe, the class is now a sitting duck.  Poorly handled NC.

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1 hour ago, Tufa said:

Imagine crushing a class because it was too strong in pvp, which is dead anyway.  The changes to FM make no sense, and switching from light to fire for a little extra dps is just maddening. I am supposed to re-grind fury shields and amulets already?  I have people a grade of gear below me at half my level badges and 4 levels lower out-dpsing me now.  I can live just fine without sheath, but it kinda was the cornerstone of the class.  WTF?  There are times where every class need a split second protect, and without sheath and needing three orbs for strobe, the class is now a sitting duck.  Poorly handled NC.

Not really, you still have Q E SS as other classes, stop making stories jsut because you got nerfed, many classes were nerfed, FM was siting on high position for a long, just enjoy mid tier for few weeks/month until next patch hit again.

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Removing sheath was a nerf for everyone.  The real problem is this company's idea of balance is some classes on top and some on bottom, instead of making all the classes equal.  They also fail to follow traditional norms of classes.  A class like FM should be a glass canon.  Now we have no defense and no offense, comparatively speaking.  Compare that to certain melee classes that have endless defense and huge dps.  FM just makes no sense at the moment.

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3 hours ago, Tufa said:

  The changes to FM make no sense, and switching from light to fire for a little extra dps is just maddening. I am supposed to re-grind fury shields and amulets already?  I have people a grade of gear below me at half my level badges and 4 levels lower out-dpsing me now.  I can live just fine without sheath, but it kinda was the cornerstone of the class.  WTF?  There are times where every class need a split second protect, and without sheath and needing three orbs for strobe, the class is now a sitting duck.  Poorly handled NC.

I never betrayed to god of fire and flames so I am having no issues here 😄 

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i just find it appalling how my weaker alts, whom i spent much less time and money dedicated to can do literally everything much easier than my light fm, who just spends her daily life laying on the floor, waiting for her only actual protection, godmode, to be useful in a battle. idk if i should be livid or utterly upset so frankly i'm both. and no i dont want to switch to another spec and i shouldnt have to, nc shouldnt have completely screwed my char/spec over to begin with. i shouldnt have to devote more effort/time/money to switch to a spec i dont want to play because of nc. 


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1 hour ago, stormy fm said:

i just find it appalling how my weaker alts, whom i spent much less time and money dedicated to can do literally everything much easier than my light fm, who just spends her daily life laying on the floor, waiting for her only actual protection, godmode, to be useful in a battle. idk if i should be livid or utterly upset so frankly i'm both. and no i dont want to switch to another spec and i shouldnt have to, nc shouldnt have completely screwed my char/spec over to begin with. i shouldnt have to devote more effort/time/money to switch to a spec i dont want to play because of nc. 


This is how FMs feel.


3 hours ago, Shaun said:

FM is not dead and never has been.


This is how non FMs feel.

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18 hours ago, stormy fm said:

i just find it appalling how my weaker alts, whom i spent much less time and money dedicated to can do literally everything much easier than my light fm, who just spends her daily life laying on the floor, waiting for her only actual protection, godmode, to be useful in a battle. idk if i should be livid or utterly upset so frankly i'm both. and no i dont want to switch to another spec and i shouldnt have to, nc shouldnt have completely screwed my char/spec over to begin with. i shouldnt have to devote more effort/time/money to switch to a spec i dont want to play because of nc. 


Welcome to awakening bud. A lot of people were sitting there for the longest time. 3rd specs were too much the go to, and especially fms and wls.

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On 9/17/2021 at 9:42 PM, Tufa said:

it was too strong in pvp, which is dead anyway. 

Sorry but what do you think is one of the biggest reasons it is dead ?


I can totally understand this frustration and i totally agree they should have done it another way but atleast NCsoft finally listened to 1 problem.

I asked for a CD on the tab walk or making FM able to get stunned in godmode form this wouldnt have hurt PVE while fixing PVP but instead they choose an aproach hurting booth.

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+1 from me, I feel ya @Tufa 1000%


Been playing FM from day 1 I joined the game. I was expecting high dps class (the attack on their spider chart class selection was the highest with KFM at that timr), dps was meh meh but probably due to my high ping.

