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The state of this game is terrible..


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PVE was always a boring grind..

The p2w keeps getting worse and worse.. 

6v6 is just nonsense.. people do waaay too much damage.. even at like 2.4k still getting 1 hit by everyone (even in veil lol), i can understand this happens if you're 1300 ap... but with 2.4k gear this really shouldn't happen anymore.. it's just silly how much damage people do, there's absolutely no reason for them to be 1hitting people.. 1hitting people has nothing to do with PVP (and don't act like 6v6 is PVE, we're fighting each other... not mobs.)

Then 1v1 arena where all day long everyday the same top 5 people on a broken class farming low rank people to feed their endless accounts to platinum with using 2 clients at the same time (which should be against the rules, but ncsoft ignores the problem for over a damn year now...)


Glad UE4 gonna solve this game's issues, and bring back all the players... cause they'll be having so much fun... 

(Doubt it's gonna fix even the lag in this game, let alone all the other issues this game has which ncsoft ignores)

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26 minutes ago, sFMos said:

PVE was always a boring grind..

Depends on the player. I personally enjoy PVE as long as i dont have to multi the dungeons all day.

26 minutes ago, sFMos said:

The p2w keeps getting worse and worse.. 

There is no pay to win in my oppinion everything including F10 can be farmed ingame thx to Hongmoon coins. I do think some limitations should be removed thou for example the limit of Trove keys. Currently you can only buy 20 keys. Its not like we have unlimited HM coins so it shouldnt hurt them to much.

26 minutes ago, sFMos said:

6v6 is just nonsense.. people do waaay too much damage.. even at like 2.4k still getting 1 hit by everyone (even in veil lol), i can understand this happens if you're 1300 ap... but with 2.4k gear this really shouldn't happen anymore.

If you have 2.400 AP with PVP gear there is no way you get one shot. You might get killed in one combo but not one attack only if its like Divine Strike for example which if you get hit by it its your own fault. My Alt has not even 2.300 ap in pvp and even the biggest whales need 2 - 8 direct hits on me to kill me.


If you only have pve gear of course you die one shot. PVE gear has no defense stats.

26 minutes ago, sFMos said:

it's just silly how much damage people do, there's absolutely no reason for them to be 1hitting people.. 1hitting people has nothing to do with PVP (and don't act like 6v6 is PVE, we're fighting each other... not mobs.)

If you dont boother with getting gear there is definetly a reason for them to oneshot you.  Dont get me wrong i think the whole concept of gear should be removed from 6v6 but thats not gonna happen.

26 minutes ago, sFMos said:

Then 1v1 arena where all day long everyday the same top 5 people on a broken class farming low rank people to feed their endless accounts to platinum with using 2 clients at the same time

This started in 2018 when people noticed they can wintrade without getting any kind of punishment. I could write a dozen of players who wintrade but i would get banned for this. Since reporting dosent do anything i stopped reporting them around 2019 probably.

26 minutes ago, sFMos said:

Glad UE4 gonna solve this game's issues, and bring back all the players... cause they'll be having so much fun...

UE4 is only supposed to reduce the lag there are no plans to get new players. They are not gonna make it more enjoyable everything thats currently planned is aiming to reduce the ammount of players on the server.


Like the new Accesorie system or the new mythic system comming out.

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2 minutes ago, ImoutoMaster said:

Depends on the player. I personally enjoy PVE as long as i dont have to multi the dungeons all day.

There is no pay to win in my oppinion everything including F10 can be farmed ingame thx to Hongmoon coins. I do think some limitations should be removed thou for example the limit of Trove keys. Currently you can only buy 20 keys. Its not like we have unlimited HM coins so it shouldnt hurt them to much.

If you have 2.400 AP with PVP gear there is no way you get one shot. You might get killed in one combo but not one attack only if its like Divine Strike for example which if you get hit by it its your own fault. My Alt has not even 2.300 ap in pvp and even the biggest whales need 2 - 8 direct hits on me to kill me.


If you only have pve gear of course you die one shot. PVE gear has no defense stats.

If you dont boother with getting gear there is definetly a reason for them to oneshot you.  Dont get me wrong i think the whole concept of gear should be removed from 6v6 but thats not gonna happen.

