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oh my god they even patch this earlier? with that emergency maintenance? this is my only hope to level up my moonlit soul faster. im playing 4characters with 1500AP my hope is gone. wow just wow.

Edited by LizzLet
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yah those nc xxxx remove it    


i 100% sure someone who already use this jewels hack  and lost all naryu coin would try to stop to other do it and send ticket to nc tell it 


is it fair why we cant upgrade other done upgrade and got many token from it and then they report to remove it so other cant do 


this is call monkey grab banana but not want to grab its banana by other



this is unfair bring back jewels upgrade u xxxx nsoft or ban those people who spam those bug 

Edited by repliergod
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@Belido agree with u  kinda this event is terrible design for people alts if u run below hh dugeno u cant only stage up 1-2 something like that why this event is so lame design and bns would not even understand


and the gear player already done this event with naryu coin 0 in their pocket and left us behind and running with  6 people running their alts f8 lol game over hard to find good gear player at f8 now since already all gear player got event outfit with this glitch



i want fair justice bring this jewels upgrade back or fix this lame event provide lower upgrade rate on low dugeno  or remove those player mats acquired by those  jewels upgrade 



this is call unfair play 

do the jewels upgrade lost all naryu coin yes time to remove this upgrade send ticket to bns and left the good player in dark with slow and dead f8



welcome to play toxic ball do glitch then lost everything like naryu coin for glitch then they tryto remove glitch so otherwont aquire it 

i truely want to ask this @Hime is ur emergency maintance to troll us with slow life

what is this ? they all done glitches upgrade and got outfit already then stop the good player who came late to aware it 


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1 hour ago, repliergod said:

@Belido agree with u  kinda this event is terrible design for people alts if u run below hh dugeno u cant only stage up 1-2 something like that why this event is so lame design and bns would not even understand


and the gear player already done this event with naryu coin 0 in their pocket and left us behind and running with  6 people running their alts f8 lol game over hard to find good gear player at f8 now since already all gear player got event outfit with this glitch



i want fair justice bring this jewels upgrade back or fix this lame event provide lower upgrade rate on low dugeno  or remove those player mats acquired by those  jewels upgrade 



this is call unfair play 

do the jewels upgrade lost all naryu coin yes time to remove this upgrade send ticket to bns and left the good player in dark with slow and dead f8



welcome to play toxic ball do glitch then lost everything like naryu coin for glitch then they tryto remove glitch so otherwont aquire it 

i truely want to ask this @Hime is ur emergency maintance to troll us with slow life

what is this ? they all done glitches upgrade and got outfit already then stop the good player who came late to aware it 


I'm running this with a friend on all my alts some who are not so geared and all you need is Warped citadel/DST down dungeons to get enougn moons to upgrade 4 souls to get the swimsuit if you are going cosmetics. this event is not even hard and you can still get plenty of currency. you can also run dungeons even if they do not count towards daily challenge that day and still get the moons. if you aren't running a full purple train warped citadel down everyday you are missing a lot of moons. this event is actually really good.

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I'm running this with a friend on all my alts some who are not so geared and all you need is Warped citadel/DST down dungeons to get enougn moons to upgrade 4 souls to get the swimsuit if you are going cosmetics. this event is not even hard and you can still get plenty of currency. you can also run dungeons even if they do not count towards daily challenge that day and still get the moons. if you aren't running a full purple train warped citadel down everyday you are missing a lot of moons. this event is actually really good.

what a terrible lier does people alive on f8 to run those purple train 


i have 5hr video record proof of f8 how much it dead and how hard to recruit player in lobby 



u need 20-30 st or dst etc to make upgrade stage 1 to stage 4 max  that is what u say event? for 20 coin @MishaJ


@MishaJ i know u already abuse the naryu coin bug and got already all outfit from it and left 0 naryu coin to stop other ?

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40 minutes ago, repliergod said:

what a terrible lier does people alive on f8 to run those purple train 


i have 5hr video record proof of f8 how much it dead and how hard to recruit player in lobby 



u need 20-30 st or dst etc to make upgrade stage 1 to stage 4 max  that is what u say event? for 20 coin @MishaJ


@MishaJ i know u already abuse the naryu coin bug and got already all outfit from it and left 0 naryu coin to stop other ?

This is barely even proper English, but...I've never really had trouble in F8 unless it's super early in the morning or super late. I suspect you're trying at one of those two times. And if not...well...prove it.


And...no. Here's some math on what it takes to max a soul:

Each soul takes 1000 XP to fill. ST and DST give a 40 XP crescent, which would suggest on paper your math is correct...but no one is just doing two dungeons a day here to try to max one. They're probably doing at least 5 daily challenges as well. Just the 5 DC alone gives a 80 XP crescent. Even in the worst case scenario, that is, those 5 daily challenges are all 40 XP crescents, that's 240 XP a day right there. Almost a soul every 4 days...and that would be doing it casually. I imagine someone seriously wanting to do the event would do CC, H0 and HaHi as well, and the first two most people won't care too much about your AP.


Is this event any good, though? No. I do agree that it is excessively grindy, but to present it as needing hundreds of runs of a specific dungeon is dishonest. Also accusing players of cheating without proof is slander, so I would avoid that.

