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General questions about UE4


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UE4 has been confirmed to come to Europe/North America.

That's great! We've been waiting for it since 2017, when it was announced.


However, there is still quite a lot you haven't answered...





People are worried about performance, and rightfully so...

This game was written for Windows XP SP3 32-bits running on an AMD Athlon 64X2 with 2GB of RAM and a NVidia Geforce 8600GT / AMD HD4600 GPU.


Currently, an AMD A10-6800K with 16GB DDR3@1600MHz and an AMD HD7850 struggles a lot to run this game at 30fps in combat with players hidden.


So, what are the performance improvements you will implement?

Or will the game be completely unplayable for low-end PCs that were considered ultra-beastly when the game was released?


Just in case the performance is atrocious and/or it can't launch on older CPUs/GPUs, what will you do?

(And no, "Just buy a new one" isn't going to work in 2021, when hardware prices are going to stupidity levels, sometimes 2-3x the prices when the hardware was new)




Directx11? 12? Vulkan?

Which version of DirectX will be used?

If you decide to use DirectX 12, will you take advantage of the advanced features, like multi-GPU and ray-tracing?

Will you support features like NVidia DLSS 1.0/2.0?
How about AMD FidelityFX and other AMD-related optimizations/features?


What about Vulkan?

Any efforts to use it?




UE3 + UE4?

What will happen to the UE3 client?
Will it stop working?

Will you keep it around for a few years, to ease the transition?


I remember reading about this, but I can't find any references to it...




Unfixed bugs and others

What will happen to those?


Since the game release, if you plug a TV or buy a Razer ManO'War, the game can't save the settings.
The sound card has the apostrophe on the name, which causes the clientconfiguration.xml file to be invalid.

A similar issue happens with some Realtek sound cards, which have the name translated to the Windows language, causing the name to be too long and being truncated, therefore the sound card is invalid and the settings don't save.

Another issue is that the game doesn't like when some UI elements aren't snapped to others, causing the file to fail to save and all settings are reverted.

Will this be fixed?


When the game was launched, it had Razer Chroma support.

It was cool and all, until it was removed...

It was removed in such a shoddy way that having the Razer Chroma SDK installed will cause the game to crash on startup.

Will this be fixed too?

Will Razer Chroma support be added back?


Another thing that only happens with this game is that the mouse is handled really poorly.

What most games do is to center the mouse on the window, then check when the mouse moves and where it moved, interpret that movement and then move the mouse to the center.

BnS doesn't move the mouse to the center, causing the mouse to click on Windows Gadgets on the Windows Sidebar (BnS still supports Windows 7, which uses the Windows Sidebar), on overlays (like the volume and the audio player), on mini players (E.g.: a Youtube video played on the floating window with Google Chrome or Firefox) and others.

Will this be fixed too?


Sometimes, the game is blurred, like if someone spread vaseline on the screen.

This is because of Windows, due to changes on how it works with high DPI dispays.

This requires that the player goes to the client.exe file and changes the DPI settings to use application settings.

Will this be fixed and the game will be made to handle high DPI displays properly?


How about usability?

There's colorblind people trying to use whatever bodged hack they can get to use the game.

Will you add colorblind modes?

Will you improve the usability for people with reduced motor functions?




Sincerely, I would like more than a canned answer like "We will look into it" or "More info soon"...

You're 4 years late to say anything at all, other than "it's coming" and "we are updating the lighting"...

Edited by Cupidstar
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1 hour ago, Moy said:

Good news is that you only need to wait 5 more days to find out all of that in KR.


I strongly doubt they will say anything.

But hey, we waited 4 years ... 5 more days isn't that much...


I doubt that the information will have any quality at all, if they do release it.


Sincerely, I would love to be proven wrong...

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5 minutes ago, lillvargen said:

we don't even get answers to the most obvious problems, you want answers about things that don't exist yet 😄


That's the whole point of this post...

To get some answers about some things that should have been answered already, and to obtain answers about things they should have fixed 2-5 years ago.


And since I spent so much time writting this, why not ask a little bit more info about what to expect?

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8 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:


That's the whole point of this post...

