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Request of an anti-cheat.


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People really expect for an anti cheat to magically fix all these problems. Auto casting skills, botting, GCD, and client/XML editing will all still exist even with an anti-cheat. The only thing that wouldn't be able to be used would be cheat engine, but then again there's an extremely high chance that a bypass will publicly be available in the first couple of days.


For any fellow 6s players that believe that an anti-cheat will somehow fix auto casting, you're wrong. KR which has an anti-cheat with a heartbeat is still able to use XMLs including auto cast. An anti-cheat would, like I previously stated, ONLY effect the use of Cheat Engine. Stop talking like you know how any of this works and just begging for something that won't fix anything. We would need NCWest to be more strict when it comes to people being reported with video proof which will sadly never happen most likely. So get off the high horse of "aNtI cHeAt FiX gAmE", understand how things actually work, and understand that an anti-cheat would be just as useless as it was when we had it before.


For any actual change, it needs to be on how NCWest investigates claims of cheating/abuse and for them to actually take action against them. Otherwise until this game dies in the West, we will have auto casting, botting, GCD, and client/XML editing.


@Hime Don't waste your guys' and KR's time. The actual issues are much harder to deal with than an Anti-cheat.

Edited by Whyy
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11 minutes ago, Whyy said:

People really expect for an anti cheat to magically fix all these problems. Auto casting skills, botting, GCD, and client/XML editing will all still exist even with an anti-cheat. The only thing that wouldn't be able to be used would be cheat engine, but then again there's an extremely high chance that a bypass will publicly be available in the first couple of days.


For any fellow 6s players that believe that an anti-cheat will somehow fix auto casting, you're wrong. KR which has an anti-cheat with a heartbeat is still able to use XMLs including auto cast. An anti-cheat would, like I previously stated, ONLY effect the use of Cheat Engine. Stop talking like you know how any of this works and just begging for something that won't fix anything. We would need NCWest to be more strict when it comes to people being reported with video proof which will sadly never happen most likely. So get off the high horse of "aNtI cHeAt FiX gAmE", understand how things actually work, and understand that an anti-cheat would be just as useless as it was when we had it before.


For any actual change, it needs to be on how NCWest investigates claims of cheating/abuse and for them to actually take action against them. Otherwise until this game dies in the West, we will have auto casting, botting, GCD, and client/XML editing.


@Hime Don't waste your guys' and KR's time. The actual issues are much harder to deal with than an Anti-cheat.

Hello, you are wrong. 

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it's me, the only true pve rank 1 summoner worldwide. 

My time is expensive and therefore i will keep it short.

We want:

- Anti-Cheat with heartbeat

- Support members that do their work and punish repeatedly ToS breaking ppl


Sometimes i wonder where all my money i spent over the past 6 years in this game went.


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4 minutes ago, Hellway said:

Hello, you are wrong. 

Do you have anything to actually add or are you just speaking to speak? I've played this game since 50 days, XML/client editing has been a thing throughout both Anti cheats, anti cheats don't stop those things and won't stop those things. XMLs are still being used in KR and they actually care about cheaters. They ban people and reset ladders if someone has cheated a ranking. I have proof of all of this, do you have proof of me being wrong on anything? If not, then stop blindly just thinking an anti cheat, that again will be bypassed in a couple days after it has been released, will actually do anything. KR has an anti cheat with a heartbeat, it's constantly checking and guess what, there's a bypass and even if you don't bypass, client/XML editing still works. So continue talking about something you know nothing about🙂

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Same here, if no anti cheat, no purpose of trying hard latest content since it drop in a cheated dung anyway.

At the end of UE3, no one was doing the last dung because everyone was cheating it, no party formed, anything, only sellers.


No anticheat --> No farming party --> Dead game


Will wait to see and will stop the game too if nothing is done.

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15 minutes ago, Whyy said:

Do you have anything to actually add or are you just speaking to speak? I've played this game since 50 days, XML/client editing has been a thing throughout both Anti cheats, anti cheats don't stop those things and won't stop those things. XMLs are still being used in KR and they actually care about cheaters. They ban people and reset ladders if someone has cheated a ranking. I have proof of all of this, do you have proof of me being wrong on anything? If not, then stop blindly just thinking an anti cheat, that again will be bypassed in a couple days after it has been released, will actually do anything. KR has an anti cheat with a heartbeat, it's constantly checking and guess what, there's a bypass and even if you don't bypass, client/XML editing still works. So continue talking about something you know nothing about🙂

Yes you have proof and you are right, neverless I am not sure that insulting and looking down on the ones who ask for the same results as you want (no cheating in the game anymore) but only with the wrong solution is the best way to have these guys support your point... Indeed to fight against cheating NCSoft need to ban the blatant cheaters and have tools to prevent the use of the most basic cheats. People won't take the risk of cheating if their account is at stakes.

Edited by World Boss
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I'm not really a forum person but I quickly jumped in to say that UE4 made the game way better.

The upcoming patches will hopefully resolve most of the bugs, but lets go over to the topic at hand.

There will always be people with malicious intent who try to ruin your experience in a game.


A cheap anti cheat way will not stop all of them but filter the less experienced hackers out.

To truly catch them all you have to make server side checks and inbuild code that has conditions.

Example: Player runs at a way higher speed that they should, even without conditon of a speed buff etc.

This will make the game go, HEY, that is not right, and if that condition is triggered give


incert here punishment.

Like a force close of the game and report of the player behavior, which then will be looked at from the team.

Just a small example with the speed can be also taken to damage, or function changes and mods of all kinds.


By giving the game a check system if a player does something they normally can not do my normal means.

