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Pay2win event round 2, time for another break


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Conversation is getting pretty salty just talking about a REGULAR clear, not even a speed clear for title/exclusive cosmetics.


If the fancy stuff was just the top 10 (for each class? seems rough mixing all the classes together for a ranking, with their wildly different styles), maybe more people would just give up and there not be as many complaints about the high damage output floor.


Lets all hold back a bit on the overall opinion until we get the list of items, speed clear achievement time, confirmed enrage timer(3 minutes/6minutes), event currency sources (dual currency? daily quests/login/dungeons or Mujin only), and what role lesser geared/newer players can play.


Hopefully that article shows up speedily.

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11 hours ago, Noobis said:

beat this event for a purple title you aint going to wear anyways. Grats! thanks for proving my point that you would rather cry on the forums than go farm to upgrade

Maybe you should learn to read cause your posts sound beyond idiotic and illogical, even worse than Grimoir's.


Purple title? Where the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ did I mention "whole point of beating event is to get purple title" in any of my posts? Either you're new to the game that you didn't know how the last event worked or you have short term memory. Here's a recap: you get exclusive costumes and useful mats if you beat the last tier of the event, aka whale-only tier. You think maxed out whales need GC steels or TT soul shields 1-3? No one gives a piece of ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ for some title.


Proving your point? About what? I like how you just completely ignore my statement about it's impossible to farm up to max gear unless you've played for a long time. You think any player can just farm 24/7 and get to GC9/max soul in a short period of time? Saying that is "proving your point"? LOL. No, it's proving MY point.


Classic example of brainless white knighting.

Edited by PetPuggi
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On 7/11/2019 at 11:21 PM, Grimoir said:

Hmm...funny...last i remember for Hae Mujin you actually need around 1,7m dps not 2m+...

Hmm...funny...the post above you states 2 mil as he moves around lowering your dps....hmm....someone doesn't read full sentences.

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2 hours ago, Cynergy said:

Hmm...funny...the post above you states 2 mil as he moves around lowering your dps....hmm....someone doesn't read full sentences.

and moving around is an issue? I mean...bosses in dungeons also move around, just because turtle didnt move as much doesnt mean this one shouldnt either. Just means that regardless of the DPS needed, people will actually need to learn rotations and not just blind spam.

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If more of these are implemented in the future, I'd like to see them with much longer enrages, but mechanics that make it harder(but not impossible) and harder to stay in the fight, like Taikhan's black water debuff in shattered masts, or to a lesser extent CoS and DoA last boss bleed stacks (they wear off, wouldn't quite accomplish my goal).

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We had so far ONE event, ONE where ppl actually needed high gear to kill the last stage (which you didn't even need to get Oils and stuff) and all hell breaks lose.

Lemme get some things straight: 

So far EVERY event is for lower/mid geared players, take the current one for example. You can do that with any char straight out the story, fresh lvl 60 (or is it even 55?) and it has been like that for almost each event that you can basically make a bazillion alts and just participate (if you have the time for that is your problem tho). Then we get ONE event with ONE stage for ONE cosmetic that is more or less gated for high gear players and everyone is butthurt. 

I do understand that the steels and stuff for example should've been for the lower stages, bc the ppl who were able to clear stg. 4 obviously didn't need them, I totally agree with you on this one. And also gating a cosmetic behind sth that not everyone can obtain, ok, not the smartest move by NC, can agree on that too.

But let's put it this way:
I for example belong to the better geared ppl and yes, part of that comes from trove, but the majority from farming (I'm doing the current event for example on 8 Chars and yes, I do have a Job, I do have a family and I still manage to do it).
And as mentioned above so far every event was accessable for every char/player regardless of gear and in my opinion it was a nice change that PART OF THE EVENT (not even the whole event as such) was a challange for the gear I had, not just plain go in with x char and be brain afk.
So I don't see an issue in the concept of this. But what do you suggest as an approproate reward for someone like me who puts a shitload of effort into farming for hours etc pp to upgrade gear and be able to do that part of the event (and no, I'm not sorry that I can afford farming this much timewise while other ppl can't, that's the nature of an MMO: You can farm a lot - you get a lot)?