To get some answers about some things that should have been answered already, and to obtain answers about things they should have fixed 2-5 years ago.


And since I spent so much time writting this, why not ask a little bit more info about what to expect?


Hime did clearly state they will release more information as the launch date for NA comes closer. We will get already a big chunk of info from KR in a few days, but for official details on our client you will very likely have to wait till like at least 2-3 weeks prior to launch.


Although some of the things you asked are more or less....logic:

UE3 client - obviously it will be discontinued the moment the upgraded one is live, just like all other games did that had a conversion. Why keep an old client alive for which there will be no development anymore?


DX11/12 - Dx12 is the "standard" a lot of games use. If the game used DX it will not be magically converted to Vulkan. Not to mention DX is far better than Vulkan, at least in the games i played so far, and using Dx11 would be a wasted effort, however, depends on when the conversion actually started.

As far as FidelityFX goes, AMD has not even ironed out all the things for it, so you can be 100% sure it will not happen with BnS.

DLSS, i tihnk this actually became a thing mid development of the UE4 conversion so i am almost certain the game will not support it at launch at least (would be very suprised if it did)

RTX - i do not get my hopes up. i am pretty sure it wont support it for pretty much obvious reasons.


Performance - UE4 already in itself has huge improvements over UE3, and thats without even doing any optimizations in the game client, so you can be sure it will be a good improvement, with multicore support.However, if the game shifts from a CPU to GPU dependancy some older video cards might not cut it anymore, simply even because older cards may not support DX11/12, as currently the game still runs on DX9.


As far as bugs go....i think a lot will be fixed, whether the ones you specifically mentioned.....who knows, personally since beta, i never once had the mouse issue you are referring to. The "Blurry" issue, that actually is a GPU problem, Nvidia and AMD forums have extensive details on this as it happens with a lot of other applications and games, so not just BnS.


As for the hacks....well....while i would hate to loose my current button customizations (because it makes it much easier for me to play with less strain on my wrists) i do hope there will be some preventive measures to stop the xml edits entirely.



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1 hour ago, Grimoir said:

UE3 client - obviously it will be discontinued the moment the upgraded one is live


This is what would make sense.
But this also means that people with an older PC may get royally screwed...


1 hour ago, Grimoir said:

DX11/12 - Dx12 is the "standard" a lot of games use.


Yes, but some games do let you pick DirectX11 or 12, which may help on running the game on that older hardware.

(And no, I'm not talking about myself here. I'm quite fine with the decent hardware that I have...)


1 hour ago, Grimoir said:

RTX - i do not get my hopes up. i am pretty sure it wont support it for pretty much obvious reasons.


I was talking about the DirectX12 ray-tracing features that Microsoft announced, not Nvidia RTX.
But seeing that the game implements PhysX, why not implement Nvidia-specific stuff this time around?


1 hour ago, Grimoir said:

DLSS, i tihnk this actually became a thing mid development of the UE4 conversion so i am almost certain the game will not support it at launch at least (would be very suprised if it did)


It seems that Version 1.0 was released in the beginning of 2019, so, that's plenty of time to implement a feature that would really help a lot with the rendering of the game, to lighten the load a little.


2 hours ago, Grimoir said:

Performance - UE4 already in itself has huge improvements over UE3, and thats without even doing any optimizations in the game client, so you can be sure it will be a good improvement, with multicore support.However, if the game shifts from a CPU to GPU dependancy some older video cards might not cut it anymore, simply even because older cards may not support DX11/12, as currently the game still runs on DX9.


With this, I'm more worried that the requirements may be as stupid as the BnS Frontier ones.

Ryzen 5, 8GB RAM, Nvidia 1060 with 6GB VRAM is quite a huge jump, making tons and tons of systems completely useless for this game.

Apex legends, for example, can work with lower than 2GB of VRAM, and it is visually quite realistic.

It can use less than 3GB of RAM with quite a lot of characters on screen, during combat.


2 hours ago, Grimoir said:

personally since beta, i never once had the mouse issue you are referring to.