It's actually not hard to code and would not temper with players pcs, but directly make the player dced

in case they do those things. A anti cheat software would be only useful if it's truly tested and updated.


Just like anti virus programms, anti cheat programms will be breached and the malicious people will

try to bypass it and find loop holes, backdoors and what not, you need to keep it updated,

It's similar to a match in this game, counter the enemies counter and predict there next move.


A generic none updated anti cheat will not help, and if only for a extremly low time, just like bns buddy

and all those other 3rd party softwares already got a hold of the ue4 and how it works.

There need to be ways to stop them, until they had enough and give up.


Also not sure which country it was but, doing hacking and what not in an online game can make people put 

into jail, and to make a account to play a game you need to incert your ID and it must be verified to be yours.

Harsh methods, but at the rate cyber criminality is rising, it's a legit way to punish and find cheaters IRL.


Which then leads to them being to scared and not feeling save anymor behind their screens.

As a game developer I am kinda annoyed about all this, as for a different topic like p2w etc.

Every game is unfair, even those who only sell outfits, since those can become gold and those power.


And we got like the topic above the notorious hackers, gold sellers, botters and what not.

Not only blade and soul has those problems but also other games.

Many companies use p2w not just for greed but because they know if they don't malicious players will instead.


Edited by Ketsueki Tenshi
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1 hour ago, Amraith said:



We would like to remind everybody to stay on topic and refrain from any personal attacks, or this thread will be locked.







You tell people who create other posts on this matter to check this post, but you still arent giving an answer or showing any slight interest. We didnt create this thread to discuss between us, we did to get your attention and to be LISTENED TO, but again you don't care, oh what a surprise.

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Just now, Overgamers said:

Since the cheat killed the game in UE3, everyone almost left so, not enough to farm as i want

Most ppl left because of performance issues caused by anticheat systems like xingcode. I dont know why you try to explain leaving players just because of missing anticheat 

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2 minutes ago, stahp said:


You tell people who create other posts on this matter to check this post, but you still arent giving an answer or showing any slight interest. We didnt create this thread to discuss between us, we did to get your attention and to be LISTENED TO, but again you don't care, oh what a surprise.

actually some hypocrites created this post and ppl just spamming stuff because it was promoted in BG discord. Noone is really interested

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I agree that we need an anti cheat. fly hack, gcd and all the other stuff shouldnt be in the game... but at the same time id like to keep xmls that change the skill keys... since simple mode is not customizable and you cant really switch around your skills...

some classes play very clunky with the originial simple mode.


If youre going to dedicate to an anti cheat please deal with this problem before implementing it... 

If you dont, several classes / specs are going to become obsolete and cancer to play.

Edited by lolliposacc5
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1 minute ago, Ketsueki Tenshi said:

Plenty people seem to be interested, so speak for yourself user hypnotic.

However I agree that a default anti cheat software, specially if not regulary updated and

customized to the game, will be of any use, unless the above happends, a custom anti cheat method.

i dont know what you think will hapen. Like i said, this post was created and shared by hypocrites. The most fair option would be to restart the whole server with anticheat so ppl like we all know, will lose their gear they already cheated and have to restart clean

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Lolliposacc5... you just admit to use those 3rd party software... not very bright but at least you honest.

A customized simple mode, auto skip already seen cutscenes and all kinds of small changes would be easy

to put into the games default settings, so users not even need to use those illegal methods for qol functions.

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Just now, Hypnotic said:

i dont know what you think will hapen. Like i said, this post was created and shared by hypocrites. The most fair option would be to restart the whole server with anticheat so ppl like we all know, will lose their gear they already cheated and have to restart clean

I was for the idea of a fresh new server with a complete updated version of the bns ue4 version, instead we got a half rushed ue4 game version with the same old content and server.

I am just as frustrated about this as you and anyone else in the game.

As for the anti cheat methods I already made my point clear, and yes people should be punishes and striped.

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Before UE4, the game was basically a XML trading card game. And XML were necessary to stay competetive. Some players rather paid for XML than for premium.


Since UE4, the game feels much more healthy. But without anti cheat, this will be only temporary. People have started using XML edits again. And once community members release convenient ways to add them again, it will become a wide-spread problem.



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The biggest problems with anti-cheat are that every time NA/EU has had it, there has been bypasses, ways to subvert it...and because it is purely client side, even if they pick a fairly robust solution, a means to get past it will be discovered eventually. Cheaters will cheat no matter what. What truly is needed is a better solution on the SERVER end of things. Every action is logged by the server...but there is enough evidence that many of NCWest's staff do not completely understand the logs nor have the manpower to sift though thousands of them for potential cheating (plus there is also evidence of false positives in the logs due to lag or other issues outside of a player's control).


I'd rather for now they focus on other matters affecting the game like Koldrak getting stuck at 1 HP, improving performance more, and balance issues before tackling the challenge of curbing cheating: it's not as easy as everyone thinks where they just toss in a Game Guard or Xigncode file and all is peachy.

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24 minutes ago, Better Pewsai said:

Before UE4, the game was basically a XML trading card game. And XML were necessary to stay competetive. Some players rather paid for XML than for premium.


Since UE4, the game feels much more healthy. But without anti cheat, this will be only temporary. People have started using XML edits again. And once community members release convenient ways to add them again, it will become a wide-spread problem.



so you just want to say, that you use XML, right?

I mean, archer is a hard class, ngl


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@Himealthough ue4 is out now, the cheaters were back after only a few hours. they play with speed hack or fly. use cheats or pixel macros in pvp or in every ranking list. if the game is to have a future we need measures that work to prevent it. should the problem be ignored again, this does not only cast a bad light on BnS but also on how NCSoft handles its games and players in general

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