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Returning Player looking for a clan and some friends :(


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Hello all! Title says it basically. I've recently came back to Blade&Soul and haven't played ever since warlock came out. Pretty much a newbie since I've been reading that our old gear is pretty much useless now. Not that it matters now since I've made a brand new character. Anyway, I'm currently looking for friends and a clan to join. My timezone is close to PST so anyone in the PST zone would be great. But, I am open to anyone and everyone :D Just need a few friends and a clan to help me get up to speed and grow bonds with each other <3 Hope to see you all in game. My ign is Naesori.

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On 5/24/2019 at 1:01 PM, LaethynFall said:

Hey, if you have Discord, join my server, and I'll get you added to my clan. Noob-friendly. Lol


Sure thing. DM when you have the chance to see this. I'll send my discord info.

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