Easy to reproduce:

  1. Open a Youtube video on Google Chrome/Firefox
  2. Open the mini player
  3. Play the game
  4. You will be able to move the mouse over the player, and even interact with it


2 hours ago, Grimoir said:

As for the hacks....well....while i would hate to loose my current button customizations (because it makes it much easier for me to play with less strain on my wrists) i do hope there will be some preventive measures to stop the xml edits entirely.


I didn't spoke about hacks.

But I hope they don't do this, as there are many things that shouldn't exist in the first place and removing/changing them helps quite a lot.

Stuff like:

  • Useless transmutation animations and delays
  • Opening loot boxes delays
  • Other useless delays
  • Bad simple mode rotations
  • Stupid "inventory is full" messages when there's more than enough space in the inventory
    Specially when you get 13 items as 12 + 1 and they don't automatically stack
  • Disabling balloon boob physics
  • Permanently show the boss timer
    Why the hell is it being hidden in the first place??????????
  • Change the menu drawing color and duration
    This helps when learning mechanics, the default 20 seconds with 5px width and red/orange doesn't cut it

These are some of the reasons why I defend that we can still edit the XML, within limits.

Stuff like enabling auto combat outside the designated areas is outside the limits.

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29 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:

This is what would make sense.
But this also means that people with an older PC may get royally screwed...


I mean....some might, yes, but i am sorry to say this, they are upgrading their product and moving forward, it is not their job to worry about whether someone upgrades their hardware or not. If they had to worry about that we wouldn't be getting half the features.


31 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:

Yes, but some games do let you pick DirectX11 or 12, which may help on running the game on that older hardware.

(And no, I'm not talking about myself here. I'm quite fine with the decent hardware that I have...)

I know what you mean, but from what i see the only games that have that option are the ones which were specifically developed with dx11 and then later upgraded to dx12. BnS is essentially 2 generations behind.


32 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:

I was talking about the DirectX12 ray-tracing features that Microsoft announced, not Nvidia RTX.

Ach ok, well, tbh, there was a bigger chance to0 have nvidias rather than microsofts xD.

although reshade has a ray tracing filter than can be applied to even the current bns, and it works pretty great, however certain objects get a strange shadow.


33 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:

It seems that Version 1.0 was released in the beginning of 2019, so, that's plenty of time to implement a feature that would really help a lot with the rendering of the game, to lighten the load a little.


It very much would, but they would not implement this half way through their development cycle. I think best bet is we will get it like a lot of other games post UE4 launch with an update.


35 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:

With this, I'm more worried that the requirements may be as stupid as the BnS Frontier ones.

Ryzen 5, 8GB RAM, Nvidia 1060 with 6GB VRAM is quite a huge jump, making tons and tons of systems completely useless for this game.

Apex legends, for example, can work with lower than 2GB of VRAM, and it is visually quite realistic.

It can use less than 3GB of RAM with quite a lot of characters on screen, during combat.


I think requirements will not change much. But you cant compare BnS to Apex Legends. in BnS the world is far more detailed than in Apex, plus both games are intended for different things. I think the upgraded client will require a minimum of 4GB of ram at the very least. Also who knows if we will even keep the currect 32/64 bit options. the new client might only be fully 64bit with multi-core support. This is something we will have to see with KR. Luckily i got an account there so ill have a look and try myself just for the look and feel.


37 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:

Easy to reproduce:

  1. Open a Youtube video on Google Chrome/Firefox
  2. Open the mini player
  3. Play the game
  4. You will be able to move the mouse over the player, and even interact with it


I see, but this might be a chrome issue, since i am not using chrome, it is literally the only browser out of all that i hate using for what it does, but it might also have to do with the game not running in true fullscreen. Does it also happen if you activate true fullscreen?


For the rest....i really hope we will get a lot of QoL things that we now need edits for, but honestly i am not holding my breath. Since the times needed for those things are essentially part of the "look and feel" as annoying as it may be.


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5 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

I mean....some might, yes, but i am sorry to say this, they are upgrading their product and moving forward, it is not their job to worry about whether someone upgrades their hardware or not. If they had to worry about that we wouldn't be getting half the features.


We are in 2021... It's almost a requirement...


