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Suggestion for more Bound to Account items


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I think there are some items that deserve to be bound to account by now.

Here's a few suggestions:
-Koldrak Scale
-Mewtineer's Coin
-Tranquility Emblem
-Lesser Demon Spirit Stone

-Frozen Feather 
Really F2P players need a boost to catch up with Unity Stones, right now is ridiculos without spending money on Trove on RNG boxes. Would be really nice to mail this feathers to your main character, and even then it would require a lot of effort every day to have a nice unity set bonus.

-XP charms
Same reasoning as before, HM levels went full P2W since HM 15, it's really unffair, I've seen archers by now with higher HM level than my character that I've been playing every day for 2 years, how is that fair?. I don't mind them having the chance to do it, but I care that I can't level fast without spending money.  XP charms would boost to some people.

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vor 4 Stunden schrieb Grimoir:

If we get soulshield psyches then having koldrak scales would mean a huge boost for those who could abuse it on alts to feed their main.

Abuse?? Where?


People with too much money already "abuse" the P2W system from NCWe$t since years to get much MORE and BETTER things than others in this game.

Even after telling us they dont want P2W and they dont want to support that.... @NC$oft that was your biggest lie and i "hate" you for destroying a wonderful game with this P2W sh*t. Just a small feedback to you guys. :)


Do you wanna see a real abuse? THIS is an abuse of a P2W system sponsored by NCWe$t & NC$oft:





I just see players here who want more and better ways to get their items without money and without needing years to max their gear... i dont see any abuse here.


Everyone who wants to put effort in the game should get rewarded. Simple.


I dont understand how someone can be against this.....

Edited by CrazyDude90
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22 hours ago, CrazyDude90 said:

Abuse?? Where?


People with too much money already "abuse" the P2W system from NCWe$t since years to get much MORE and BETTER things than others in this game.

Even after telling us they dont want P2W and they dont want to support that.... @NC$oft that was your biggest lie and i "hate" you for destroying a wonderful game with this P2W sh*t. Just a small feedback to you guys. :)


Do you wanna see a real abuse? THIS is an abuse of a P2W system sponsored by NCWe$t & NC$oft:





I just see players here who want more and better ways to get their items without money and without needing years to max their gear... i dont see any abuse here.


Everyone who wants to put effort in the game should get rewarded. Simple.


I dont understand how someone can be against this.....

omg look at those stat gains lol the p2w of this game scares me. i never thought unity stones were this broken its like a soul heart talisment weapon everything in 1 , do post this as a forum topic so people can see cause this looks scary

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Am 3.11.2019 um 08:07 schrieb Miggy Miggs:

post this as a forum topic so people can see cause this looks scary

P2W is ONE of the reasons why this game lost so many players. Everyone know it.

Many people reminded NC$oft/NCWe$t OVER YEARS what they promised us on release... but they dont care... it get worst from patch to patch. 


But hope you understand that i dont wanted to start a discussion about this "thing" in this topic. Thats why i stop here. i just wanted to show the other guy what a REAL abuse is. xD

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On 2.11.2019 at 12:00 AM, Grimoir said:

I agreee on everything else except the koldrak scales. If we get soulshield psyches then having koldrak scales would mean a huge boost for those who could abuse it on alts to feed their main.

Alts are already being abused to feed the main, I wonder what's the reason to make an exception on this one?

The DC and WC systems get abused by alts to push the main character. The daily dungeon gold gets abused by alts to have a faster progress on the main. The events are getting abused by alts to farm oils and stuff for the main.


The unity system should be totaly account wide or completly character bound. Until now I can't understand the developers decision to make an exp system across the account while the spots that are unlocked are character bound. So even for this system alts are abused to significally boost the time to unlock the spots for one character, as i don't think that it is ever possible in a lifetime to get those stones shown above on all the alts to fill the empty slots.

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Am 4.11.2019 um 16:17 schrieb Nemises:

The unity system should be totaly account wide or completly character bound.



Am 4.11.2019 um 16:17 schrieb Nemises:

Until now I can't understand the developers decision to make an exp system across the account while the spots that are unlocked are character bound.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$. ;)


Am 4.11.2019 um 16:17 schrieb Nemises:

So even for this system alts are abused

this word triggers me so hard xD why in the world is it an abuse? Thats how the system works. More work on more charakters = more unity EXP for the WHOLE account and all characters. I will never understand why someone call it abuse when it is intended.


Am 4.11.2019 um 16:17 schrieb Nemises:

i don't think that it is ever possible in a lifetime to get those stones shown above on all the alts to fill the empty slots.

You will never get it on your main character because it takes too much time (your whole lifetime) to get it. ;)

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Am 4.11.2019 um 16:17 schrieb Nemises:

Alts are already being abused to feed the main, I wonder what's the reason to make an exception on this one?

