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Adding event quest to daily challenges


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Considering NCWest seems want to abuse the new 3-4-5-quest daily challenge reward system for future events. If anything, it helps alt players a lot, which are pretty much the most active and gear-relevant players (on their main, at least) in this game.


Also, it will help to be a good reminder for players to remotely get their quest inside dungeons, in case they forget to accept it before going inside.

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sounds good but i have to say i dont like the idea, simply because events are events, and thats what they should be, they should be completely seperate from daily challenges.

Also if someone cant "remember" that there is currently an event going and cant see the letter popup on his screen, thats not a game issue, thats a player simply being brainded and not paying attention like he should.


A game should not change because players cant pay attention to their own things, its absurd.

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If I remember correctly, they have added the event daily quest to the daily challenge in the past, around the time when msp was the latest content, personally I wouldnt mind seeing it added back to daily challenge now that they are trying this new system

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3 hours ago, Astarae said:

Have you ever thought that the real absurdity is you dictating what others "should" be doing?

I am merely voicing an opinion. think about it: 

Daily challenges are supposed to be challenges you complete by playing the normal game content. events are events. Lately players want everything instant so they have to do less and less in the game, and that is not how it should be. 

Might aswel add a auto-complete coin for daily challenges for 1k ncoin for those who claim tehyy don't have time or for whom "real life" prevents from playing the game.

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1 hour ago, Cosmic Moon said:

If I remember correctly, they have added the event daily quest to the daily challenge in the past, around the time when msp was the latest content, personally I wouldnt mind seeing it added back to daily challenge now that they are trying this new system

When Koldrak was part of an event it was added to the daily challenge as well

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4 hours ago, Grimoir said:

I am merely voicing an opinion. think about it: 

Not really, you talk about how games "Should" be which doesn't sound like your opinion of what you would want, but what you think is right for 'games' -- you're not even saying why you want it the way you want it -- you just say "I don't like the idea simply because events are events and that's [the way] they should be."  I.e. games should be the way you say because you don't like anything different.

11 hours ago, Grimoir said:

sounds good but i have to say i dont like the idea, simply because events are events, and thats what they should be, they should be completely seperate from daily challenges.

Also if someone cant "remember" that there is currently an event going and cant see the letter popup on his screen, thats not a game issue, thats a player simply being brainded and not paying attention like he should.

Then (above) you say anyone who doesn't remember everything like you do, it's because they are brainded and because they aren't paying attention like 'he'[sic] should.  I've already told you more than once, other people's brains may not work the way yours does.  That doesn't mean you get to call all of the brainded.  People who don't pay attention like you want them to likely have some for of ADHD -- a medical condition with genetic and environmental causes.  


You may not like it but the rest of the world has sided with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscar_Pistorius -- a double amputee who was allowed to participate in the Olympic games with an assistive device.  Just because people aren't equal to you, doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to win with assistance and get their outfit that might otherwise not be available to  them. 

11 hours ago, Grimoir said:

A game should not change because players cant pay attention to their own things, its absurd.

The game won't have to change for you.  Only those who need extra reminders or ways to compensate would see a change.  You can still play the game at the difficulty level you are wanting.


I don't know that lack of time is a protected handicap, but certainly being reminded of something isn't a big deal.  Tons of geniuses like Edison et al, couldn't memorize details -- instead they said that you shouldn't have to memorize something that they could look up in a book or ask someone else about.

Einstein couldn't make it through school due to attention problems.  So are you going to be the one blocking them?

4 hours ago, Grimoir said:

Daily challenges are supposed to be challenges you complete by playing the normal game content. events are events. Lately players want everything instant so they have to do less and less in the game, and that is not how it should be. 

But suppose you can't do the normal content?  Suppose you can't find a group to do  the event you need to get the dress you want, or if you do, suppose you can't handle the mechs?  Challenges in a good game are tailed to the individual.  Pro's get stronger challenges.  Think of Pro Golf -- the pros don't complain about others getting a handicap, but that's common.  Not everyone can do the same challenge.

4 hours ago, Grimoir said:

Might aswel add a auto-complete coin for daily challenges for 1k ncoin for those who claim tehyy don't have time or for whom "real life" prevents from playing the game.



Hey, what a great idea!.  Ok, let's go with Grim's idea.... :smirk:... (not!)


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4 hours ago, Astarae said:

But suppose you can't do the normal content?  Suppose you can't find a group to do  the event you need to get the dress you want, or if you do, suppose you can't handle the mechs?  Challenges in a good game are tailed to the individual.  Pro's get stronger challenges.  Think of Pro Golf -- the pros don't complain about others getting a handicap, but that's common.  Not everyone can do the same challenge.

If people cant handle the mechs they shouldnt be playing it in the first place....the game got completely dumbed down already to a point where things barely make any fun, all because instead of learning people rather shout for nerfs.


4 hours ago, Astarae said:

I don't know that lack of time is a protected handicap, but certainly being reminded of something isn't a big deal. 

But you are being reminded, by a popup of a quest letter every day after reset on your screen....