6 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

But you cant compare BnS to Apex Legends. in BnS the world is far more detailed than in Apex, plus both games are intended for different things.


I can. But lets say I can't, how about comparing it to Cyberpunk2077?

The minimum GPU is a GTX 780 (3GB VRAM) or an AMD RX470 (4GB VRAM).


The CPU requirements are A LOT lower as well, and requires 8GB minimum (it can run with less).


BnS UE4 can't be that visually more demanding than Cyberpunk2077...

It simply can't... The BnS Frontier isn't... But still has idiotic requirements.


12 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

the new client might only be fully 64bit with multi-core support.


I'm sure it will be only 64-bits, but not because of multi-core support, but to accomudate idiotic RAM requirements (8GB or more).


11 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

I see, but this might be a chrome issue, since i am not using chrome, it is literally the only browser out of all that i hate using for what it does, but it might also have to do with the game not running in true fullscreen. Does it also happen if you activate true fullscreen?


It's a BnS issue. Obviously it still happens in true full screen, with the Windows Audio Player overlay, when you skip a song.

Also, I said before this happens with the Windows Sidebar, which clicks on Windows Gargets.

Another example is a lyrics plugin for Windows Media Player, which I had to stop using as well.


This doesn't happen with Tera, Overwatch, Aura Kingdom and Apex Legends.
Yes, with those set to "Borderless Window" - not true fullscreen.

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On 5/28/2021 at 6:50 PM, Grimoir said:

For the rest....i really hope we will get a lot of QoL things that we now need edits for, but honestly i am not holding my breath. Since the times needed for those things are essentially part of the "look and feel" as annoying as it may be.


Agree totaly. If they fix performance right the only thing i would need is to make these quality of life changes:

1. Make it posible to key- bind skills manualy. Which you can only do now by modding.

2. Let ppl customise simple mode skills ( i dont talk about configurating ms). Let add or remove or change skills places. Because sometimes even ncsoft themsefl doesnt know how some classes works funny enough xD

3. Either delete or highly reduse box opening and transmuting times. This ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ is only to trap ppl in game longer for statistics.

For me if these things would be addedvto game and game performance would be fixed hugely i wouldnt need to use any 3rd tool anymore.


Good thing is kr getting test server in few days and we will be able to see how is the improvment. Althoug i am trying not have my hopes up (because we know its Ncsoft and we got burned from them time and time again) but i still hope performance will be greatly increased and then they could look at their  some feedback from players about qol stuff. And if thats revitalise game they should look over their monitization as well.  Because only good performance wont keep players long enough for it to payout all the upgrades.






Edited by MantisxD
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On 5/28/2021 at 6:07 PM, Cupidstar said:
On 5/28/2021 at 5:50 PM, Grimoir said:

I mean....some might, yes, but i am sorry to say this, they are upgrading their product and moving forward, it is not their job to worry about whether someone upgrades their hardware or not. If they had to worry about that we wouldn't be getting half the features.


We are in 2021... It's almost a requirement...

We are in 2021... It's almost a requirement to update the Gaming PC if someone plays on 5 years + old hardware.


On 5/28/2021 at 6:07 PM, Cupidstar said:
On 5/28/2021 at 5:50 PM, Grimoir said:

But you cant compare BnS to Apex Legends. in BnS the world is far more detailed than in Apex, plus both games are intended for different things.


I can. But lets say I can't, how about comparing it to Cyberpunk2077?

The minimum GPU is a GTX 780 (3GB VRAM) or an AMD RX470 (4GB VRAM).


The CPU requirements are A LOT lower as well, and requires 8GB minimum (it can run with less).


BnS UE4 can't be that visually more demanding than Cyberpunk2077...

It simply can't... The BnS Frontier isn't... But still has idiotic requirements.

It's not so simple as you want it to be it.

But lets stay by your Cyberpunk 2077 example. Requirements can be found at: https://www.cyberpunk.net/en/news/36698/system-requirements-for-cyberpunk-2077-update

The minimum requirements you are qoute are for the lowest settings in Cyberpunk 2077.
Not to mention that Cyberpunk 2077 looks realy bad ad lowest settings. I would also say BnS in UE3 looks better then Cyberpunk 2077 on low.

