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Windwalking items still not consumed


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Yesterday's maintenance notes included the following: "Fixed an issue where the Windwalk quest items would not be consumed when completing the quests."
However, it seems this issue is not fixed as I just finished the quests that require a dragon bone inscription and serpent calling bell and while I did have to obtain them to complete the quest, they were not consumed in the process. While it's not the only change mentioned in the maintenance notes that didn't go through, I thought I'd mention it

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I also have the same problem with my Zen Archer I have the item and the npc for the 4th Windwalking doesn't get it even if I delete the quest and take it again it doesn't give me the quest so I don't know what to do in that sense.

I sent a tiket and they could not help me since that department does not take care of that type of failures and they sent me here, I do not know if I will be the only one with this problem but since I reached 60 I have not been able to play properly because even I'm missing 20,000 stamina I hope you can solve that problem


Edited by Lonanmax
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