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Out of nowhere, BNS is running at 30fps, previously 90fps


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This happened out of the blue. The system was running great before. The game would get 80-90fps and then out of the blue, one morning logged in and it was running 20-30 fps. After that I did a clean install update for nvidia drivers and still nothing. I have changed priority of the game, set affinity to two, four, and six cores in phases, uninstalled bluetooth, reinstalled the game, reinstalled drivers again, and run it on 32 bit. None of this seems to help. CPU and GPU usage is bottlenecked somewhere. GPU is sitting between 30-40% and CPU on the major core is sitting at 30-50% while the others seemed to be parked or doing little. The game just isn't utilizing the hardware for somewhere and I'm stuck trying to figure out what I can do. Like I said, two days ago the game was running smooth as ever. This issue started yesterday. Specs following:


GTX 980


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9 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

Did you make sure to selelct your nvidia GPU in the nvidia control panel under PhysX processor and also make sure in the global settings  if you have no seperate profile for bns, to choose maximum performance in power management mode?

Nothing had been changed prior to the driver patch. Settings were previously unchanged prior to this issue. It's game breaking for me. And yes, I've already done that as part of some video I watched. 

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4 minutes ago, kiritoキリト said:

Nothing had been changed prior to the driver patch. Settings were previously unchanged prior to this issue. It's game breaking for me. And yes, I've already done that as part of some video I watched. 

Those ar ethe basics and they like to reset when you reinstall the driver. the next thing in line would be disable bluetooth (but you already said you uninstalled it, are you sure windows didnt magically install it again? xD) and disable FTH on Windows. Have you also tried to unpark your CPU?

Edited by Grimoir
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4 minutes ago, kiritoキリト said:

Unparking CPU is the next step but the game doesn't run on multi threaded I thought. Mostly single threaded on MMOs. 

I never really set any affinity for bns, since i didnt see any difference in performance.

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check and see if FTH (fault tolerant heap) was re enabled. The new widows update turned it back on for me and I had to go in and disable it again to get my normal fps.

Also, if you're using windows10 and don't have cortana disabled, some people have noticed cortana using 30% of the cpu and up to as much as 90% after the latest windows update.

Edited by CookiesNmilk
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6 hours ago, Grimoir said:

Those ar ethe basics and they like to reset when you reinstall the driver. the next thing in line would be disable bluetooth (but you already said you uninstalled it, are you sure windows didnt magically install it again? xD) and disable FTH on Windows. Have you also tried to unpark your CPU?

intel cpus past 4th gen don't park cores on w8/8.1/10.

Also, are you insinuating that an on board gpu can squeeze 30 fps in this game? :D

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The latest Windows 10 update from last friday has a bug that can cause a high cpu load by Cortana. If you use Win10 1903 check taskmanager whether or not Cortana slows down your system and uninstall the update. If Cortana is fine check your nVidia drivers. If 436.15 is installed remove it and try the previous version. Too many updates are broken lately.

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After trying almost every reddit/youtube video/messages on forums to correct the FPS issue. The ONLY thing that made any difference was the following.


** Solution:  Turned off Hyperthreading (I'm using an Intel MB) ** (mind you this worked for me)


Soon as we turned off HT, she  went from having 20-35 ish FPS at best to now getting over 100+ all the time.

Her settings in game are back up between 3-5 on all Advanced Settings and she has names/map/quest  all being displayed and never once dipped below 100 fps.

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