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Why do Social clans have 100 slots and Competitive clans 80?


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Hello everyone !

I bet this question or a similair question has been asked before, but I just wanna ask it again.

In an attempt to increase the member limit of competitive clans.


NCsoft, social clans aren't the place people make friends, its just for alts mainly.

Possibly there is like 1 social clan that was a succes story, but I haven't heard of it.

What I'm saying is, people wanna join competitive clans, since they are actually clans (with discord and management)

So it boggles my mind why competitive clans have a lower member limit than social clans.

Unlesssss, a lower limit on members increases the amount of competitive clans? I guess that could be true, but is that really the reason?


Its annoying to be forced to make two clans when you reached the member limit, its inconvenient in many ways.



Increase member limit of competitive clans, send the request to Korea and I shall love you


Thanks for reading


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