Additional Oils? Then everyone cries that the "whales" get even bigger.
Better gems? Same issue.
If it's specific mats or items, ppl will complain that the better geared ppl get even more out of it.
If it's cosmetics, ppl will cry as well as you can see from the last event.

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vor 48 Minuten schrieb Luca094:

Then we get ONE event with ONE stage for ONE cosmetic that is more or less gated for high gear players and everyone is butthurt.

I have 1853AP and i am pretty sure i will be able to do the event this time aswell but i cant agree with you.

I dont mind that you cant do it with every trash alt i actully like this but if you can manage 800K - 1 Million DPS you should be able to do the Event !

The cost to get to this DPS is still above 20K probably if you calculate non tradable mats like the tradable. If you only count tradable stuff the cost is still several thousand gold. There are not alot of players who would invest this much into an alt and AVG DPS in EU is probably that for mains.

Edited by ImoutoMaster
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I don't rly get your point tbh.

The turtle event had several parts of which ONE was said DPS parse/high DPS requirement. And this part was never meant to be for alts so idk why you bring that up. This specific part was meant for those who have the gear to be able to complete it (so obviously for Mains) as a challenge and I explained my PoV to this regard in the post before.

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vor 23 Minuten schrieb Luca094:

I don't rly get your point tbh.

The turtle event had several parts of which ONE was said DPS parse/high DPS requirement. And this part was never meant to be for alts so idk why you bring that up. This specific part was meant for those who have the gear to be able to complete it (so obviously for Mains) as a challenge and I explained my PoV to this regard in the post before.

Its just i think everyone should be able to take part in Events not just a specific playerbase. Most players still cant hold 1.4 Million not everyone can farm 24/7 MSP so there are still alot of players with Aransu 9. And AVG Damage is by far not 1.3 Million. People here complain cause this event is only for the top 10% while most stuff you will get from event is probably worthless to thoose expect for cosmetics maybe.


The Logui event gave GC steel and Feathers which thoose who could beat it had no use for but you could only get it with the last longui. What did they intent ? its like they tell low gear players "here you have to farm this" but they dont give them the ability to do so.


I agree with you its ok to have an event for mains only but most mains cant hold enough DPS to take part thats why i want them to nerve it to EU Standarts or give our time exclusive ET Badge or whatever so thoose mains with like 800K can kill the Boss.

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Everyone was able to participate in the event. 

Longui had 4 stages. The DPS restriction only applied to the 4th stage, the other 3 were totally doable for everyone and from those you got the tokens for petpacks, oils etc pp, so everything you also get from every other event.
Aside of that the event also included 2 dungeons if I remember correctly and don't mess things up, it was the Tomb of Exiles one which had a NM and a HM, which was also accessable for everyone.
So ONLY the 4th stage of longui was the part which only a specific playerbase could clear. Saying "only a minority of the playerbase was able to participate in the entire event due to gear" is more than exaggerated.

For the materials I already agreed that it was pointless to make it more or less only accessable for those who have no use for it which I already mentioned in my 1st post if you read it carefully.
That's why I'm asking: What would you suggest as an appropriate reward to make everyone happy?

vor 2 Stunden schrieb Luca094:

I don't see an issue in the concept of this. But what do you suggest as an approproate reward for someone like me who puts a shitload of effort into farming for hours etc pp to upgrade gear and be able to do that part of the event (and no, I'm not sorry that I can afford farming this much timewise while other ppl can't, that's the nature of an MMO: You can farm a lot - you get a lot)?

Additional Oils? Then everyone cries that the "whales" get even bigger.
Better gems? Same issue.
If it's specific mats or items, ppl will complain that the better geared ppl get even more out of it.
If it's cosmetics, ppl will cry as well as you can see from the last event.


