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too many disconnects and the annoying way back into the game


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in the last few days i saw an massive increase in disconnects (dcs). 


in every raid 1 or 2 got a dc.

today i got 3 dcs so far (while anything else on my pc is still connected like other games/streams). 


the biggest annoyance is, that the stupid game dies after a dc, which goes like this: 

- dc with a small popup (network error or something)

- game closes itself

- kill the game with task manager or otherwise i cant start it again (error: game still runnning)

- start the launcher: loading

- login: loading

- select europe server, because it often defaults to north america

- start the game: ultra long loading (ssd usage: 0%, cpu usage: 5%)

- second password, accept tos, select char: loading

- reenter the dungeon/raid: loading

- run/teleport from the beginning to the spot where the others hopefully wait for you

- say good bye to the dynamic quests from before the dc or the quest progress if the others werent so patient


other games do it like this:

- dc with a small popup and the login behind/below

- login: loading

- you are back! maybe you have to run/teleport to the spot where the others are waiting (no patience needed)

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Personally i dont have any DC issues, but i do know some clan members and friends get them, but mostly on the 32bit client. Do you get them on the 64?

For some a full out reinstall of the game fixed it, for some not. Generally expecially if its a network error its more likely something with your connection?


I do agree the way the game handles dc's is not the finest but doubt that will change.

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of course i play on the 64bit client and network error means dc, not crash like 32bit clients which exceed the ram limit.


maybe you play on north america, but on eu there were dc issues last weekend. 

like i said in every raid 1 or 2 people got a dc (not only me) and that is no exaggeration. 


also like i said there are no issues with my connection because anything else is still connected. like games that immediately go to the login screen when the internet is disconnected for a millisecond. 


i recently checked my installation files because there are some issues with the german client (and i reported them in the german forum).

since then im playing on the english client. 

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10 hours ago, Immunity said:

maybe you play on north america, but on eu there were dc issues last weekend. 

like i said in every raid 1 or 2 people got a dc (not only me) and that is no exaggeration. 


also like i said there are no issues with my connection because anything else is still connected. like games that immediately go to the login screen when the internet is disconnected for a millisecond. 

Ach, EU, 2 friends of mine actually had to call their ISP's because they had issues with the connection to the bns server (so with the traffic routing) down the line. Turned out to be an issue with one of the nodes they were routing to when playing bns.

So just cause everything else works and other games doesnt mean there isnt an issue somewhere down the pipe for you.

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I play on both EU and NA, but don't have Disconnection issues either, I used to have few years ago, when I moved to my new ISP, used to DC probably like 50+ times a day for few days, but then contacted my new ISP told the issue, they asked to do some tests and eventually sent me a different modem and that fixed for me, never got a DC since, I only get Game turning off without an error and no error in event viewer either, but that happens quite rare. 

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i wanted to do the 6v6 dailies and then in the middle of a match the game froze, so i had to kill it. 

i then joined just in time 5 seconds before we lost. 


later the game crashed in the middle of a match (which happens sometimes when im alt-tabbing out of the game like this time). 

i restarted it and couldnt join, because i was dead. 

then i got a penalty for "leaving during the matching process"... so i had to waste 5 minutes watching a countdown.


and i dont get it why you guys are talking about my isp. 

i quote myself: "in every raid 1 or 2 got a dc." 

thats not me alone, thats many people including myself. 

you dont see these?


well maybe we all have the same isp: unitymedia (recently bought by vodafone).

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You can try to set up auto clean ram in your task manager. There are plenty video guides, so I dont bother for more details. With it 32bit will be more stable (new trap zone excluded), and 64 is trash ever since 3rd specs came across.


Additional tipps:

- BnS cant/wont use virtual cores, so you can disable that aswell in taskmanager

- maybe shift priority of bns and/or lower priority of different programms you use whilst playing

- dont use any other programm whilst in bns

- pray that the new options currently released in KR will come soon and make a difference

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  • 2 weeks later...

some more results:

most dcs happen while porting/entering a portal. 

the online time could also be a factor, because currently im all day afk farming in the event zone and then i often get a dc when porting to another zone. 

this dc issue is still ongoing: yesterday there were 4 dcs while raiding, one of them was mine.

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