If you want to play Cyberpunk 2077 with nice visually you allready need a GTX 1060, I7-4790 and 12 GB Ram. And thats only for high setting in Cyberpunk 2077. If someone wants to play on max settings the requirements are even higher.

So why it is a Problem if BnS UE4 version updates the requirements to play the game.

On 5/28/2021 at 6:07 PM, Cupidstar said:
On 5/28/2021 at 5:50 PM, Grimoir said:

the new client might only be fully 64bit with multi-core support.


I'm sure it will be only 64-bits, but not because of multi-core support, but to accomudate idiotic RAM requirements (8GB or more).

It requires a 64-bit operating system, since the standard installation for PCs has been 64-bit since Windows 7. And for a gaming PC, there's no real reason to rely on 32-bit Windows.
And i would say 8 GB Ram for a gaming PC is more or less the default since 2017.

Interesting statistics about PC hardware can be found at steam.

As you can see most player on Steam play with a Windows 64-bit system and has 8 GB ram or more. 
So i would say its not a problem to update the more than 8 years old system requirements with the UE4 update.

Edited by Jubei Yagyu
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31 minutes ago, Jubei Yagyu said:

We are in 2021... It's almost a requirement to update the Gaming PC if someone plays on 5 years + old hardware.


If you find any hardware, it's being sold at 2-3x MSRP from WHEN IT WAS NEW.


32 minutes ago, Jubei Yagyu said:

If you want to play Cyberpunk 2077 with nice visually you allready need a GTX 1060, I7-4790 and 12 GB Ram.


Don't forget that Cyberpunk 2077 looks a lot more realistic than BnS should ever be.


34 minutes ago, Jubei Yagyu said:

And i would say 8 GB Ram for a gaming PC is more or less the default since 2017.


Not everybody can afford a gaming PC, specially since 2020...


35 minutes ago, Jubei Yagyu said:

As you can see most player on Steam play with a Windows 64-bit system and has 8 GB ram or more.


Still, 10.34% of people have less than 8GB of RAM.

That is a significant amount of people.

From experience, I know that people try to make BnS run with 6GB of RAM, sometimes 8GB.
And honestly ... It's not good ... BnS doesn't like having just 8GB of RAM.

To me, it is usually taking 4-7GB!

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3 hours ago, Cupidstar said:

Still, 10.34% of people have less than 8GB of RAM.

Sorry but theese people dont wanna play BNS in the first place. if you have less than 8GB ram by now your PC is either like 8 years old or you have some Office PC. People dont buy Office PCs to play heavy games on !


That is a significant amount of people.

10% what is that for BNS  ? 30 Players ? Who cares about that if they cant invest into a PC which would be like 300€ they cant use F10 either so no use for NCwest.


From experience, I know that people try to make BnS run with 6GB of RAM, sometimes 8GB.
And honestly ... It's not good ... BnS doesn't like having just 8GB of RAM.

To me, it is usually taking 4-7GB!

I tryed to run it once with 6 GB and guess what the CPU was ? Core 2 Quad Q8200. I believe most people with like 6GB ram or even less have something similar. You are not supposed to play games on a PC not meant to be for Games.

I expect the System requirements for 1080p low settings to be:


GTX 660 2GB

Intel Core I5 Haswell

8GB of Ram



That would be a PC you can build for like 100€.

Edited by ImoutoMaster
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2 hours ago, ImoutoMaster said:

Sorry but theese people dont wanna play BNS in the first place.


You don't know how wrong you are...


2 hours ago, ImoutoMaster said:

10% what is that for BNS  ? 30 Players ?


Around 400-500 players... Maybe more. This is extrapolating from BnSBuddy's and the Multitool online user's counters combined.


2 hours ago, ImoutoMaster said:

I tryed to run it once with 6 GB and guess what the CPU was ? Core 2 Quad Q8200.


Your point?


2 hours ago, ImoutoMaster said:

That would be a PC you can build for like 100€.


The used PC market is not the same everywhere in the world.

And in 2021, it's a pure joke everywhere...


