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Movement speed too slow & in-aggro time too long


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Hey everyone,


So i've playing blade and souls for a while now. I've noticed that the in-aggro time is so freakin long and the movement speed in fight is so slow. Does someone get bothered by this too? Like it always pulls me out of the game flow. Do they fix it with ue4? Does someone know? That was the reason why i quit playing, it felt so slow.

Edited by RajKu
the emotes didnt work....
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hahah oh yes, I do! When soloing the quick daily cold storage, this very broken aggro crap is my major time sink. I mean, the boss is dead, the boss is looted, the quests are turned in, the boss corpse despawned, why on earth I still need to be in combat for ages? Ofc this also happens in other places, but here it really shows off for me.

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