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@LynMasterRace all na and eu whale player already spam naryu coin and left 0 naryu coin and now they stop this glitch in order to stop new player who recently aware of it 




736 posts

Posted 4 hours ago

lol, rly, don't expect them to ban anyone, they are just there to leave dump slowmos like us behind.

this person also shown a logical proof of it 


and those player are weak gear just like us now struggling 5-10min to get 1 person in their lobby and after it over they left us now make another host and recruit another 10-20min for 5-6 people really? is that is it?

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4 hours ago, repliergod said:

what a terrible lier does people alive on f8 to run those purple train 


i have 5hr video record proof of f8 how much it dead and how hard to recruit player in lobby 


People stopped recruiting in F8 because of those who expect carries and never learn mechanics. All dungeon recruitment is done on the server and in discord channels now, F8 should have been removed the moment we merged into one server.


As for the jewel upgrades, obviously it was fixed, as that was not the intended way to do the event.

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@GrimoirI believe the reason F8 was left in is because some players do get better performance in F8 compared to open-server (probably to do with amount of players in the area or something). Pretty sure that is same reason you can do IA + both versions of the BM raids in F8 aswell.

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8 hours ago, repliergod said:

may be u on eu server @lillvargen i was referring to na server take 10-20min recuirt time 


I actually went and did all my dailies in f8 yesterday on NA (ran all dungeons from Cold Storage up to TC), and each party filled within 5 minutes. Except for House of Idols, took over 10 minutes.

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14 hours ago, Grimoir said:


I actually went and did all my dailies in f8 yesterday on NA (ran all dungeons from Cold Storage up to TC), and each party filled within 5 minutes. Except for House of Idols, took over 10 minutes.


fastest way to me is to go for the dungeon after a short time in F8 and finish recruit here.

CS you only done as try out right? I don't think anyone else recruits for the few seconds of boss fight.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/19/2021 at 10:35 PM, repliergod said:

what a terrible lier does people alive on f8 to run those purple train 


i have 5hr video record proof of f8 how much it dead and how hard to recruit player in lobby 



u need 20-30 st or dst etc to make upgrade stage 1 to stage 4 max  that is what u say event? for 20 coin @MishaJ


@MishaJ i know u already abuse the naryu coin bug and got already all outfit from it and left 0 naryu coin to stop other ?

yeah many abused.... it was not made public by the devs and ncsoft forum people for a reason they didn't want people abusing it. and they didn't stop it just so low geared players couldn't get an advantage they stopped it so all players whale or new couldn't get an advantage. it stopped whale players too man.

On 6/20/2021 at 12:08 AM, repliergod said:

@LynMasterRace all na and eu whale player already spam naryu coin and left 0 naryu coin and now they stop this glitch in order to stop new player who recently aware of it 

this person also shown a logical proof of it 


and those player are weak gear just like us now struggling 5-10min to get 1 person in their lobby and after it over they left us now make another host and recruit another 10-20min for 5-6 people really? is that is it?

if you were honestly struggling that hard you need to hook into a clan then or make some friends to run with... and no i actually ran the event on several alts to get shipmate and i had no struggle getting people even on my lowest geared alts which are grand celestial 6. no one should have struggled to get DST down dungeons everyday you can even run dungeons that are not on the roster for that day to get extra moons. Something i myself did so i could get extra moons to speed up the event. i worked my butt off this event and i'm still not done i'm racing one last swimsuit before the event ends and i'm hoping i make it.


Also like others said including grimoir.... too many and you sound like it too expect to be carried and don't wanna learn mechs and this is why the community finds ways to abuse events to get all they need so they don't have to carry low geared. cause they wanna stay low geared expect carries and don't put in effort. this isn't that kinda game and people expect you to put in effort to your gear and try and learn the dungeons.

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15 minutes ago, MishaJ said:

yeah many abused.... it was not made public by the devs and ncsoft forum people for a reason they didn't want people abusing it. and they didn't stop it just so low geared players couldn't get an advantage they stopped it so all players whale or new couldn't get an advantage. it stopped whale players too man.

if you were honestly struggling that hard you need to hook into a clan then or make some friends to run with... and no i actually ran the event on several alts to get shipmate and i had no struggle getting people even on my lowest geared alts which are grand celestial 6. no one should have struggled to get DST down dungeons everyday you can even run dungeons that are not on the roster for that day to get extra moons. Something i myself did so i could get extra moons to speed up the event. i worked my butt off this event and i'm still not done i'm racing one last swimsuit before the event ends and i'm hoping i make it.


Also like others said including grimoir.... too many and you sound like it too expect to be carried and don't wanna learn mechs and this is why the community finds ways to abuse events to get all they need so they don't have to carry low geared. cause they wanna stay low geared expect carries and don't put in effort. this isn't that kinda game and people expect you to put in effort to your gear and try and learn the dungeons.

yeah that pretty much sums it up the people don't wanna carry people who don't wanna better themselves.... yeah grimoir is right people just go to server and recruit party with ap requirement and then go f8 to run everything with a premade group. it's just faster. i too didn't struggle to get parties and i didn't make or join any premade groups i fished from f8 with no real troubles. this event wasn't that hard and i got myself a nice swimsuit to set aside for when dual blade comes out.

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