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Hi all,

On 13/07/2019 at 9:41 AM, Merlin DE said:

Also in KR. Hae Mujin had 630 Mio HP and 6 Min Enrage Timer what means you need at least a minimum of 1,75Mio DPS
@Baskerville said:

That would mean 630M - 20% = 504M but since he said more than 1/5th  lets calculate with 25 % what still would be 472.5M HP
BUT !!!!
He also stated that the Enrage timer would be 3 Minutes instead of 6 Min in Korea -> 472.5M / 180sec = 2.625M DPS

Just for fun lets pretend they not only cut the Enragetimer but also the HP in half (I hope they did otherwise they totaly screwed up xD)  and reduced it by 20% that would result in 252M HP

630M / 2 = 315M
315M - 20% = 252M

315M - 25% = 236.25M (since Baskerville wrote "More than 1/5")

252M / 180 Sec.  = 1.4M DPS
236.25M  / 180 Sec = ~1.32M DPS

So you would still need 1.32 -1.4 Mio constant dps without doing any mech. As you see, it doesnt even mak any big difference wether they reduced the HP by 20% or even 25 %
The majority of players are somewhere between 800k and 1M, at least from what i have observed runing random F8 parties.

I think it's time to cool down a bit. Please always ask, we are happy to answer your questions, but do not draw the wrong conclusions based on other regions' statistics. You cannot compare the South Korean version with ours. I was referring to the HP of Sacred Longgui Stage 4 in comparison to Admy Hae Mujin, which is roughly 22% lower:




As Cyan noted before, we are really looking forward to showing you what awaits you at the event on the Roots of Malice patch preview live stream later this week, so make sure to tune in.

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4 hours ago, Baskerville said:

Hi all,

I think it's time to cool down a bit. Please always ask, we are happy to answer your questions, but do not draw the wrong conclusions based on other regions' statistics. You cannot compare the South Korean version with ours. I was referring to the HP of Sacred Longgui Stage 4 in comparison to Admy Hae Mujin, which is roughly 22% lower:




As Cyan noted before, we are really looking forward to showing you what awaits you at the event on the Roots of Malice patch preview live stream later this week, so make sure to tune in.

Well, the thing ist that of course we make conclusions based on your statements and the korean version. Because I don't see how I, or anyone else, could have understood that you were refering to Longgui Stage 4.

On 12.7.2019 at 4:52 PM, Baskerville said:

Hi all,

We can't go into exact numbers but the event difficulty was nerfed due to your feedback. While the enrage timer still sits at 3 minutes, the overall HP of the last boss was reduced by more than 1/5 and thus you will require less DPS to finish good ol' Hae Mujin. Given those changes and the fact that most players should at least be slightly better geared than in Legends Reborn, we expect a smoother experience overall. Please keep in mind that we are currently still testing some aspects of the Roots of Malice patch and until all testing has been concluded, changes are not final, so take this with a grain of salt.

But on the other hand this now sounds a whole lot better. So roughly about 1 mio dps for last boss which will mean that way more players will be able to clear it. I'd say good change! Though still not everyone will be able to participate but a step in the right direction I think.


@Luca094 I think that everyone should be able to participate in an event. Events are temporary modes that ought to be fun to play. They can only be played for a short period of time and also give special items that expire after the event is over and cosmetics. I don't think the challenge for high geared players should be in the events. If a high geared player wants a challenge there are battleground ladders, hard modes and also challenge modes. Even "special" modes for raids are possible, like the only class x runs.

As with the steels and such I agree with you.

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vor 51 Minuten schrieb Shekinah:


 I think that everyone should be able to participate in an event. 


As I already said like 3 times before:


vor 7 Stunden schrieb Luca094:

Everyone was able to participate in the event. 

Longui had 4 stages. The DPS restriction only applied to the 4th stage, the other 3 were totally doable for everyone and from those you got the tokens for petpacks, oils etc pp, so everything you also get from every other event.
Aside of that the event also included 2 dungeons if I remember correctly and don't mess things up, it was the Tomb of Exiles one which had a NM and a HM, which was also accessable for everyone.
So ONLY the 4th stage of longui was the part which only a specific playerbase could clear. Saying "only a minority of the playerbase was able to participate in the entire event due to gear" is more than exaggerated.