2 hours ago, ImoutoMaster said:

You are not supposed to play games on a PC not meant to be for Games.


You're also not supposed to write on a forum on a PC for games...

You're also not supposed to watch videos on a PC for audio recording...

You see how dumb those statements sound?


2 hours ago, ImoutoMaster said:

I expect the System requirements for 1080p low settings to be:


GTX 660 2GB

Intel Core I5 Haswell

8GB of Ram



Those would be somewhat sensible (I think the 8GB is too high, but whatever).

But have you seen the BnS Frontier requirements?

Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB minimum .... Which is stupidly ridiculous!

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12 hours ago, Cupidstar said:

Around 400-500 players... Maybe more. This is extrapolating from BnSBuddy's and the Multitool online user's counters combined.

Ok this one was meant in a sarcastic way i know its most likely around 400 or 500 people.

12 hours ago, Cupidstar said:

Your point?

My point is if your hardware has 6GB of ram its very likely the rest of the hardware is also from a time where 6GB was normal which is at best like an I5 650 or something like this.

12 hours ago, Cupidstar said:

The used PC market is not the same everywhere in the world.

And in 2021, it's a pure joke everywhere...

I am sure of this so it might be a bit higher its still not like you have to pay 1000€ for a PC to play this game. Like i said a GTX 660 is most likely what you need it cant be more than 300€ for a pc like this. Here in germany i get some Haswell I7 Prebuild for 100€ putting in a GTX 780 i would be at 200€ total.

12 hours ago, Cupidstar said:

You're also not supposed to write on a forum on a PC for games...

You're also not supposed to watch videos on a PC for audio recording...

You see how dumb those statements sound?

No no it dosent work like this.

Retro PC = Retro Games

Office PC = Retro Games, Office Stuff, Internet Stuff

Gamer PC = Retro Games, Office Stuff, Internet Stuff, Games

Professional PC = Retro Games, Office Stuff, Internet Stuff, Games, CAD etc. ........


Its about having the power to do the certain task you wanna do not about how its called. An Office PC simply has not the power to run current games.

12 hours ago, Cupidstar said:

Those would be somewhat sensible (I think the 8GB is too high, but whatever).

But have you seen the BnS Frontier requirements?

Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB minimum .... Which is stupidly ridiculous!

1. looking at UE 3 which needs atleast 4GB of ram on most PCs i dont think 8GB will be to much for UE4.

2. BNS Frontier was a test server which in the end is way different to the upcoming real UE4 Update.

3. Devs need to put high requirements or they could get sued if the game dosent run on the specs they list. This is also why you see requirements like GTX 780ti on alot of games even tho it runs fine on some GTX 670. Also i doubt they`ve tested it themselve they just put it there.

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3 hours ago, ImoutoMaster said:

My point is if your hardware has 6GB of ram its very likely the rest of the hardware is also from a time where 6GB was normal which is at best like an I5 650 or something like this.


Or it is a laptop...

You can find "gaming" laptops with i5/i7 6th Generation, an Nvidia 940m and 6GB of RAM.


3 hours ago, ImoutoMaster said:

Gamer PC = Retro Games, Office Stuff, Internet Stuff, Games


And those laptops are "gamer pc"s, just portable.



You see how quickly your argument crumbles down?

... I bet your next argument is "But laptops aren't meant for gaming" ...



3 hours ago, ImoutoMaster said:

Devs need to put high requirements or they could get sued if the game dosent run on the specs they list.


This sounds like an USA problem...

Besides, the requirements are usually the minimum to start the game and play at some level.

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42 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:

Or it is a laptop...

You can find "gaming" laptops with i5/i7 6th Generation, an Nvidia 940m and 6GB of RAM.

Of yeah didnt think about laptops you are right but even then is it to much to ask you to upgrade to 8gb ? thats like 30€.

42 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:

And those laptops are "gamer pc"s, just portable.

Yeah you can argue a Core 2 duo with a GT 8800 is a gamer pc too cause once it was called gamer PC thats simply not true anymore. The 940m is not even half the power of current IGPUs. Keep in mind Igpus are mostly used in Office PCs. If your PC is worse than an office PC its no longer a gaming PC.