Then came simple mode which increased my dps a lot as indeed my ping was like 350ms in average so I was missing a lot of counts doing my LMB/RMB/2 so dps became closer with to other classes.

After all 3rd specs started to come and dps was again back to mid tier but yeah it's ok let's wait for our 3rd spec.

3rd spec finally came and it was like salvation. We didn't get the huge dps increase all new 3rd spec got but still, good dps increase finally parsing close to my friends (bad ping so couldn't do more). But still good dps increase, better iframes, strobe, god mode, finally something enjoyable to play and doing good dps.

We got nerfed at every patch but it's ok, here nerf for pvp (I don't do pvp), and here small adjustments not affecting much pve dps so I was ok.


BUT NOW......... my friends who were doing roughly the same dps or lower in dungeons now do 2x and some 3x my dps .........

On top of that strobe nerfed, sheath gone (livable but yeah). I don't do pvp and people complaints FM are too strong in pvp while what I see in Mushin ToI is that KFM have infinite parry, DES can't be cced. All my other alts are almost doing better than my main FM in ToI so yeah, it's ToI and not pvp but who knows I might be missing something.


As you see 2 years of playing and it's my second post. I am damn pissed at NC soft and I won't probably stay longer if nothing happens.


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Always have been faithful to fire. the signature specialization to that class ♥
What is the new rotation for the changes on Fire FM.
i mean i searched on the forum and official news.
All class changes are insufficient / unclear to all changes. any reliable webs - don't tell me discord - or sheets of accurate changes?

Edited by Riohn
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On 9/22/2021 at 7:20 PM, Knarfy said:

+1 from me, I feel ya @Tufa 1000%


Been playing FM from day 1 I joined the game. I was expecting high dps class (the attack on their spider chart class selection was the highest with KFM at that timr), dps was meh meh but probably due to my high ping.

Then came simple mode which increased my dps a lot as indeed my ping was like 350ms in average so I was missing a lot of counts doing my LMB/RMB/2 so dps became closer with to other classes.

After all 3rd specs started to come and dps was again back to mid tier but yeah it's ok let's wait for our 3rd spec.

3rd spec finally came and it was like salvation. We didn't get the huge dps increase all new 3rd spec got but still, good dps increase finally parsing close to my friends (bad ping so couldn't do more). But still good dps increase, better iframes, strobe, god mode, finally something enjoyable to play and doing good dps.

We got nerfed at every patch but it's ok, here nerf for pvp (I don't do pvp), and here small adjustments not affecting much pve dps so I was ok.


BUT NOW......... my friends who were doing roughly the same dps or lower in dungeons now do 2x and some 3x my dps .........

On top of that strobe nerfed, sheath gone (livable but yeah). I don't do pvp and people complaints FM are too strong in pvp while what I see in Mushin ToI is that KFM have infinite parry, DES can't be cced. All my other alts are almost doing better than my main FM in ToI so yeah, it's ToI and not pvp but who knows I might be missing something.


As you see 2 years of playing and it's my second post. I am damn pissed at NC soft and I won't probably stay longer if nothing happens.


Yep, this is me exactly.  The thing that is so sick is that FM was only ever really  effective with third spec in BG, but even there it was necessary to take down endless protect classes like warden and destro.  For effectiveness in pve and things like ToI, it never did very well. Despite 6 months of soul/heart/weapon/ss upgrades, my DPS is lower than it was 6 months ago.  I dont really like to play alts, and this  constant barage of nerfs has really made me question staying with this game.  Dont get me wrong, I want balance as much as the next guy, but I feel like my time and effort to improve my dps has been stolen.  Now my class is nerfed to hell, AND I have given up on pvp anyway because it takes twenty minutes just to queue for a BG match.  There was so so so much more that needed to get fixed in BG before a FM nerf.

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  • 1 year later...
On 9/25/2021 at 4:02 PM, Riohn said:

Always have been faithful to fire. the signature specialization to that class ♥
What is the new rotation for the changes on Fire FM.
i mean i searched on the forum and official news.
All class changes are insufficient / unclear to all changes. any reliable webs - don't tell me discord - or sheets of accurate changes?

Fire fm is really fun! Pretty good for casual play and u wanna just vaporize stuff!

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