This started in 2018 when people noticed they can wintrade without getting any kind of punishment. I could write a dozen of players who wintrade but i would get banned for this. Since reporting dosent do anything i stopped reporting them around 2019 probably.

UE4 is only supposed to reduce the lag there are no plans to get new players. They are not gonna make it more enjoyable everything thats currently planned is aiming to reduce the ammount of players on the server.


Like the new Accesorie system or the new mythic system comming out.


I don't mind doing some pve either, but if i have to grind 200 runs each time cause i never see any drops... it gets extremely boring.


But 1 hitting people shouldn't be a thing at all... people just do way too much damage.
Why shouldn't people have to combo? 6v6 was soooooo much better when people did have to combo.

And i'm not in favor for an equalized bg either... just there shouldn't be this much of a difference between specs/classes/gear... the difference should be small... noticeable, but small.

And yes, this is with 2.4k pvp gear... people doing like  700k-1mil damage per hit on some skills, it's just stupid.. i'm not even talking about a combo either, like archers 1hit air combo... i'm literally talking about me being in my veil and being 1hit by everyone and their mums... or sometimes 2 hits..
It's just soooo boring, and who would wanna play this for a year to get decent enough gear to take 90% damage per hit instead of 200% of your hp.. it's stupid.


And don't see why they even bother working on UE4 and releasing it if they don't bring back people, seems like a total waste of time and money to work on this for years and then release it while the game is dead.. 


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i think it pvp state is best for some reason like those summoner pets hp insanely immortal could not even kill even their master die 


it good to have this system otherwise pvp is dominated by pve player earlier with too much damage reduction 

i really like the pvp state as it 


i believe this pvp system is more better then before 

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On 6/19/2021 at 7:46 PM, sFMos said:


I don't mind doing some pve either, but if i have to grind 200 runs each time cause i never see any drops... it gets extremely boring.

I totally agree and ive written it over and over. PVP Gear should be completly obtainable via pvp since you dont need pvp gear only the way we have it right now. You need like 8 million dmg in a parse to beat eva normal mode which is already 3rd gen pve gear. I dont wanna talk about the ammount of time needed just to have a competetive soul and heart or pet in pvp.

On 6/19/2021 at 7:46 PM, sFMos said:

But 1 hitting people shouldn't be a thing at all... people just do way too much damage.

As ive wrote i cannot argue here since i am not getting one shot even tho the gear of my alt is by far not last gen. I mean the Soul is True Cosmic that should tell you enough.

On 6/19/2021 at 7:46 PM, sFMos said:

Why shouldn't people have to combo? 6v6 was soooooo much better when people did have to combo.

It totally depends on class. Assasin can spam just like sum and fm but Soul fighter, KFM, Destroyer, nearly all classes still need some kind of combo to kill even if the ammount of buttons needed has decreased alot in the past combos are still needed unless you play FM/SIN or Sum.

On 6/19/2021 at 7:46 PM, sFMos said:

And i'm not in favor for an equalized bg either... just there shouldn't be this much of a difference between specs/classes/gear... the difference should be small... noticeable, but small.

To their defense its super hard to balance classes but even tho i defend NCsoft in that matter there is no excuse why third spec FM exists. I mean they are not even trying to balance it or any other class.

On 6/19/2021 at 7:46 PM, sFMos said:

i'm literally talking about me being in my veil and being 1hit by everyone and their mums... or sometimes 2 hits..

Thats something i complain about too. FM third, Archer can just shoot through. Their attacks are ranged attacks which veil is supposed to block but no not even a dmg reduction. All they have to do is give tab walk on fm a lil cd and make veil work against range attacks again.

On 6/19/2021 at 7:46 PM, sFMos said:

It's just soooo boring, and who would wanna play this for a year to get decent enough gear to take 90% damage per hit instead of 200% of your hp.. it's stupid.

You dont need that much time but still you need way to much time and most of it will be in PVE. The game is not even trying to give you a reason to play pvp so its also unlikely new players will even try to play pvp.