4 hours ago, Astarae said:

Then (above) you say anyone who doesn't remember everything like you do, it's because they are brainded and because they aren't paying attention like 'he'[sic] should.  I've already told you more than once, other people's brains may not work the way yours does.  That doesn't mean you get to call all of the brainded.  People who don't pay attention like you want them to likely have some for of ADHD -- a medical condition with genetic and environmental causes.  


You may not like it but the rest of the world has sided with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscar_Pistorius -- a double amputee who was allowed to participate in the Olympic games with an assistive device.  Just because people aren't equal to you, doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to win with assistance and get their outfit that might otherwise not be available to  them. 

You seem to mix up 2 things.....a physical disability is not the same as someone simply not paying attention KNOWING there is a event going on., and having a quest letter showing every day. its not rocket science to pay attention.


4 hours ago, Astarae said:

Not really, you talk about how games "Should" be which doesn't sound like your opinion of what you would want, but what you think is right for 'games' -- you're not even saying why you want it the way you want it -- you just say "I don't like the idea simply because events are events and that's [the way] they should be."  I.e. games should be the way you say because you don't like anything different.

No, i am saying events are events, aka something special, something not part of a standard gameplay which daily challenges are. you need to read and understand better.

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3 hours ago, Grimoir said:

If people cant handle the mechs they shouldnt be playing it in the first place....the game got completely dumbed down already to a point where things barely make any fun, all because instead of learning people rather shout for nerfs.

They game has alot more to offer than mechs.  Mechs are one aspect.  In another series of games, there was occasionally a need to break into a locked container or room.  Rather than try to simulate you actually having to break into a safe, they substituted some little game that challenged you via timing and coordination.  It had nothing to do with the game and was annoying, but I found out if I used a drawing pad for one of the games, it made it a piece of cake.

3 hours ago, Grimoir said:

But you are being reminded, by a popup of a quest letter every day after reset on your screen....

I have several popups on my screen, most of which are annoying and get in the way, so I usually try to dismiss them as quickly as possible.  It's especially annoying if I come into a battle and a game pops up at the same time, that won't go away by pressing ESC, but instead does the microsoft thing of asking if you are sure, of course if you just want it to go away, and ESC is set to close 1 window at a time, you keep pressing ESC, but in that UI, ESC means cancel.  Similarly is where you make mods to something that won't save if battle starts:   It **seems** that neither yes nor no works, but you have to press a third option, 'confirm' to really exit without saving.  So all normal methods are broken, trapping you in the menu where you can't respond to the attack.  Then you remember it some other key to get out, and press that key -- if the attacker was your level or higher, you might be dead before you over came your panic and were able to exit.  It's designed to mess with you.  So finally you get all those popups closed, and there isn't anything on your screen related to a quest letter, so what are you talking about again?  :playdumb:

3 hours ago, Grimoir said:

You seem to mix up 2 things.....a physical disability is not the same as someone simply not paying attention KNOWING there is a event going on., and having a quest letter showing every day. its not rocket science to pay attention.

You know nothing of what a disability is.  Whether or not it is physical, is irrelevant.  It prevents you from being able to do what normal people do.  The law doesn't differentiate between those who discriminate based on physical vs. mental disability.  In fact for some areas disability isn't required at all.  Differing levels of *access*, caused by race, creed, color, religion, medical issue, age and sex have all been successfully used to push cases involving different types of access and different types of discrimination.  The meaning of discrimination has been expanded over the past century and applied to more areas.  There is little to support some "narrow" interpretation.  Whether or not those laws might apply to an online game isn't even the whole issue, but how it affects the perception of the company in the public eye.

3 hours ago, Grimoir said:

No, i am saying events are events, aka something special, something not part of a standard gameplay which daily challenges are. you need to read and understand better.

I understand that some people have unreasonable advantages and some have unreasonable disadvantages and many are in between.  I also understand that it isn't a black+white issue.  The person who was able to compete in non-handicapped events with his augmented body -- should he then be able to turn around and compete in handicapped events as well?  I wouldn't want to be someone deciding that case.

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4 hours ago, Astarae said:

They game has alot more to offer than mechs.  Mechs are one aspect.  In another series of games, there was occasionally a need to break into a locked container or room.  Rather than try to simulate you actually having to break into a safe, they substituted some little game that challenged you via timing and coordination.  It had nothing to do with the game and was annoying, but I found out if I used a drawing pad for one of the games, it made it a piece of cake.

Didn't bother to check out as to why mechanics was added to this topic and by no means do I want a long winded reply. What @Grimoir said was pretty right on the money. If players do not want to take time out of their busy schedules to learn mechanics in order to get said gear / item / event currency...whatever the case is then they shouldn't get the gear.

Since you like bringing in real life examples here is one. Bob for the sake of argument has no skills, no training but wants $20 a hour at this job, David however comes with skills and training and lands the job and makes $25 a hour. Should Bob of gotten the job over someone who put in the effort? Nope.

As for the events in the daily challenge rotation. While it might help players who are limited on time complete not only their daily challenge but also the event itself, it shouldn't count towards it in my opinion. For the most part the events aren't much effort aside from examples like one might bring up the Ring of Reckoning Stage 4. One can always argue that if you had the gear even that wouldn't of equaled much of a challenge. So why add it to daily challenge when really it should be apart from the normal routine as most events in other games are?

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