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Beware of speed hackers (NA SERVER)

Miggy Miggs

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theres a new surge of speed hackers in arena , so far witness a summoner and sin abusing this bug or what ever it is in arena of all places for unfair game play...




someone that is speed hacking character would constantly disappear and reappear to certain parts on the field, sometimes when a person is extremely lag he or she will disappear at times on field but it wouldn't be a constant  , someone that is speed hacking would still have their regular ping  to my knowledge of seeing it ,  it only appears that they are teleporting, every 1-2 seconds at very large distance .


 while you go on about your daily pvp lifes, please keep a phone or camera near by, to catch these cheaters in the hack,taking screenshots and so on , if they have gold medal its easier to get the names....


i think its fair  enough for bns  to show names of persons in arena. how else are we going to report these person even if they are on camera, nothing is put in place, to make the process smooth or convincing enough to get these persons banned..


i for one enjoy pvp, altho its broken, unbalance and list goes on, last thing i want is the game it self allowing 3rd party programs or what ever he doing to tilt the scale in his favor even if its a loss, needs to be fair .










Edited by Miggy Miggs
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Some people constantly speedhack in battlegrounds in EU for a long time now and they don't get banned after getting reported either. The ones doing that are mega whales so... you get what I mean...


It is funny that people can speed hack so easily and openly in the game both in PvE zones and PvP zones but, I honestly feel like recording and reporting them is a waste of time. Done that many times, they all got away with it. Even the most obvious ones that were just flying on the map with classes like, summoner or FM. They are seen in the video like they are using the freaking Sin ultimate but still not getting banned.


Even reported people who openly admitted to use speed hacking, in the game chat, saying they just speed hack in dungeons like CC to farm scales and orbs faster and even tho they openly admitted it themselves, in the game chat, they are not banned. I don't know what other proof NCsoft needs to ban speed hackers but, I gave up with reporting them long ago. They will not get banned as long as they are whales...

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