And no, I disagree that challanges shouldn't be in events. Why should they not be?
We had this kind of event ONCE so far. ONCE. That means ALL the events before and after that were completely accessable for EVERY little player, with every trash geared alt. Always.
This event happened once so far. And now a second time. 
Meaning out of lets say 30 Events (just a random number to make my point) there was ONE event that was <<PARTIALLY>> gearlocked. Now follows a second one, making it 2/31. 
I would halfway understand this crying if every event constantly had super nice outfits and/or items that were exclusively obtainable for only 10% of the playerbase but this? 
Even in the longui event, ppl were still able to do 2/3rd of it, still getting oils, still getting the stuff you mostly get out of each other event as well, you didnt lose anything, it was simply a friggin cosmetic everyone is losing their sh*t about. In ONE event out of a trillion.
And I BET on top of that those ugly wings will be obtainable sooner or later with another way, just like almost every cosmetic is obtainable through other ways later on.
But yea lets all behave like you got a 5k AP gem that was exclusively for whales while the rest of the com got 2 copper.

Maybe BnS' spoiled com should do some "events" in for example Aion, where your entries are restricted, the rewards are COMPLETELY rng and for some you need to pay to participate in, completely (yes, trove also requires you to cash, but u get 1 free key each day, if you have prem. some more keys occasionally and you can buy the keys with gold from other players/via currency exchange which doesnt exist in Aion, but keep crying).

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56 minutes ago, Shekinah said:

But on the other hand this now sounds a whole lot better. So roughly about 1 mio dps for last boss which will mean that way more players will be able to clear it. I'd say good change! Though still not everyone will be able to participate but a step in the right direction I think

Yes but something tells me for the speed kill achievement and title you will need more than 2m dps still... lets just wait and see on stream.

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On 7/12/2019 at 7:01 AM, PetPuggi said:

Unless NCW decides to actually properly modify the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ enrage timer to NA/EU gear levels this time, which I very very very highly doubt, the upcoming "hae mujin" event is just going to be a clone of the infamously bad turtle/DT boss event we had recently where it's just a blatant wallet check and nothing else, except with even HIGHER dps requirements. You're looking at AT LEAST 2mil/sec considering this boss doesn't stand there and let you whack it like a training dummy and it has over three times more HP than the turtle.


I can already feel the excitement of 99% of the player base finding another opportunity to take a break from this game for 5 weeks.


[Insert X number of "oh but it's not pay2win since you don't need to participate in this event" or "players who can't do 2mil dps don't deserve to get GC steels/wings or a cool costume as prizes" type of white-knighting comments below ↓↓↓]

SO you sed... and we would like to ask, HOW MUCH do you PAYD and WHAT exactly do you get for it, dow u blabbing that you have not spent 3 years in the game and can't do same as they do. All what you sed "my wallet empty cant buy last year progress with cash", "5 weeks I going out SPEAR ME just go away maybe in summer gonna get part-time job nearly see, and will stop be so annoying after return... And Ofcose, you forget to introduce your so precious achievements in the game which raised up entire game and server in new hights. Your 11 chars farming doesn't count, make no difference for me or someone else. And I'm sure you selling not helping all raids, maybe skipping Spyre... So who you are and what you want here?

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6 hours ago, Baskerville said:

Hi all,

I think it's time to cool down a bit. Please always ask, we are happy to answer your questions, but do not draw the wrong conclusions based on other regions' statistics. You cannot compare the South Korean version with ours. I was referring to the HP of Sacred Longgui Stage 4 in comparison to Admy Hae Mujin, which is roughly 22% lower:




As Cyan noted before, we are really looking forward to showing you what awaits you at the event on the Roots of Malice patch preview live stream later this week, so make sure to tune in.

Thank you.