On 6/19/2021 at 7:46 PM, sFMos said:

And don't see why they even bother working on UE4 and releasing it if they don't bring back people, seems like a total waste of time and money to work on this for years and then release it while the game is dead..

Thoose are Koreans. Ever seen how they work ? they take pride in their work. Its a bit different than in the west. If its not profitable the west ditches a project but koreans are different. If this is a bad thing is up to you.


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@ImoutoMasterThe main issue is making pvp gear obtainable 100% from pvp means they have to take it out of pve aswell. This would mean any player wanting to start playing 6v6 would first have to spam-farm arena vs all the gold farmers and there alts to get there base gear, then go and farm from the base-gear up all the different levels in 6v6 OR farm 6v6 while in full pve gear to get it started. They put the pvp gear into pve content so that people who want to start pvp later can farm the higher-tiers of pvp gear rather than having to enter pvp with basicly no gear to start the grind.

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3 hours ago, Bobthemonk said:

@ImoutoMasterThe main issue is making pvp gear obtainable 100% from pvp means they have to take it out of pve aswell. This would mean any player wanting to start playing 6v6 would first have to spam-farm arena vs all the gold farmers and there alts

I dont think that would be an issue cause if they would actully bring something like i suggested into the game it would mean they finally got their interest in pvp again and this would also mean they would ban all the wintrader. BTW. Arena is not worth farming anymore since SSP got reworked if you find plat players in low silver most likely someone who is wintrading right now.

3 hours ago, Bobthemonk said:

They put the pvp gear into pve content so that people who want to start pvp later can farm the higher-tiers of pvp gear rather than having to enter pvp with basicly no gear to start the grind.

I see it the other way. They put the pvp gear into pve cause pve generates way more money so they want as much people as possible to do pve. Its also not like You can end story and straight farm ur pvp gear.


Spectral shrine alone needs an insane ammount of gear to be finished TC is also needed on some classes and most people expect you to have like 2.800ap. I am honest with you. If i would be a player only interested in pvp i wouldnt boother with Blade and soul at all since its way to much work to get to that pve gear level just to get pvp gear.

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Iirc you can farm up to incinerator 9 weapon from arena, but after that all your pvp gear you have to come from 6v6. Are you saying you would prefer a system where you are hard-locked on virtually no pvp gear in 6v6 so that you can start grinding hundreds of thousands of battle points to be able to then buy your pvp gear? Also since TC is PVE gear rather than PVP gear that would mean you would have no way of getting any of the PVE (raid / raid-based accessories) so rip if your a class that uses those for PVP aswell.

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21 hours ago, Bobthemonk said:

Iirc you can farm up to incinerator 9 weapon from arena, but after that all your pvp gear you have to come from 6v6. Are you saying you would prefer a system where you are hard-locked on virtually no pvp gear in 6v6 so that you can start grinding hundreds of thousands of battle points to be able to then buy your pvp gear?

No my point is if you go in full PVE gear you should be locked. atleast have x pieces of pvp equipment which i would say 4 is enough +  weapon of course.


What you can get without touching 6v6:

1. Weapon Incinerator 9 definetly and i think Drgonfang 9 since Realmrift released

2. Full Accesories depending on ur pve gear 1st gen or 2nd gen .........

3. Full Soul shield 8 set. if your class uses pve ss too you should be forced to atleast use 5 pieces of pvp one.


If my suggestion would be comming to game it would be enough if you had Imperial stuff making the total cost of the gear at around 320G.

Asdencant is litterly free at vendor = Free

Accesories drop in mushin tower 9 - 20 each box cost 80G so Ring, Earring, Belt, Necklace = 320G

Soul shield whatever you can get at vendor for bloodstones for example = free


So the cost to get the gear to enter 6v6 would be 320G.

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Accesories drop in mushin tower 9 - 20 each box cost 80G so Ring, Earring, Belt, Necklace = 320G


first class gear I not even give 20gold.to those gear 

price is way too much 

should.not u stop making 200run for.pvp player in Pve to aquire PvP gear ? Why u intentionally forcing PvP player to play pve ? And making PvP market drop since. Moonstone is no use earlier in PvP it was around 10g now it gone to 2.4gold really 

Edited by Rinori
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