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Stealthy droprate nerfes

Merlin DE

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So you think you havent already lost enough player of the already low playerbase?
You thing it might be a good idea to stealthy nerv droprates?

Dont know what im talking about?
Just an example:
Befor the maintenance on Jul. 05 i got about 5-7 alpha coin fragments at Boss 1 in DEN

The droprate was massivly nerfed during this maintenance cause now i get 2-3 fragments in 10 runs at best since the maintenance, and thats not just an unlucky day. Ill do this dungeon on regular daily base (about 5-10 runs per day) 
But yeah it realy make sense cause you can get Alpha Coins from Trove, so why not nerf the droprate so people are more likely to cash?

Do you realy think no one will notice? But carry on screewing the playerbase, good game...

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