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3rd specs in pvp


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They want you to alty up to spend more money :).  3rd spec on kfm or bm makes the pvpers swap so the can be the best and tell you to git good son. There's already a few classes without third spec that people play because it's easy to pvp with. Swapping toons and gear has made this so easy to do. Somethings broke just move your stuff to it and go do what you've seen done to you (there is a few exclusions like badges that ncsoft worked into it). 1v1 and battlegrounds is where most of this bullcraps shows. Sin, FM, SF, KFM , Destroyer, and last but not least the new 3rd spec BM. They don't balance at the same time for a reason. They do try once in a while but they don't think their skills through . Hence why there are so many new complaints on the revised classes. Instead they have allowed this.There is a way swap within your own account ( Sealing charms). They don't want to take care of that issue. Get rid of toon voucher and remove gear swapping and make it character bound. Make them have to spend way more time and money to move to broken.  Bring insta wipe mechanics back to all dungeons on normal so you can't just have our friends dps you through it and fly you through achievements. ( reduce dps greatly during mech stages) They tried this once though and everyone complained because of how the players treat one another. Your trash because you don't know this type complaint lol. Not really the games fault lol more like the peoples fault pve/pvp wise. They know when something is broken so the use it :)/

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