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@Luca094 I consider the events a whole. Not partially. So even if it was only stage 4 of Longgui the event was bad in my opinion. Also I won't compare BnS events to Aion. Why should I? I neither play nor care about that game.

Yes it happened only once so far but that doesn't make it less bad for me. One can like or dislike something regardless whether it happens often, rarely or once.

3 hours ago, Luca094 said:

And no, I disagree that challanges shouldn't be in events. Why should they not be?

What about giving a reason yourself? The only thing I found was that you want to get rewarded because you play much more than others. I stated where I see challenges for high gear players. The rewards there are also quite good. So why do you want more rewards? Why not let everyone have the full fun from events?


I enjoy the events like viper cap or this yeti shooting range thing. So the stuff in which we don't have to burn down some HP bars like we do in dungeons. Events in which we use different mechanics or can't simply dps. The poharan event had a lot nostalgia what made it great for me. But an event that is just a dps check? That's boring for me as we pratically do this everyday in ervery dungeon.

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39 minutes ago, Shekinah said:

I enjoy the events like viper cap or this yeti shooting range thing. So the stuff in which we don't have to burn down some HP bars like we do in dungeons. Events in which we use different mechanics or can't simply dps. The poharan event had a lot nostalgia what made it great for me. But an event that is just a dps check? That's boring for me as we pratically do this everyday in ervery dungeon.

I do agree, but, i am pretty sure its not about the dps check, but the title you get from it and the exclusive cosmetics that the geared players care about. And it may be boring for you but for others it may be "fun" trying to dqueeze as much as they can from their class in a dps race.

Idk, personally i would prefer more events like Realmrift, but under the condition that htey are as "demanding and difficult" as realmrift was when it originally released, cause after it got nerfed for the crybabies, the dungeon was literally no fun at all.

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but who really cares for a title that you will never wear? Since sept 1 2018 i have wore 1 title and that is Star of the Show. even tho i got turtle title 1st try, i got speed kill titles in HM. titles are so useless. they add no value to stats like other games NCsoft runs.

the fact this post was made was because someone somewhere was so upset they couldnt clear turtle on alts and get titles.

like luca said, there has been 1 event where people who just started or have put forth zero effort to gear up because they are waiting on cost savings couldnt get a title. its not like they were locked from the event, they were just locked on title. we need more End game events, this game does not have many more dungs to come out. so why always fold towards people that could use a cost savings on a wep? why cant we get more END game gear events

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@Shekina If you consider them as a whole or only partially doesn't change the fact that not only you but basically everyone who complains about the turtle event behaves like/ claims that the event (as a whole) was only and exclusively made for high geared ppl which simply isn't the case no matter how you look at it. That you didn't like that part of the event is another story and your right, ok.
A reason? Bc it's fun to me to actually have a Dng where you have to take care of your gear, take care of your classes rotation and do everything to squeeze even the last bit of Dmg out of your char. You don't like brainless Dpsing cuz it's boring for you, ok, that's fine. For me on the other hand it's boring to have the same dungeons recycled over and over with literally no challenge at all (I mean even the Poh event which was hard on first introduction got nerfed to the ground bc ppl kept crying how hard and almost impossible it was to clear so you just went through it half afk bc there was no reason to put any effort into it - just like into any other event we had so far, as I said you can do every event with any trash geared alt).

So for someone like you, who enjoys the kind of dungeons you listed, there's 99% of the events like that. No gear requirement, doable with any char and you get everything you want (which for most ppl is oils and stuff). Then there's ONE event which ppl like me - and I assume also a lot of other ppl - actually enjoy bc it's no simple "Log on xy char, smash any button bc it doesn't matter since the Dng is ez af, log on the next char" and everyone cries, it's unfair and what not. So yea let's erase that event or nerf that to the ground so it becomes like any other event dungeon bc those 1% (not even) of the events is considered too hard/unfair by ppl bc of a cosmetic.

