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Event idea: A throwback month


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We have seen the same event rotate over and over again: we get a fun little event dungeon, an event currency, and some nice items to buy with them, not to forget if you pay cash for some extra fun loots you get even more fun items! Yeah... fun and fun.


I've heard multiple people reminiscence the old times of Blade & Soul, as in when there was no pay to win and Blackwyrm was still around. Why don't we have an event having a little throwback to the older and newer players alike? Forget about the new fancy schmancy stuff for a second and have the old things back: old dungeons that used to be actually hard when the level cap was 45 and now forgotten, old dailies (from around 3 years ago) like Xanos back to life like Cold Storage and Heaven's Mandate, God knows, maybe even a fun minigame (which would not include a pay to win method for getting more), and hear this: bringing back Blackwyrm, maybe with updated rewards at the merchant and include the merciless faction fights in the side of it.


No farming until the players have tenosynovitis, but just fun in the old style. In fact I didn't even play when 45 was the level cap and Blackwyrm existed, but funnily: I miss those days too.


What y'all think of this idea?



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We actually did have something similar.  The Realmrift Supply Chain was a rewamped POH 6 man dungeon which was incredibly fun until they nerfed the crap out of it because players complained it was "too hard". So unless they make the dungeons as hard as they were back then where mechanics are required to clear then there is no point in doing this.


Also Naryu Sanctum will be rewamped and returned, it will drop the new gear item when it comes to our region.

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