42 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:

You see how quickly your argument crumbles down?

... I bet your next argument is "But laptops aren't meant for gaming" ...

Laptops are meant for gaming but since they are far weaker than normal Desktops they lose their gamer status way faster. Or you would argue a GT 8800 is for gamers nowdays ?

42 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:

This sounds like an USA problem...

Besides, the requirements are usually the minimum to start the game and play at some level.

Yeah i believe its an USA problem cause most game devs come from USA nowdays or atleast their publisher. NCwest is no different they could get sued in the USA.


Simply put UE4 is from 2014 why shouldnt this game run on Mid Tier 2012 Hardware ? If your PC is weaker than a Mid tier Gaming from 2012 its not a gaming PC anymore.

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1 minute ago, ImoutoMaster said:

Of yeah didnt think about laptops you are right but even then is it to much to ask you to upgrade to 8gb ? thats like 30€.


That depends on the country, and how picky the laptop is.


2 minutes ago, ImoutoMaster said:

Yeah you can argue a Core 2 duo with a GT 8800 is a gamer pc too cause once it was called gamer PC thats simply not true anymore.


That's true, but you don't need to go that far back in time.

Besides, those PCs are the best to play period-correct games with period-correct software.


7 minutes ago, ImoutoMaster said:

Keep in mind Igpus are mostly used in Office PCs. If your PC is worse than an office PC its no longer a gaming PC.


You can buy an Optiplex with an i5/i7 4th generation, and if you by miracle get a 1650 or better, you have a "gaming" PC.

Not the highest end, but works.


Also, Ryzen 4 APUs have pretty decent GPUs, and they are 2-3x faster than a 1030 (GDDR5).


10 minutes ago, ImoutoMaster said:

Laptops are meant for gaming but since they are far weaker than normal Desktops they lose their gamer status way faster. Or you would argue a GT 8800 is for gamers nowdays ?


"Retro gaming" is coming strong now-a-days, so ....


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Am 28.5.2021 um 14:46 schrieb Grimoir:


Hime did clearly state


  I am sure she did mean it...

Am 28.5.2021 um 14:46 schrieb Grimoir:


they will release more information

Also doubting that they will release infos, rather than playerbase will datamine infos ourself.


And to the topic, we might just could wait a little longer and ship with UE5 instead. In regards of hardware struggling with this malware is bacause it is bloated. Very little happens server side and this is the issue our CPUs run craycray. *lightsthemoodup* even my RX460 runs this game on 25+FPS, so yeah. this alone tells alot of the state the game is in rn.


Lets only hope the re-installment of BnS will be as superior as that one spokesman foretold. Or in history of NC what bold lies he acclaimed either way.

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16 hours ago, Cupidstar said:

That depends on the country, and how picky the laptop is.

Even if your Laptop is picky its not going to be more than 60€.


That's true, but you don't need to go that far back in time.

Besides, those PCs are the best to play period-correct games with period-correct software.

BNS would be 2014 atleast for UE4 Version but it got coded etc. around 2020 so either way a 940m is not from the same era as this game and this logic dosent work anyway cause an Intel HD 630 is also from the era of Call of duty Moder warfare but its not playable either. Why cause its not gaming hardware.


You can buy an Optiplex with an i5/i7 4th generation, and if you by miracle get a 1650 or better, you have a "gaming" PC.

Not the highest end, but works.

GTX 1650 is not office PC is it ? I mean if you put Gaming hardware in a PC of course its gonna become gaming PC. Change it to some GT 730 and its office again.


Dont get what your point is. Its not about the hardware itselfe its about the ability to play games on the system, which is not given for Office PCs usually due to their poor GPUs.


Also, Ryzen 4 APUs have pretty decent GPUs, and they are 2-3x faster than a 1030 (GDDR5).

Thats why they are considered entry level gaming. Problem here is even if thoose are in office PCs which happens they are pared with the worst case scenarios most of the time. 2666mhz ram in single channel for example. It totally depends on the setup but even thoose APUs are not always gaming but yeah id consider this entry level if you have dual channel ram cause otherwise it cant even reach 30 fps in lowest settings on Red dead redemption.