And no, it's not that I want special rewards for the gear I farmed just because of the fact that I farmed it. But it's simply that the majority of the events is plain boring bc of how ez they are. Then they make a more challanging Event-Part which I enjoyed more. And then yes, it only makes sense to get a bit higher rewarded for the time and effort you put into your gear and the time to Dps like a maniac, try to get your rotation executed as perfectly as you can, used bufffood etc. Be it an exclusive title, an exclusive outfit or whatever. And otherwise it wouldn't make sense to put such thing into the event in the first place if it required way more effort and time if you don't get anything out of it, noone would do it bc it's simply not worth. As I said if that's not your type of event bc you don't enjoy such things ok, but for ppl like you 99% of the events we get consist of ez mode stuff you can do with any char and any gear.

Edited by Luca094
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On 7/12/2019 at 3:57 PM, Woah64 said:

Well i can say that turtle event was poorly done....idea for high gear ppl to have chalenge was good, but not executed right!
As for this event that is on its way, i wanted to suggest some things:


1......If u want high ppl to have chalenge just add timer...like in mushin traning room,
u get 3 star if u clear it with best time, 2 star if mid time and 1 star if rly low time,

thus u get rewards depend of time u clear it...
and there u have all players high, mid and low happy

This WILL NOT WORK if the reward for 3 star is better than 2 star-1star.

Just like last year Harvest event where you need to do solo dungeon, Floor20 Mushin/CoS/Outlaw Island.

The reward for CoS players are significantly better than those only doing Floor20, and PEOPLE COMPLAINED as ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤.


Do you understand the situation?

PEOPLE WILL COMPLAIN until the end IF the event is not do-able with ANY GEAR character and FRESH from the story players because they have tons of Alts for farming oils for their free 2 play main.


Don't get me wrong, my main is also f2p and I also have weaker alts to get me oils from events. But I have enough of complaining for this kind of event as it will happen anyway

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i didn't even attempt the the longui event loooooooooooooool


once i heard it was big dps fat cake , i curved it ......


this wont be any different 


theres alot of reason why ppl cant do certain stuff and reason i avoid solo dungeons .


ping, is a big word its the difference between 1mil dps and 500 k 


class ... some class requires less gear or less effort to to complete than others 

and we all playing what we love, whats op of the year or what we started with .


good pc /fps - game optimization is bad , fps drop is a big dps lost and a big turn off,


boss rotation or mechanics while maintaining dps- if theres mechanics to a certain boss  u need probably all 3 of the above  to keep dps up or 2.


for example a warden can bubble and spam no dps loss if u a range class or a class not as tank worthy you will get some dps loss.


all i wanna know is this the only event we getting  cause so far nothing really to look forward to really 

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16 hours ago, Luca094 said:

@Shekina If you consider them as a whole or only partially doesn't change the fact that not only you but basically everyone who complains about the turtle event behaves like/ claims that the event (as a whole) was only and exclusively made for high geared ppl which simply isn't the case no matter how you look at it. That you didn't like that part of the event is another story and your right, ok.

Because I consider the events as a whole the Longgui event was for high geared players in my opinion. Not just for me but for many others as well this was the case.

16 hours ago, Luca094 said:

A reason? Bc it's fun to me to actually have a Dng where you have to take care of your gear, take care of your classes rotation and do everything to squeeze even the last bit of Dmg out of your char. You don't like brainless Dpsing cuz it's boring for you, ok, that's fine. For me on the other hand it's boring to have the same dungeons recycled over and over with literally no challenge at all (I mean even the Poh event which was hard on first introduction got nerfed to the ground bc ppl kept crying how hard and almost impossible it was to clear so you just went through it half afk bc there was no reason to put any effort into it - just like into any other event we had so far, as I said you can do every event with any trash geared alt).

So for someone like you, who enjoys the kind of dungeons you listed, there's 99% of the events like that. No gear requirement, doable with any char and you get everything you want (which for most ppl is oils and stuff). Then there's ONE event which ppl like me - and I assume also a lot of other ppl - actually enjoy bc it's no simple "Log on xy char, smash any button bc it doesn't matter since the Dng is ez af, log on the next char" and everyone cries, it's unfair and what not. So yea let's erase that event or nerf that to the ground so it becomes like any other event dungeon bc those 1% (not even) of the events is considered too hard/unfair by ppl bc of a cosmetic.