Why you call it abuse? lets be honest, without using alts to boost your main the majority of the playberbase might not even be able to do VT, let alone TT or ET.

And without enough players who are able to run TT / ET its getting more and more hard to find a proper raid team and next raid is already comming up soon.

So either you sell your kidney and firstborn to the russian / chinees mafia and use F10, or you use alts to at least partial catch up. Ill prefer last

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On 7.11.2019 at 7:32 PM, Merlin DE said:

Why you call it abuse? lets be honest, without using alts to boost your main the majority of the playberbase might not even be able to do VT, let alone TT or ET.

And without enough players who are able to run TT / ET its getting more and more hard to find a proper raid team and next raid is already comming up soon.

So either you sell your kidney and firstborn to the russian / chinees mafia and use F10, or you use alts to at least partial catch up. Ill prefer last


So you would it call normal to spend more playtime on alts than acutally playing the main character you have decided to play and progress? I call it an abuse because the only reason of my other 11 characters to exist, is to feed one character with their daily income. The current system is a poor choice of game design as it doesn't give you a real choice as a player who wants to catch up and maintain steady progress as f2p. Why is there no way to have the same secure income by making quests/dungeons on one character by choice? The whole upgrade system in combination with the economical possibilities in this game have become a bad joke.

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vor 5 Stunden schrieb Nemises:

So you would it call normal to spend more playtime on alts than acutally playing the main character you have decided to play and progress? I call it an abuse because the only reason of my other 11 characters to exist, is to feed one character with their daily income. The current system is a poor choice of game design as it doesn't give you a real choice as a player who wants to catch up and maintain steady progress as f2p. Why is there no way to have the same secure income by making quests/dungeons on one character by choice? The whole upgrade system in combination with the economical possibilities in this game have become a bad joke.

Depends on the deffinition of abuse, Using a bug to get an advantage is an abuse, Using alts to "feed" your main is just plain bullshit you are forced to do by the pure greed of NC-Soft.

So technicaly its not an abuse.
Also i play the game since release and i saw how NC-Soft constantly reduced sources to farm and put more and more stuff to F10.
So dont get me wrong, i dont defend NC-"Greedy" Soft, i just wouldnt call a thing you are forced to do abuse ;)

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6 hours ago, Merlin DE said:

Depends on the deffinition of abuse, Using a bug to get an advantage is an abuse, Using alts to "feed" your main is just plain bullshit you are forced to do by the pure greed of NC-Soft.

So technicaly its not an abuse.

It's not a bug, it's an exploit. I don't think it was intended by the developers to play the game this way in the first place.

They invented a gold income system that's relying on daily quests, limiting the gold income per character to 40 dailies. This is actually a good system to control the player generated gold, but I don't think that they thought there are players who generate a 12 times higher gold income per day as a player who just simply plays 1 character. Maybe 2 times, maybe 3 times, but not 12 times. What's their answer to the alt based main character progression? Make the main character progression even harder, as alts speeded up the progression to a point where they thought it's to fast. As they decide the game development on data and not trying to succesfully play the game they are completely missinterpreting the data they get or ignoring it as there is still enough cash flow.

Further I think that the daily gold is availiable on every character as a chance to progress the character the gold is earned, besides having a main character to progress. So if someone's doing dailies on his alts everyday to generate gold and materials (with DC boxes, WC boxes) to boost his main for the next few months it is an exploit of the character progression system.

In the current state of the game it's okay for people to exploit this, as it is the only way to keep up in this game if you aren't on the top yet. From my point of view the developers have the obligation to fix this to a point where it's working as intended. Actually they don't change anything about it because it would result in a complete revise of the progression system if you want to make it a 100% right and of course it lowers the $-income if you could progress on one character as fast as you can progress by playing 12 now.

Edited by Nemises
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Nontradable materials have one positive thing about: you can freely use them on alts without thinking about your main/raid. Also I do not think NC should add more to "play alts to equip your main".


But I agree that we should be able to get unity stones faster by playing the game. When unity system was introduced we had a merchant of wonders who dropped Sparkling Ascension Stone Chest (300g) and Sparkling Radiance Stone Chest (150g). Maybe this could be revived. Another idea: add a Hardmode Daily Reward Chest obtainable once per char/hardmode dungeon/day. Hardmode Daily Reward Chest could obtain all kind of endgame items and it would be easier for NC to maintain than merchant of wonders (high geared players who stomp hardmodes in a few minutes).

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vor 45 Minuten schrieb Xzard:

 if we want the chance to get those psyches within a decent amount of time.

WE definitely want it yeah.^^ But NC$oft/NCWe$t dont that we reach that in an acceptable time. Thats why trove and rng boxes exist in this game. It is intended to get this kind of items as "longterm" upgrade in this game while others have it easier (with $$$). Thats how it works. Thanks to the people who support that. :)

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