"Retro gaming" is coming strong now-a-days, so ....


Thats why the term "Retro Gaming PC" exists.

Edited by ImoutoMaster
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Well, it seems that the performance is below crap...


I heard you would need an Nvidia GTX 1080 to be able to play...


That's ... beyond disgusting bad...


Just looking at the Steam data: https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/Steam-Hardware-Software-Survey-Welcome-to-Steam

We can easily see something really bad...


The Nvidia GTX 1080 has 8GB GDDR5X, which is quite a lot.

That means that 66.97% of the players can't meet the minimum requirements, if we extrapolate the data.


That leaves BnS with 33.03% of it's playerbase, which using the same BnSBuddy and the Multitool numbers, it's merely 1321 players.

This, from ~4000 players using those tools...


This is not just bad ... this is shooting yourself on the foot and calling wolf!




Edit: just heard it is actually a 1080ti, so, it is actually 92.92% of the whole world!!!!!

That means BnS is left with 283 players out of 4000!!!

You can be nice and say that 20000 play the game, so, you still get 1416 players.




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On 5/28/2021 at 11:50 AM, Grimoir said:


I mean....some might, yes, but i am sorry to say this, they are upgrading their product and moving forward, it is not their job to worry about whether someone upgrades their hardware or not. If they had to worry about that we wouldn't be getting half the features.


I know what you mean, but from what i see the only games that have that option are the ones which were specifically developed with dx11 and then later upgraded to dx12. BnS is essentially 2 generations behind.


Ach ok, well, tbh, there was a bigger chance to0 have nvidias rather than microsofts xD.

although reshade has a ray tracing filter than can be applied to even the current bns, and it works pretty great, however certain objects get a strange shadow.



It very much would, but they would not implement this half way through their development cycle. I think best bet is we will get it like a lot of other games post UE4 launch with an update.



I think requirements will not change much. But you cant compare BnS to Apex Legends. in BnS the world is far more detailed than in Apex, plus both games are intended for different things. I think the upgraded client will require a minimum of 4GB of ram at the very least. Also who knows if we will even keep the currect 32/64 bit options. the new client might only be fully 64bit with multi-core support. This is something we will have to see with KR. Luckily i got an account there so ill have a look and try myself just for the look and feel.



I see, but this might be a chrome issue, since i am not using chrome, it is literally the only browser out of all that i hate using for what it does, but it might also have to do with the game not running in true fullscreen. Does it also happen if you activate true fullscreen?


For the rest....i really hope we will get a lot of QoL things that we now need edits for, but honestly i am not holding my breath. Since the times needed for those things are essentially part of the "look and feel" as annoying as it may be.


any updates @Grimoir?

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3 hours ago, Cupidstar said:

Edit: just heard it is actually a 1080ti, so, it is actually 92.92% of the whole world!!!!!

That means BnS is left with 283 players out of 4000!!!

You can be nice and say that 20000 play the game, so, you still get 1416 players.


The game runs perfectly fine on a RX480 It even runs fine on my crappy work laptop so....idk where you got that "requirement" from, but its a complete overstatement.

(given if you want fancier visuals, yes a better video card will be needed)


56 minutes ago, CastielSeven said:

any updates @Grimoir?


T  tried it on 3 different Pc's a crappy laptop, my old desktop and my new desktop.

Roughly speaking, at least from my experience so far i do see it run better than our current live one. And i cam comparing the UE4 64bit to our UE3 64bit without any modifications.


Areas where our client dips in performance, on the UE4 version everything seems more stable. Now, i am not going to lie, i am a bit disappointed in how this turned out but i cant deny it does run smoother, but don't expect some amazing miracle and performance will depend still on the processor you are running, albeit seems a bit less than currently.


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5 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

idk where you got that "requirement" from

I heard it. Someone sent me screenshots of others talking about the requirements.


8 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

T  tried it on 3 different Pc's a crappy laptop, my old desktop and my new desktop.


Can you share the settings you used on both, including the hardware specs?

And roughly speaking, how many fps do you think you might have?

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