And no, it's not that I want special rewards for the gear I farmed just because of the fact that I farmed it. But it's simply that the majority of the events is plain boring bc of how ez they are. Then they make a more challanging Event-Part which I enjoyed more. And then yes, it only makes sense to get a bit higher rewarded for the time and effort you put into your gear and the time to Dps like a maniac, try to get your rotation executed as perfectly as you can, used bufffood etc. Be it an exclusive title, an exclusive outfit or whatever. And otherwise it wouldn't make sense to put such thing into the event in the first place if it required way more effort and time if you don't get anything out of it, noone would do it bc it's simply not worth. As I said if that's not your type of event bc you don't enjoy such things ok, but for ppl like you 99% of the events we get consist of ez mode stuff you can do with any char and any gear.

I agree on the poharan event. It was better the first time and during the second time I personally didn't use those soju because for me they defeated the purpose of this event dungeon. Doing the same dungeon all day long gets boring, true. That's exactly why I like the event dungeon that are different!

Cosmetic item are a huge deal for many players. They spend money on trove for that specific costume, weapon or skill skin. There are requests to put certain costume back in F10. So, if one costume comes with a "You won't get me because your dps is too low" prize tag people will be pissed, sad or furious.


For me the reward you get from a event should be limited to how much you play the event. How many alts you use or if you do every event dungeon on every single day. Not on how much gear you have.

Like I said if you want to have a reward for your gear or how much effort you put into your class there are hard modes, challenge modes, raids (now also with achievements in ET) and pvp ladders. Those also come with exclusive titles or costume. Which is all fine for me. So why do you also want those rewards in events? Why not let everyone experience the events completly? Why do you want more?


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vor 23 Minuten schrieb Shekinah:


Like I said if you want to have a reward for your gear or how much effort you put into your class there are hard modes, challenge modes, raids (now also with achievements in ET) and pvp ladders. Those also come with exclusive titles or costume. Which is all fine for me. So why do you also want those rewards in events? Why not let everyone experience the events completly? Why do you want more?


I didn't say I WANT more. And I can somewhat understand where your and other ppl's frustration comes from, at least partially, don't get me wrong.
I just think that there's nothing wrong in making an event that is partially more challanging than 99% of ALL the other events. Especially since this is happening for the 2nd time now in dozens of events we had so far and is not a constant way events are made. So in my opinion as someone who enjoyed it I don't see anything wrong with this concept. 
Then is the question about the rewards and as I said: There is no point in implementing a part of an event that requires you to invest more time and effort into it if it's not worth it bc you don't get anything out of it (that wasn't tied to me saying I have more gear so I want more, it would simply be an illogical thing to do).
That's why I asked what ppl would consider a "fair" reward for it and as I said, I doubt ppl would be satisfied if one would get more oils for this extra effort, they would generally be unhappy if you got any valuable items out of it and they're obviously also unhappy with cosmetics.

By your definition "an event is sth temporary everyone should be able to participate in", Trove can also be considered as an event which def. not everyone can take part in, weird enough I don't see any posts "Give everyone 20 free Trove keys a day bc not everyone can participate in Trove".
The Trove before the last one for example (I think ?) had this amazing Butterfly outfit. I'm not a cosmetic maniac or collector but this is one of the very few items I desperately want. Unfortunately I was so broke during that Trove that I couldn't even afford premium. Do I open an entire topic now bc in this outfit was "Trove (event) exclusive" in which I couldn't participate? No. It's just a cosmetic in a game, nothing to make a fuss about like other ppl do who go even as far as saying "If they make a second event like this, I'll quit the game". I rly want that outfit and I hope NC makes it available somehow someday with other options (which they prolly will with rng chests but still), but if not, my life goes on and I won't dedicate an entire thread to it.

Edited by Luca094
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