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How I drastically increased my FPS, reduced lag and increased loading speed


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I am playing B&S with a new 2019 gaming computer and experienced FPS, lag and loading issues. I have found a solution for my computer which may also help you.


I am playing B&S in Full Screen mode. In Settings > Advance Settings > Graphics, I have selected 5 for most options. The options I have selected 1 are the following;


SFX Quality for Others, Background Effects Quality and Extra Effects.


I have disabled all of the options below Extra Effects and the Special Effects options. Anti-Aliasing is also disabled.


*IF YOU USE* BnS Buddy, checkmark the following launcher options; Unattended, No texture streaming and Use all cores. Also, turn on Fix loading screen as this will drastically improve your B&S loading speed.


EDIT: One more detail I forgot, you can also increase the maximum FPS limit in Settings, which should be 120.


If this guide is able to help you I am pleased as I am now pleased playing B&S!



Edited by Metroid
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