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Plog Sanctum and Giganura


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Summoning a Giganura takes a total of 90 plog essences, which makes it nearly impossible to summon at anything resembling a reasonable rate. In fact, there likely aren't even enough plog essences being generated within the entire game over the course of an entire day to support a single giga summon. This is because most essences being generated are going to come from killing the 3 mini-bosses, which each have 30 minute spawn timers and will normally produce 2 boxes each (1 for each person who gets credit and 1 for whoever gets the last hit). Most of the time, the boss is going to die b/c someone soloed it, so 2 boxes.


This is the result of opening 10,015 of the plog sanctum boxes (except that there were actually 6977 of Foebreaker Rings instead of just 100)



The rate at which the plog essences drop from the box is about 20.36%. There are only ever 2 channels in existence at a time, which means in a perfect world where someone managed to kill the bosses in both channels every 30 minutes with no delay, there would be a total of 576 boxes produced per day, which means ~117 plog essences produced. Of course, that's an over-idealized scenario and absolutely is not what's happening, and the bosses will actually sit around for hours untouched before someone decides to kill them. Therefore, getting the essences to summon a giga will take multiple days despite the killing of a giga being considered a 'daily' quest. Good luck ever getting the Lake Placid achievement, which requires 100 Tricolor Giganura kills. Or, even worse, any of the Golden Giganura achievements, since the Golden Giganura spawns at a very low rate (definitely less than 10%, possibly around 5%).




1. Decrease the spawn time of the bosses to 10 or 15 minutes. Plog Sanctum is the only Silverfrost-era map that still has the bosses on a 30 minute timer. Frostscale and Beastbog use 10 minute timers, and Grimhorn is at 15 minutes. The Beastbog and Grimhorn timers were changed from 15 minutes and 30 minutes respectively in a previous patch, so changing the Plog Sanctum spawn time should certainly be possible. This would increase the potential number of essences that can be produced in the game as well as making it far less likely that a single player deciding to kill the bosses will prevent anyone else from getting their 'Three of a King' quest done.


2. Decrease the number of essences required to summon a Giganura. 90 essences was already a lot even back when this content was relevant and more regularly farmed across multiple servers and channels. A more reasonable number would be something like 10 essences per pillar (30 total) or less. 


3. Increase the Golden Giganura spawn rate, or make it a guaranteed spawn after a set number of summons, similar to how Frostscale's Dark Balrok works. From experience, even when compared to other rng spawns like Bay Lee or Visasa, the Golden Giga seems to have a ridiculously low spawn rate

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A very well thought out and presented post, which adequately describes the problem, the conditions leading to it, as well as possible solutions to correct it. I commend you sir.


The only thing missing from your strategy, is how these steps will lead to increased NCoin purchases across the board. It won't, so good luck! What's this I hear about maintaining a satisfied player-base? Sounds like a waste of time, to me.

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vor 4 Minuten schrieb Psylokke:

The only thing missing from your strategy, is how these steps will lead to increased NCoin purchases across the board. It won't, so good luck! What's this I hear about maintaining a satisfied player-base? Sounds like a waste of time, to me.

Quite easy, add them for a tiny fee of 999 NCoins/each to the daily offer rotation


But seriously, are there realy people doing it, i play since release but honestly i never saw any serious recruits for this, not even back in time when it was actual contend, people always only recruited for baylee at beastbog, at leas on my server.

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