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gunner hooks not working

Miggy Miggs

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so after trying to rank up my gunner, i realize  and notice on so much occasion how mess up my hooks are, if u get cced while whipline , you see the hook go out but your character isnt moved and u still get ccd and i lost the hook  , i once back step and still and got hit the same time , i still got cced but my character backstep resist was resisting the follow up attack but i didnt move with backstep animation and make character was under cc . whats going on, 

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its not a lag , cause its me alone on net and i wouldve notice it ....i backstep and the resist go off but am still stunned and character doesn't move, i know i backstep because i hear the gunshot it makes   .... if i hook while they cc me i dont get iframe but i see the hook go off and my character gets stun ill get prove of this 

Edited by Miggy Miggs
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You are right there are currently a lot of bugs in the game concerning people using skills at the same time, as u might've noticed it's the worst for Gunner because not just with hook but also SS bugs a lot. I'll post all the clips i have here aswell to make people aware of this! 









Edited by Nagisa Yuki
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Issue's been mentioned already in bug report on forum twice and feedback thread on reddit, most active gunners on discord reported experiencing that issue as well. Too bad it's still now acknowledged in known issues thread.

It feels extremely punishing on gunner, especially in PvP where it basically means you're dead, since ss and hook are a main way for gunner to iframe and are timing based, in PvP scenarios you're bound to have a really tight timing between noticing someone's dashing to you etc. and you reacting to it with a hook and even if your reaction is fast enough you still get cced due to iframe not being there at the beginning of your skill (while it should be there) and on top of that you get punished since ss goes on cd and in case of hooks you lose a charge. It happened multiple times in every 6v6 game I've played since the update.

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