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Comparing against events from last year


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Got this from reddit. More food for thought aka oil on fire for current disaster.


Current event:


  • Amount of nebula stones needed to get both soul and heart to a completely outdated tier (awakened ascending / true HM heart)  = 58 nebula stones = 464 event currency
  • How to get said currency? Work your ass off in the completely bugged dungeons
  • Max # of event currency you can get per person, even with premium, is 334, nowhere near enough, because as usual the thing is character bound
  • You still need to spend roughly 1000 ss/300ms/1000 sacred/300 ely crystals, which is no small amount considering they nerfed the crap out of everything in this game, even quests, and made MSP completely unplayable
  • Exact same garbage outfits that no one wants that has been used in the last 3 events already?


Events from over a year ago, and I believe it happened 2-3 times:


  • Easily get the exact same item with event currency ALONE (and some gold) You didn't need to waste ANY valuable ms/elysian crystals on your alts' basic soul/pet (before the white knights start spewing "expecting max gear for free")
  • Always at least one great looking NEW costume each event


Essentially you've got an event that "helps" (huge quotation marks) you get exact same gear from over a year ago which is way outdated now, that's three times harder to get. A good company trying to save their dying game will at least try not to go backwards but copy their past event by letting you keep the basic ascending soul / HM heart with just event currency, and possibly go a step further and offer discounts on the NEXT tier (since we're in 2019 not 2018). But of course logic has no context when it comes to this game.


Oh and don't forget, you can instantly buy awakened ascending soul / true HM heart with mastercard via le master bundle in cash shop (hm coin excluded of course)! That can't be a coincidence can it? What's next, an event that gives 25% discount on raven upgrades that required you to grind 6 dailies a day?


Anyone else miss when events weren't complete garbage? Almost so long ago it feels like nostalgia. Guess I should be thankful I no longer have any reason to log on for anything other than free trove open, and once per week for TT raid. It's like trying to quit smoking by using a particularly nasty brand of cigs.

Edited by PetPuggi
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last time event was actually good was way back in 2017 in my opinion and also when they started with soul and pet leveling system . those were good events


the events were getting now i dont mind , its alot of work yes but being able to reset your weekly is  sweet (i could buy a aransu reset with 15 reset and go crazy if i wanted to, and thats from marketplace  )to get event items when you need it, rather than waiting a whole week to collect each item. yea people could get more in past like 1 vial a week on each char and if u have ten thats 10 vial but keep in mind that they made it so you need less vial to upgrade soul so in return they will limit you cause if am purple soul i could do like 3-4 upgrades in 1 week from 12 chars .. then 2 upgrades in a week and so forth. what i would wanna see is some mat bundles implemented in event tab or change it up a bit event tab is a lil depressing with lame standard stuff after seeing the first 4 items everything else is copy paste...down the line its standard stuff but am tired of it ....add different outfits to the outfit bundle they have in event tab, its a great addition but by now people pick and choose what they want from that a long time ago .


add more weapon skins 

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This year and last year there were events which gave you awakened soul and pet basically for free, no need to use mastercard for bundles :D Idk if you slept them out or just didnt notice. The removal of oils needed for upgrading cosmic soul was a good idea, so you can pretty much upgrade to awakened or true cosmic just by farming dungeons (like 1 stage per few days depending on your farming habits). They didnt nerf anything except the gold gains which is not a big deal since you can get gold by other methods (why is everyone neglecting the crafting system? you can earn a lot of gold from it).

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NCWest doesn't play their own game so they have no idea what they're doing. At this point even True Cosmic Soul and True Hongmoon Heart should be given away for free via events considering how outdated they are. The last decent event was when they gave away the Awakened Hongmoon Soul for free almost a year ago. Every single event ever since has been utterly garbage, with double event currency that nobody wants and ugly af costumes.

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